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xquery version "3.0"; | |
module namespace oauth="http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/oauth"; | |
(:~ A library module for signing and submitting OAuth requests such as the kind needed for the Twitter v1.1 API. | |
The EXPath Crypto library supplies the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. The EXPath HTTP Client library makes the HTTP requests. | |
The OAuth standard requires a "nonce" parameter - a random string. Since there is no implementation-independent | |
nonce function in XQuery, we must rely on implementation-specific functions. For eXist-db we use util:uuid(). | |
@see http://oauth.net/core/1.0/ | |
@see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849 | |
@see http://marktrapp.com/blog/2009/09/17/oauth-dummies | |
@see http://expath.org/spec/http-client | |
@see http://expath.org/spec/crypto | |
@see http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/fundocs/view.html?uri=http://exist-db.org/xquery/util | |
:) | |
import module namespace crypto="http://expath.org/ns/crypto"; | |
import module namespace http="http://expath.org/ns/http-client"; | |
import module namespace util = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/util"; | |
declare function oauth:send-request( | |
$consumer-key, | |
$consumer-secret, | |
$access-token, | |
$access-token-secret, | |
$method, | |
$url, | |
$nonce, | |
$signature-method, | |
$timestamp, | |
$version | |
) { | |
let $base-url := if (contains($url, '?')) then substring-before($url, '?') else $url | |
let $query-string := if (contains($url, '?')) then substring-after($url, '?') else () | |
let $query-string-params := | |
for $param in tokenize($query-string, '&') | |
let $name := substring-before($param, '=') | |
let $value := substring-after($param, '=') | |
return | |
<param name="{$name}" value="{$value}"/> | |
let $params := | |
( | |
$query-string-params, | |
<param name="oauth_consumer_key" value="{$consumer-key}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_nonce" value="{$nonce}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_signature_method" value="{$signature-method}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_timestamp" value="{$timestamp}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_token" value="{$access-token}"/>, | |
<param name="oauth_version" value="{$version}"/> | |
) | |
let $parameter-string := oauth:params-to-oauth-string($params, '&') | |
let $signature-base-string := | |
string-join( | |
( | |
upper-case($method), | |
encode-for-uri($base-url), | |
encode-for-uri($parameter-string) | |
) | |
, | |
'&' | |
) | |
let $signing-key := concat(encode-for-uri($consumer-secret), '&', encode-for-uri($access-token-secret)) | |
let $oauth-signature := crypto:hmac($signature-base-string, $signing-key, 'HmacSha1', 'base64') | |
let $final-params := | |
( | |
$params, | |
<param name="oauth_signature" value="{$oauth-signature}"/> | |
) | |
let $final-parameter-string := oauth:params-to-oauth-string($final-params, ', ') | |
let $authorization-header-value := concat('OAuth ', $final-parameter-string) | |
let $request := | |
<http:request href="{$url}" method="{$method}"> | |
<http:header name="Authorization" value="{$authorization-header-value}"/> | |
</http:request> | |
let $response := http:send-request($request) | |
return | |
( | |
$request | |
, | |
$response | |
) | |
}; | |
declare function oauth:nonce() { util:uuid() }; | |
declare variable $oauth:signature-method := 'HMAC-SHA1'; | |
declare variable $oauth:oauth-version := '1.0'; | |
(: Generates an OAuth timestamp, which takes the form of the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch. | |
You can test these values against http://www.epochconverter.com/. | |
@see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time | |
:) | |
declare function oauth:timestamp() as xs:unsignedLong { | |
let $unix-epoch := xs:dateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z') | |
let $now := current-dateTime() | |
let $duration-since-epoch := $now - $unix-epoch | |
let $seconds-since-epoch := | |
days-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 86400 (: 60 * 60 * 24 :) | |
+ | |
hours-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 3600 (: 60 * 60 :) | |
+ | |
minutes-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 60 | |
+ | |
seconds-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) | |
return | |
xs:unsignedLong($seconds-since-epoch) | |
}; | |
(: prepares OAuth authentication parameters :) | |
declare function oauth:params-to-oauth-string($params as element(param)+, $separator as xs:string) { | |
string-join( | |
for $param in $params | |
let $name := encode-for-uri($param/@name) | |
let $value := encode-for-uri($param/@value) | |
order by $name, $value | |
return | |
concat($name, '=', $value) | |
, | |
$separator | |
) | |
}; |
xquery version "3.1"; | |
module namespace twitter-client = "http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter-client"; | |
(:~ A library module for your application's Twitter credentials and any helper functions for processing | |
the raw results of Twitter requests. You can get your credentials from https://dev.twitter.com/apps/. | |
Twitter responds with JSON; despite being text, the HTTP Client returns JSON as binary, so we need | |
util:binary-to-text() to get the text. We use XQuery 3.1 to turn the JSON into XML. | |
@see http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/fundocs/view.html?uri=http://exist-db.org/xquery/util | |
@see http://github.com/joewiz/xqjson | |
:) | |
import module namespace twitter = "http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter" at "twitter.xq"; | |
import module namespace util = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/util"; | |
