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Last active December 31, 2015 17:09
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Code for "Bayesian models and causality"
$ git clone
$ cd probability-monad
$ ./sbt console
scala> :load Examples.scala
import probability_monad._
import probability_monad.Distribution._
val rushHour: Distribution[Boolean] = tf(0.2)
val badWeather: Distribution[Boolean] = tf(0.05)
def accident(badWeather: Boolean): Distribution[Boolean] = {
badWeather match {
case true => tf(0.3)
case false => tf(0.1)
def sirens(accident: Boolean): Distribution[Boolean] = {
accident match {
case true => tf(0.9)
case false => tf(0.2)
def trafficJam(rushHour: Boolean,
badWeather: Boolean,
accident: Boolean): Distribution[Boolean] = {
(rushHour, badWeather, accident) match {
case (true, true, _) => tf(0.95)
case (true, _, true) => tf(0.95)
case (_, true, true) => tf(0.95)
case (true, false, false) => tf(0.5)
case (false, true, false) => tf(0.3)
case (false, false, true) => tf(0.6)
case (false, false, false) => tf(0.1)
case class Traffic(
rushHour: Boolean,
badWeather: Boolean,
accident: Boolean,
sirens: Boolean,
trafficJam: Boolean)
val traffic: Distribution[Traffic] = for {
r <- rushHour
w <- badWeather
a <- accident(w)
s <- sirens(a)
t <- trafficJam(r, w, a)
} yield Traffic(r, w, a, s, t)
sealed trait BloodGene
case object A_ extends BloodGene
case object B_ extends BloodGene
case object O_ extends BloodGene
sealed trait BloodType
case object A extends BloodType
case object B extends BloodType
case object AB extends BloodType
case object O extends BloodType
def typeFromGene(g: (BloodGene, BloodGene)): Distribution[BloodType] = {
g match {
case (A_, B_) => always(AB)
case (B_, A_) => always(AB)
case (A_, _) => always(A)
case (_, A_) => always(A)
case (B_, _) => always(B)
case (_, B_) => always(B)
case (O_, O_) => always(O)
def childFromParents(p1: (BloodGene, BloodGene),
p2: (BloodGene, BloodGene)): Distribution[(BloodGene, BloodGene)] = {
val (p1a, p1b) = p1
val (p2a, p2b) = p2
discreteUniform(for {
p1 <- List(p1a, p1b)
p2 <- List(p2a, p2b)
} yield (p1, p2))
val bloodPrior: Distribution[(BloodGene, BloodGene)] = {
val geneFrequencies = discrete(A_ -> 0.26, B_ -> 0.08, O_ -> 0.66)
for {
g1 <- geneFrequencies
g2 <- geneFrequencies
} yield (g1, g2)
case class BloodTrial(lisa: BloodType, homer: BloodType, marge: BloodType,
selma: BloodType, jackie: BloodType, harry: BloodType)
val bloodType: Distribution[BloodTrial] = for {
gHomer <- bloodPrior
gHarry <- bloodPrior
gJackie <- bloodPrior
gSelma <- childFromParents(gHarry, gJackie)
gMarge <- childFromParents(gHarry, gJackie)
gLisa <- childFromParents(gHomer, gMarge)
bLisa <- typeFromGene(gLisa)
bHomer <- typeFromGene(gHomer)
bMarge <- typeFromGene(gMarge)
bSelma <- typeFromGene(gSelma)
bJackie <- typeFromGene(gJackie)
bHarry <- typeFromGene(gHarry)
} yield BloodTrial(bLisa, bHomer, bMarge, bSelma, bJackie, bHarry)
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