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xquery version "3.0"; | |
module namespace oauth="http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/oauth"; | |
(:~ A library module for signing and submitting OAuth requests such as the kind needed for the Twitter v1.1 API. | |
The EXPath Crypto library supplies the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. The EXPath HTTP Client library makes the HTTP requests. | |
The OAuth standard requires a "nonce" parameter - a random string. Since there is no implementation-independent | |
nonce function in XQuery, we must rely on implementation-specific functions. For eXist-db we use util:uuid(). | |
@see http://oauth.net/core/1.0/ | |
@see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849 | |
@see http://marktrapp.com/blog/2009/09/17/oauth-dummies | |
@see http://expath.org/spec/http-client | |
@see http://expath.org/spec/crypto | |
@see http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/fundocs/view.html?uri=http://exist-db.org/xquery/util | |
:) | |
import module namespace crypto="http://expath.org/ns/crypto"; | |
import module namespace http="http://expath.org/ns/http-client"; | |
import module namespace util = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/util"; | |
declare function oauth:send-request( | |
$consumer-key, | |
$consumer-secret, | |
$access-token, | |
$access-token-secret, | |
$method, | |
$url, | |
$nonce, | |
$signature-method, | |
$timestamp, | |
$version | |
) { | |
let $base-url := if (contains($url, '?')) then substring-before($url, '?') else $url | |
let $query-string := if (contains($url, '?')) then substring-after($url, '?') else () | |
let $query-string-params := | |
for $param in tokenize($query-string, '&') | |
let $name := substring-before($param, '=') | |
let $value := substring-after($param, '=') | |
return | |
<param name="{$name}" value="{$value}"/> | |
let $params := | |
( | |
$query-string-params, | |
<param name="oauth_consumer_key" value="{$consumer-key}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_nonce" value="{$nonce}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_signature_method" value="{$signature-method}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_timestamp" value="{$timestamp}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_token" value="{$access-token}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_version" value="{$version}"/> | |
) | |
let $parameter-string := oauth:params-to-oauth-string($params, '&') | |
let $signature-base-string := | |
string-join( | |
( | |
upper-case($method), | |
encode-for-uri($base-url), | |
encode-for-uri($parameter-string) | |
) | |
, | |
'&' | |
) | |
let $signing-key := concat(encode-for-uri($consumer-secret), '&', encode-for-uri($access-token-secret)) | |
let $oauth-signature := crypto:hmac($signature-base-string, $signing-key, 'HmacSha1', 'base64') | |
let $final-params := | |
( | |
$params, | |
<param name="oauth_signature" value="{$oauth-signature}"/> | |
) | |
let $final-parameter-string := oauth:params-to-oauth-string($final-params, ', ') | |
let $authorization-header-value := concat('OAuth ', $final-parameter-string) | |
let $request := | |
<http:request href="{$url}" method="{$method}"> | |
<http:header name="Authorization" value="{$authorization-header-value}"/> | |
</http:request> | |
let $response := http:send-request($request) | |
return | |
( | |
$request | |
, | |
$response | |
) | |
}; | |
declare function oauth:nonce() { util:uuid() }; | |
declare variable $oauth:signature-method := 'HMAC-SHA1'; | |
declare variable $oauth:oauth-version := '1.0'; | |
(: Generates an OAuth timestamp, which takes the form of the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch. | |
You can test these values against http://www.epochconverter.com/. | |
@see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time | |
:) | |
declare function oauth:timestamp() as xs:unsignedLong { | |
let $unix-epoch := xs:dateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z') | |
let $now := current-dateTime() | |
let $duration-since-epoch := $now - $unix-epoch | |
let $seconds-since-epoch := | |
days-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 86400 (: 60 * 60 * 24 :) | |
+ | |
hours-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 3600 (: 60 * 60 :) | |
+ | |
minutes-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 60 | |
+ | |
seconds-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) | |
return | |
xs:unsignedLong($seconds-since-epoch) | |
}; | |
(: prepares OAuth authentication parameters :) | |
declare function oauth:params-to-oauth-string($params as element(param)+, $separator as xs:string) { | |
string-join( | |
for $param in $params | |
let $name := encode-for-uri($param/@name) | |
let $value := encode-for-uri($param/@value) | |
order by $name, $value | |
return | |
concat($name, '=', $value) | |
, | |
$separator | |
) | |
}; |
xquery version "3.1"; | |
module namespace twitter-client = "http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter-client"; | |
(:~ A library module for your application's Twitter credentials and any helper functions for processing | |
