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Forked from leevigraham/gist:922bcd86ebd30dd861d0
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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  • Save jnowland/6756540c1bda46d4d51e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jnowland/6756540c1bda46d4d51e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Ask for the administrator password upfront
sudo -v
# mkdir -p ~/Sites/Work/Clients
# mkdir -p ~/Sites/Work/Internal
# mkdir -p ~/Sites/Personal
# mkdir -p ~/Downloads/Torrents
mkdir -p /Volumes/Sites/Work/Clients
mkdir -p /Volumes/Sites/Work/Internal
mkdir -p /Volumes/Sites/Personal
mkdir -p /Volumes/Downloads/Torrents
xcode-select --install
[[ -f ~/.ssh/ ]] || ssh-keygen -t rsa
[[ -f ~/.ssh/ ]] && cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy
ssh -T
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew tap homebrew/php
brew tap caskroom/versions
# Ruby
sudo -v
brew install rbenv
brew install rbenv-gem-rehash
brew install ruby-build
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
rbenv install 2.1.3
rbenv global 2.1.3
which ruby
gem update --system
gem install bundler capistrano scss-lint
# In order to use this build of bash as your login shell, it must be added to /etc/shells.
sudo -v
brew install vim --override-system-vi
brew install bash
brew install bash-completion
brew install git
brew install mysql
brew install hub --HEAD
brew install node
brew install wget
brew install grep
brew install editorconfig
brew install selenium-server-standalone
brew install imagemagick --with-webp
brew install optipng
brew install graphviz
brew install ant
brew install dockutil
brew install grc
[ ! -d ~/Library/LaunchAgents ] && mkdir -v ~/Library/LaunchAgents
[ -f $(brew --prefix mysql)/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist ] && ln -sfv $(brew --prefix mysql)/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
[ -e ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist ] && launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist
sudo -v
brew install php56
brew install php56-twig
brew install php56-imagick
brew install php56-mcrypt
brew install php56-xdebug
brew install php56-xhprof
brew install php56-mongo
brew install php-cs-fixer
brew install phpunit
brew install phpmd
brew install behat
brew install composer
brew install boris
brew install php-code-sniffer
cd /usr/local/etc/php-code-sniffer/Standards
git clone git:// Symfony2
composer self-update
sudo sed -i '-default' "s|^;\(date\.timezone[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 \"$(sudo systemsetup -gettimezone|awk -F": " '{print $2}')\"|; s|^\(memory_limit[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 256M|; s|^\(post_max_size[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 200M|; s|^\(upload_max_filesize[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 100M|; s|^\(default_socket_timeout[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 600|; s|^\(max_execution_time[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 300|; s|^\(max_input_time[[:space:]]*=\).*|\1 600|;" $(brew --prefix)/etc/php/5.6/php.ini
sudo sed -i .bak 's/DirectoryIndex index.html/DirectoryIndex index.html index.php/g' /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
sudo sed -i .bak 's/#LoadModule php5_module libexec\/apache2\/ php5_module \/usr\/local\/opt\/php56\/libexec\/apache2\/' /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
echo '<?php phpinfo();' >> /Volumes/Sites/index.php;
sudo -v
sudo apachectl restart
chmod -R ug+w /usr/local/Cellar/php56/5.6.*/lib/php
pear config-set php_ini /usr/local/etc/php/5.6/php.ini
cd /Volumes/Sites/Work/Internal
git clone
cd xhgui
chmod -R 0777 cache
composer install
cp config/config.default.php config/config.php
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
sudo -v
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
echo 'export HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS="--appdir=/Applications"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
brew cask install dropbox
brew cask install firefox
brew cask install hipchat
brew cask install atom
# brew cask install nvalt
brew cask install gitx-rowanj
brew cask install the-unarchiver
# brew cask install phpstorm
brew cask install sequel-pro
brew cask install virtualhostx
brew cask install transmit
brew cask install transmission
# brew cask install xquartz
brew cask install vlc
brew cask install sitesucker
brew cask install skype
brew cask install macvim
# brew cask install tower
# brew cask install omnigraffle
brew cask install invisionsync
sudo -v
brew cask install quicklook-json
brew cask install quicklook-csv
brew cask install betterzipql
brew cask install qlstephen
brew cask install qlcolorcode
brew cask install colorpicker-developer
brew cask install colorpicker-hex
# Need to be moved into /Applications to allow sandboxing and extensions to work
brew cask install google-chrome
rm /Applications/Google\
sudo cp -R /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/google-chrome/latest/Google\ /Applications
apm install tomorrow-night-eighties
sudo -v
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g bower
npm install -g jshint
npm install -g uglify-js
dockutil --remove "Contacts" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Notes" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Maps" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "FaceTime" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Photo Booth" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "iBooks" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "App Store" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Launchpad" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "System Preferences" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Pages" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Numbers" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Keynote" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "iPhoto" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Reminders" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Microsoft Outlook" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Microsoft Excel" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Microsoft PowerPoint" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "Microsoft Word" --no-restart
dockutil --remove "iTunes" --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/Google\ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/Sequel\ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --add /Applications/ --no-restart
dockutil --move "Mail" --position 1 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Calendar" --position 2 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Messages" --position 3 --no-restart
dockutil --move "HipChat" --position 4 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Skype" --position 5 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Google Chrome" --position 6 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Firefox" --position 7 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Safari" --position 8 --no-restart
dockutil --move "PhpStorm" --position 9 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Atom" --position 10 --no-restart
dockutil --move "VirtualHostX" --position 11 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Sequel Pro" --position 12 --no-restart
dockutil --move "Terminal" --position 13 --no-restart
/usr/bin/killall -HUP Dock >/dev/null 2>&1
touch ~/.extra
cd ~/;
git clone && cd dotfiles && source && ./.osx
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Google Chrome"
open -a "Firefox"
open -a "Safari"
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