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Joergi joergi

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don1138 / base64-trans-gif-1x.html
Created June 11, 2013 21:57
HTML Base-64 Encoded 1x1 Transparent GIF
<img src="" />
mchlstckl / Property.kt
Last active August 4, 2023 07:37
Example entity with composite key Spring Boot and Kotlin
// This will not serialize!
data class Muppet(val name: String)
// This will serialize!
data class Puppet(val name: String = "")
// Composite key class must implement Serializable
// and have defaults.
class PropertyId(
val uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID(),
xflr6 /
Last active May 8, 2024 07:40
Download all available audio books from ICE portal
"""Download all available audio books from DB ICE Portal."""
import json
import os
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
BASE = ''
HardenedArray / Efficient Encrypted UEFI-Booting Arch Installation
Last active October 22, 2023 12:14
An effcient method to install Arch Linux with encrypted root and swap filesystems and boot from UEFI. Multi-OS, and VirtualBox, UEFI-booting are also supported.
# OBJECTIVE: Install Arch Linux with encrypted root and swap filesystems and boot from UEFI.
# Note this encrypted installation method, while perfectly correct and highly secure, CANNOT support encrypted /boot and
# also CANNOT be subsequently converted to support an encrypted /boot!!! A CLEAN INSTALL will be required!
# Therefore, if you want to have an encrypted /boot or will want an encrypted /boot system at some point in the future,
# please ONLY follow my encrypted /boot installation guide, which lives here:
joyrexus /
Last active February 24, 2024 15:16
collapsible markdown

collapsible markdown?


yes, even hidden code blocks!

print("hello world!")
peterszatmary /
Last active May 27, 2020 14:37
Uploading artifacts to maven repository

Uploading artifacts to maven repository

Steps what i did to release jar file to maven repository.

What to do in few seconds

  • Make Jira Sonatype account
  • Create ticket (after that they create for you config on their side to allow you perform releases) see example
  • Make settings.xml
  • You need to cover 8 basic rules in your pom.xml.
Juul /
Last active March 3, 2024 01:32
How to install install LineageOS on a 2015 7" Amazon Fire tablet

This is a guide for getting LineageOS (an older and unofficial version) onto an Amazon Fire 2015 7" tablet (also known as the 5th generation 7" Amazon Fire or under the internal codename "ford").

NOTE: This guide was originally written before someone figured out how to unlock the bootloader. There is now a newer method. Here it is very briefly. The old guide can be found below.

Unlocked bootloader method

First unlock the bootloader using this guide.

Once you're booted into TWRP download the latest LineageOS 14 release for your device here.

Iridium-IO /
Last active January 30, 2024 10:36
Collapsible Markdown Code Blocks

Example Collapsible Content

Style 1

Click to see more:
Given the following python code
from pychartjs import BaseChart

class myChart(BaseChart):
const css = "padding-top: 150px;line-height:150px;background:url( no-repeat; text-shadow: -1px -1px hsl(0,100%,50%), 1px 1px hsl(5.4, 100%, 50%), 3px 2px hsl(10.8, 100%, 50%), 5px 3px hsl(16.2, 100%, 50%), 7px 4px hsl(21.6, 100%, 50%), 9px 5px hsl(27, 100%, 50%), 11px 6px hsl(32.4, 100%, 50%), 13px 7px hsl(37.8, 100%, 50%), 14px 8px hsl(43.2, 100%, 50%), 16px 9px hsl(48.6, 100%, 50%), 18px 10px hsl(54, 100%, 50%), 20px 11px hsl(59.4, 100%, 50%), 22px 12px hsl(64.8, 100%, 50%), 23px 13px hsl(70.2, 100%, 50%), 25px 14px hsl(75.6, 100%, 50%), 27px 15px hsl(81, 100%, 50%), 28px 16px hsl(86.4, 100%, 50%), 30px 17px hsl(91.8, 100%, 50%), 32px 18px hsl(97.2, 100%, 50%), 33px 19px hsl(102.6, 100%, 50%), 35px 20px hsl(108, 100%, 50%), 36px 21px hsl(113.4, 100%, 50%), 38px 22px hsl(118.8, 100%, 50%), 39px 23px hsl(124.2, 100%, 50%), 41px 24px hsl(129.6, 100%, 50%), 42px 25px hsl(135, 100%, 50%), 43px 26px hsl(140.4, 100%, 50%), 45px 27px hsl(145.8, 100%, 50%), 46px
jshiell /
Last active July 21, 2020 08:05
AnyConnect script for user/pass VPN on headless Linux (i.e. where secret-tool won't work)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
readonly _CISCO_VPN="/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn"
readonly _GREEN='\033[0;32m'
readonly _RED='\033[0;31m'
readonly _NC='\033[0m'