the raw results of Twitter requests. You can get your credentials from https://dev.twitter.com/apps/. | |
Twitter responds with JSON; despite being text, the HTTP Client returns JSON as binary, so we need | |
util:binary-to-text() to get the text. We use XQuery 3.1 to turn the JSON into XML. | |
@see http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/fundocs/view.html?uri=http://exist-db.org/xquery/util | |
@see http://github.com/joewiz/xqjson | |
:) | |
import module namespace twitter = "http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter" at "twitter.xq"; | |
import module namespace util = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/util"; | |
import module namespace ju = "http://joewiz.org/ns/xquery/json-util" at "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/joewiz/d986da715facaad633db/raw/12692fcd025e4a0572d6b7638577fa41f4a8166a/json-util.xqm"; | |
declare variable $twitter-client:consumer-key := ''; (: insert your credentials :) | |
declare variable $twitter-client:consumer-secret := ''; | |
declare variable $twitter-client:access-token := ''; | |
declare variable $twitter-client:access-token-secret := ''; | |
declare function twitter-client:echo-response($request-response as item()+) { | |
let $request := $request-response[1] | |
let $response-head := $request-response[2] | |
let $response-body := $request-response[3] | |
let $json := parse-json(util:binary-to-string($response-body)) | |
let $xml := ju:json-to-xml($json) | |
return | |
( | |
$request, | |
$response-head, | |
ju:serialize-json($json), | |
$xml | |
) | |
}; |
xquery version "3.0"; | |
module namespace twitter="http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter"; | |
(:~ A library module for Twitter API methods. | |
@see https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1 | |
:) | |
import module namespace oauth="http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/oauth" at "oauth.xq"; | |
declare variable $twitter:api-base-uri := 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1'; | |
(: | |
Get the user timeline. | |
See https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/statuses/user_timeline | |
:) | |
declare function twitter:user-timeline( | |
$consumer-key as xs:string, | |
$consumer-secret as xs:string, | |
$access-token as xs:string, | |
$access-token-secret as xs:string, | |
$user-id as xs:string?, | |
$screen-name as xs:string?, | |
$since-id as xs:unsignedLong?, (: IDs are too big for xs:integer :) | |
$count as xs:integer?, | |
$max-id as xs:unsignedLong?, | |
$trim-user as xs:boolean?, | |
$exclude-replies as xs:boolean?, | |
$contributor-details as xs:boolean?, | |
$include-rts as xs:boolean? | |
) { | |
let $api-method := '/statuses/user_timeline.json' | |
let $http-method := 'GET' | |
let $query-string := | |
string-join( | |
( | |
if ($user-id) then concat('user_id=', $user-id) else (), | |
if ($screen-name) then concat('screen_name=', $screen-name) else (), | |
if ($since-id) then concat('since_id=', $since-id) else (), | |
if ($count) then concat('count=', $count) else (), | |
if ($max-id) then concat('max_id=', $max-id) else (), | |
if ($trim-user) then concat('trim_user=', $trim-user) else (), | |
if ($exclude-replies) then concat('exclude_replies=', $exclude-replies) else (), | |
if ($contributor-details) then concat('contributor_details=', $contributor-details) else (), | |
if ($include-rts) then concat('include_rts=', $include-rts) else () | |
), | |
'&' | |
) | |
let $api-url := concat($twitter:api-base-uri, $api-method, '?', $query-string) | |
return | |
oauth:send-request( | |
$consumer-key, | |
$consumer-secret, | |
$access-token, | |
$access-token-secret, | |
$http-method, | |
$api-url, | |
oauth:nonce(), | |
$oauth:signature-method, | |
oauth:timestamp(), | |
$oauth:oauth-version | |
) | |
}; |
xquery version "3.0"; | |
(:~ A main module to retrieve the user timeline. :) | |
import module namespace twitter = "http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter" at "twitter.xq"; | |
import module namespace twitter-client = "http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter-client" at "twitter-client.xq"; | |
(: Parameters needed for the user timeline function. :) | |
let $user-id := () | |
let $screen-name := () | |
let $since-id := () | |
let $count := 10 | |
let $max-id := () | |
let $trim-user := true() | |
let $exclude-replies := false() | |
let $contributor-details := false() | |
let $include-rts := false() | |
let $request-response := | |
twitter:user-timeline( | |
$twitter-client:consumer-key, | |
$twitter-client:consumer-secret, | |
$twitter-client:access-token, | |
$twitter-client:access-token-secret, | |
$user-id, | |
$screen-name, | |
$since-id, | |
$count, | |
$max-id, | |
$trim-user, | |
$exclude-replies, | |
$contributor-details, | |
$include-rts | |
) | |
return | |
(: Echo the response so we can see the request, the response header, the response body (JSON), and the XML version of the JSON :) | |
twitter-client:echo-response($request-response) |
See also my post: Living in an OAuth & JSON World.
