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Last active July 6, 2023 15:18
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Allow upserting a pandas dataframe to a postgres table (equivalent to df.to_sql(..., if_exists='update')
# Upsert function for pandas to_sql with postgres
import uuid
import os
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, types, Engine, text
def upsert_df(df: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str, engine: Engine):
"""Implements the equivalent of pd.DataFrame.to_sql(..., if_exists='update')
(which does not exist). Creates or updates the db records based on the
dataframe records.
Conflicts to determine update are based on the dataframes index.
This will set primary keys on the table equal to the index names
1. Create a temp table from the dataframe
2. Insert/update from temp table into table_name
Returns: True if successful
# If the table does not exist, we should just use to_sql to create it
with engine.connect() as con:
if not con.execute(text(
SELECT FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
AND table_name = '{table_name}');
# df.to_sql(table_name, engine)
return True
temp_table_name = f"temp_{uuid.uuid4().hex}"
index = list(df.index.names)
index_sql_txt = ", ".join([f'"{i}"' for i in index])
columns = list(df.columns)
headers = index + columns
headers_sql_txt = ", ".join(
[f'"{i}"' for i in headers]
) # index1, index2, ..., column 1, col2, ...
update_column_stmt = ", ".join([f'"{col}" = EXCLUDED."{col}"' for col in columns])
df.reset_index().to_sql(name=temp_table_name, con=engine, if_exists='fail', index=False)
# Compose and execute upsert query
query_upsert = text(f"""
INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({headers_sql_txt})
SELECT {headers_sql_txt} FROM "{temp_table_name}"
ON CONFLICT ({index_sql_txt}) DO UPDATE
SET {update_column_stmt};
with engine.connect() as con:
with con.begin() as trans:
with engine.connect() as con:
with con.begin() as trans:
con.execute(text(f'DROP TABLE "{temp_table_name}"'))
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
# TESTS (create environment variable DB_STR to do it)
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(os.getenv("DB_STR"))
indexes = ["id1", "id2"]
df = pd.DataFrame(
"id1": [1, 2, 3, 3],
"id2": ["a", "a", "b", "c"],
"name": ["name1", "name2", "name3", "name4"],
"age": [20, 32, 29, 68],
df_update = pd.DataFrame(
"id1": [1, 2, 3],
"id2": ["a", "a", "b"],
"name": ["surname1", "surname2", "surname3"],
"age": [13, 44, 29],
df_insert = pd.DataFrame(
"id1": [1],
"id2": ["d"],
"name": ["dname"],
"age": [100],
expected_result = (
"id1": [1, 2, 3, 3, 1],
"id2": ["a", "a", "b", "c", "d"],
"name": ["surname1", "surname2", "surname3", "name4", "dname"],
"age": [13, 44, 29, 68, 100],
TNAME = "test_upsert_df"
upsert_df(df=df, table_name=TNAME, engine=engine)
upsert_df(df=df_update, table_name=TNAME, engine=engine)
upsert_df(df=df_insert, table_name=TNAME, engine=engine)
result = pd.read_sql_table(TNAME, engine).set_index(indexes).sort_index()
assert (result == expected_result).all().all()
print("Passed tests")
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