import module namespace ju = "http://joewiz.org/ns/xquery/json-util" at "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/joewiz/d986da715facaad633db/raw/12692fcd025e4a0572d6b7638577fa41f4a8166a/json-util.xqm"; | |
declare variable $twitter-client:consumer-key := ''; (: insert your credentials :) | |
declare variable $twitter-client:consumer-secret := ''; | |
declare variable $twitter-client:access-token := ''; | |
declare variable $twitter-client:access-token-secret := ''; | |
declare function twitter-client:echo-response($request-response as item()+) { | |
let $request := $request-response[1] | |
let $response-head := $request-response[2] | |
let $response-body := $request-response[3] | |
let $json := parse-json(util:binary-to-string($response-body)) | |
let $xml := ju:json-to-xml($json) | |
return | |
( | |
$request, | |
$response-head, | |
ju:serialize-json($json), | |
$xml | |
) | |
}; |
xquery version "3.0"; | |
module namespace twitter="http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter"; | |
(:~ A library module for Twitter API methods. | |
@see https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1 | |
:) | |
import module namespace oauth="http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/oauth" at "oauth.xq"; | |
declare variable $twitter:api-base-uri := 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1'; | |
(: | |
Get the user timeline. | |
See https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/statuses/user_timeline | |
:) | |
declare function twitter:user-timeline( | |
$consumer-key as xs:string, | |
$consumer-secret as xs:string, | |
$access-token as xs:string, | |
$access-token-secret as xs:string, | |
$user-id as xs:string?, | |
$screen-name as xs:string?, | |
$since-id as xs:unsignedLong?, (: IDs are too big for xs:integer :) | |
$count as xs:integer?, | |
$max-id as xs:unsignedLong?, | |
$trim-user as xs:boolean?, | |
$exclude-replies as xs:boolean?, | |
$contributor-details as xs:boolean?, | |
$include-rts as xs:boolean? | |
) { | |
let $api-method := '/statuses/user_timeline.json' | |
let $http-method := 'GET' | |
let $query-string := | |
string-join( | |
( | |
if ($user-id) then concat('user_id=', $user-id) else (), | |
if ($screen-name) then concat('screen_name=', $screen-name) else (), | |
if ($since-id) then concat('since_id=', $since-id) else (), | |
if ($count) then concat('count=', $count) else (), | |
if ($max-id) then concat('max_id=', $max-id) else (), | |
if ($trim-user) then concat('trim_user=', $trim-user) else (), | |
if ($exclude-replies) then concat('exclude_replies=', $exclude-replies) else (), | |
if ($contributor-details) then concat('contributor_details=', $contributor-details) else (), | |
if ($include-rts) then concat('include_rts=', $include-rts) else () | |
), | |
'&' | |
) | |
let $api-url := concat($twitter:api-base-uri, $api-method, '?', $query-string) | |
return | |
oauth:send-request( | |
$consumer-key, | |
$consumer-secret, | |
$access-token, | |
$access-token-secret, | |
$http-method, | |
$api-url, | |
oauth:nonce(), | |
$oauth:signature-method, | |
oauth:timestamp(), | |
$oauth:oauth-version | |
) | |
}; |
xquery version "3.0"; | |
(:~ A main module to retrieve the user timeline. :) | |
import module namespace twitter = "http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter" at "twitter.xq"; | |
import module namespace twitter-client = "http://history.state.gov/ns/xquery/twitter-client" at "twitter-client.xq"; | |
(: Parameters needed for the user timeline function. :) | |
let $user-id := () | |
let $screen-name := () | |
let $since-id := () | |
let $count := 10 | |
let $max-id := () | |
let $trim-user := true() | |
let $exclude-replies := false() | |
let $contributor-details := false() | |
let $include-rts := false() | |
let $request-response := | |
twitter:user-timeline( | |
$twitter-client:consumer-key, | |
$twitter-client:consumer-secret, | |
$twitter-client:access-token, | |
$twitter-client:access-token-secret, | |
$user-id, | |
$screen-name, | |
$since-id, | |
$count, | |
$max-id, | |
$trim-user, | |
$exclude-replies, | |
$contributor-details, | |
$include-rts | |
) | |
return | |
(: Echo the response so we can see the request, the response header, the response body (JSON), and the XML version of the JSON :) | |
twitter-client:echo-response($request-response) |
Updated for use with current release of EXPath Crypto module for eXist (0.3.x; needed for versions released since February 2014) and for use with XQuery 3.1's support.
nice work, thank you for sharing. is there a chance using the twitter client without the crypto module?
i wonder why u are calculating the timestamp on your own ( oauth:timestamp() ) instead of using datetime:timestamp() which returns millisec.
xquery version "3.0";
let $unix-epoch := xs:dateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
let $now := current-dateTime()
let $duration-since-epoch := $now - $unix-epoch
let $seconds-since-epoch :=
days-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 86400 (: 60 * 60 * 24 :)
hours-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 3600 (: 60 * 60 :)
minutes-from-duration($duration-since-epoch) * 60
let $time := datetime:timestamp()
return xs:unsignedLong( substring($time, 0, string-length($time)-2 ) )
Sorry @mathias-goebel, I didn't see your comment until now. Since twitter requires that all requests to its API be signed, we do need some crypto library for HMAC-SHA1. I don't think I was aware of the datetime:timestamp()
function (an eXist-specific function), but I generally prefer to use implementation independent functions when possible.
Hi ,
I have an angular application sending azure auth token to marklogic .Is there a way to authenticate the token in xquery .I have done the same in a Java app and it has client supported libraries .
See also my post: Living in an OAuth & JSON World.