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def gcd(a, b):
while b != 0:
(a, b) = (b, a % b)
return a
class Q(object):
def __init__(self, p, q=1):
<?hh // strict
use namespace \HH\Lib\{C, Regex, Str, Vec, Math};
"(3 + 4) - sin(3.14 / 2) * 3 * 2"
<exp> ::=
<product> "+" <exp>
| <product> "-" <exp>
| <product>
// Multinomial formula
def multi(ks: Vector[Int]): Double = {
(1 to ks.sum)
.map(_ / ks.size.toDouble)
.zip(ks.flatMap(1 to _))
.map({ case (n, d) => n / d }).product
// Expected number of cereal boxes you have to buy if you want to collect at least `m` of each of `n` surprise mystery toys
def e(n: Int, m: Int, M: Int = 20, v: Vector[Int] = Vector.empty): Double = {
def basketball(unseenShots: Int) = {
def prob(outcomes: List[Boolean]) = 1.0 * outcomes.count(m => m) / outcomes.size
val outcomes = always(List(true, false)).markov(unseenShots+1)(outcomes => tf(prob(outcomes)).map(b => b::outcomes)).given(_.head)
val lastShot = for {
outcome <- outcomes
shot <- tf(prob(outcome))
} yield shot => a)
from itertools import permutations
import pprint
class Strategy:
def cards(self, cs):
return False
def filter(self, p):
return True
class JavaEmbeddedRecord<UserId extends Long> {
public UserId getId() {
return (UserId)(new Long(5));
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
abstract class Impl(val name: String) {
val N = 20000
val R = 100
def setup(n: Int): Unit = ()
def run(n: Int): Unit
jliszka / Examples.scala
Last active December 31, 2015 17:09
Code for "Bayesian models and causality"
$ git clone
$ cd probability-monad
$ ./sbt console
scala> :load Examples.scala
import probability_monad._
import probability_monad.Distribution._
import Data.List
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.Map as Map
nats = [1..]
divides a b = b `mod` a == 0
sieve (n:t) m = case Map.lookup n m of
Nothing -> n : sieve t (Map.insert (n*n) [n] m)
Just ps -> sieve t (foldl reinsert (Map.delete n m) ps)
import Data.List
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.Map as Map
nats = [1..]
divides a b = b `mod` a == 0
sieve (n:t) m = case Map.lookup n m of
Nothing -> n : sieve t (Map.insert (n*n) [n] m)
Just ps -> sieve t (foldl reinsert (Map.delete n m) ps)