Updated for use with current release of EXPath Crypto module for eXist (0.3.x; needed for versions released since February 2014) and for use with XQuery 3.1's support.
nice work, thank you for sharing. is there a chance using the twitter client without the crypto module?
i wonder why u are calculating the timestamp on your own ( oauth:timestamp() ) instead of using datetime:timestamp() which returns millisec.
xquery version "3.0";
let $unix-epoch := xs:dateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
let $now := current-dateTime()
let $duration-since-epoch := $now - $unix-epoch
let $seconds-since-epoch :=
days-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 86400 (: 60 * 60 * 24 :)
hours-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 3600 (: 60 * 60 :)
minutes-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 60
let $time := datetime:timestamp()
return xs:unsignedLong( substring($time, 0, string-length($time)-2 ) )
Sorry @mathias-goebel, I didn't see your comment until now. Since twitter requires that all requests to its API be signed, we do need some crypto library for HMAC-SHA1. I don't think I was aware of the datetime:timestamp()
function (an eXist-specific function), but I generally prefer to use implementation independent functions when possible.
Hi ,
I have an angular application sending azure auth token to marklogic .Is there a way to authenticate the token in xquery .I have done the same in a Java app and it has client supported libraries .
Making OAuth requests with XQuery
The sample code here is intended to help get you started making requests to OAuth-based services like Twitter. The core is "oauth.xq", a library module that signing and submitting OAuth requests. I like to separate put all of my API's methods in a single library module: see "twitter.xq." I put application- and implementation-specific information like access credentials or functions for processing the raw results of requests in a separate library module (see "twitter-client.xq"). With all of these pieces in place, making an actual request is simple: define the request parameters, grab the credentials, and make the signed request (see "user-timeline.xq").
Background on OAuth
There are two steps to working with OAuth-based services like the Twitter API: first, you need to get basic credentials for the service (the "consumer key" and "consumer secret") and an "access token" (not to be confused with a "request token"), and second you can start signing your requests with your credentials.
Getting credentials Every service will tell you your consumer key and consumer secret up front, but getting the access token is either simple or complicated. Some services like Twitter will let you generate an access token on their site, which you can then copy and paste into your code - very simple. But if the service you're working with doesn't let you generate an access token on their site, you need to perform a rather complex handshake - first requesting a request token and signing it with your consumer secret code. Frankly, I've had trouble getting this to work with XQuery; I'd like to get it to work but haven't been able to. Luckily, Twitter issues access tokens through their site.
Signing requests Once you have your credentials, you're ready to begin making requests. This involves constructing requests and signing them. You need to consult your service's API documentation to find out how to construct your requests properly, but once you have your request constructed (see "twitter.xq"), you need to sign them with an OAuth signature. The steps for signing OAuth requests are a little tricky, involving specific ways of ordering and encoding parameters and hashing the results with a cryptographic algorithm, all before submitting the request.