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Created November 20, 2013 16:49
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import MultiCursor
import numpy as np
class SynchedMultiCursor(MultiCursor):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._enabled = True
MultiCursor.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def onmove(self, event):
if self._enabled:
MultiCursor.onmove(self, event)
def enable(self):
self._enabled = True
self.clear(None) # Recapture the new background
def disable(self):
self._enabled = False
if self.background is not None:
class Zones(object):
this class allows the user to draw rectangular zones
across several axes and get the corresponding intervals
def __init__(self,axes, nbzones=4):
"""create an area made of 'nbzone' zone
@param nbzones : max number of rectangular zones to be drawn
@param axes : one or several axes in a list [ax1,]
Exemple : Zone(axes, nbzones=5)
Creation : 2013-11-13 09:08:45.239114
self.axes = axes # the list of axes
self.fig = axes[0].figure # the (only) associated figure
self.cursor = SynchedMultiCursor(self.fig.canvas, self.axes)
# events : press, released, motion
self.pressid = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',
self.releaid = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event',
self.motioid = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event',
#will count the number of defined zones
self.count = 0
self.nbzones = nbzones # max number of defined zones
# will store the defined intervals
self.intervals = np.ndarray(shape=(nbzones,2))
def _on_click(self,event):
if event.inaxes not in self.axes:
# It's easier to use `axvspan` than a rectangle, i.m.o.
# The main advantage is that this will always span the full y-range
# even if the user later pans/zooms the plot
region = lambda ax: ax.axvspan(event.xdata, event.xdata + 1e-5,
alpha=0.3, color='green')
self.rects = [region(ax) for ax in self.axes]
# Save the background of each axes
canvas = self.fig.canvas
self.bckgs = [canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox) for ax in self.axes]
def _update_rects(self, event):
"""Updates the width of the selected region on all axes based on a
mouse motion event."""
for rect in self.rects:
xy = rect.get_xy()
xy[2:4, 0] = event.xdata
return xy[0,0], event.xdata
def _draw_rects(self):
"""Draws the selected region on all axes."""
for ax, rect in zip(self.axes, self.rects):
def _on_release(self,event):
if event.inaxes in self.axes:
x0, x1 = self._update_rects(event)
# now store the interval and increment the
# total number of defined zones
self.intervals[self.count,:2] = x0, x1
# if we have reached the max number of zones
# then we stop listening to events
if self.count == self.nbzones:
print 'all intervals defined!'
def _on_motion(self,event):
""" on_motion event
Creation : 2013-11-13 09:21:59.747476
if event.inaxes not in self.axes:
# this event must apply only when the mouse button is pressed
if event.button is not None:
for bckg in self.bckgs:
def get_intervals(self):
""" returns an array of all the intervals (zones)
@return: ndarray shape = (nbzones,2)
Exemple : intervals = myzones.get_intervals()
Creation : 2013-11-13 09:23:44.147194
self.intervals.sort() # we want x0 < x1
return self.intervals
def main():
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4)
for ax in axes:
ax.axis([0, 10, 0, 10])
z = Zones(axes, nbzones=6)
return z
if __name__ == '__main__':
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