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How do we add extra information to a tree? This has been called [The
AST Typing
After being hit with this problem in Roy's new type-inference engine,
I tried figuring out how to represent the algorithm. I eventually
realised that it looked like a comonadic operation. Turns out it's
been done before but I couldn't find any complete example.
Below is some literate Haskell to show how to use the Cofree Comonad

Monads and delimited control are very closely related, so it isn’t too hard to understand them in terms of one another. From a monadic point of view, the big idea is that if you have the computation m >>= f, then f is m’s continuation. It’s the function that is called with m’s result to continue execution after m returns.

If you have a long chain of binds, the continuation is just the composition of all of them. So, for example, if you have

m >>= f >>= g >>= h

then the continuation of m is f >=> g >=> h. Likewise, the continuation of m >>= f is g >=> h.

#define NULL 0
struct pair {
int first;
struct pair* rest;
void display(struct pair* ls) {
if (ls == NULL) {