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Created May 16, 2014 16:47
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Conways GoL: I'm trying out using the threading macro
(ns joejag.conway)
(def world #{[1 2] [2 2] [3 2]})
(defn neighbours-of
[[x y]]
[ [(dec x) (inc y)] [x (inc y)] [(inc x) (inc y)]
[(dec x) y ] [(inc x) y ]
[(dec x) (dec y)] [x (dec y)] [(inc x) (dec y)]
(defn survives?
[neighbour-count alive]
(or (= 3 neighbour-count) (and (= 2 neighbour-count) (true? alive))))
(defn conway
(let [cell-neighbours (frequencies (apply concat (map neighbours-of world)))]
(->> cell-neighbours
(filter #(survives? (second %1) (contains? world (first %1))) )
(map first)
(take 3 (iterate conway world))
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