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John Dyer johndyer

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johndyer / ConvertInTextEndnotesToFootnote.vb
Created December 8, 2020 15:26
Moves citations from Endnote X that are in the main text (Dyer, 2018) of a Word document to a Footnote
' adapted from
Public Sub ConvertInTextEndnotesToFootnote()
Dim oField As Field
Dim sCode As String
Dim sSuffix As String
Dim sSuffixLeft As String
Dim sSuffixRight As String
Dim pos1 As Long
johndyer / MoveFootnoteCitationInline.vb
Last active July 3, 2020 16:21
Visual Basic Macro for moving EndNote citations from footnotes inline
Sub MoveFootnoteCitationInline()
' declare variable
Dim oFeets As Footnotes
Dim oFoot As Footnote
Dim oRange As Range
Dim szFootNoteText As String
Dim index As Long
Dim oFootRefRange1 As Range
Dim oFootRefRange2 As Range
johndyer / gist:4051055da5a3bbde220259f4150377b0
Last active June 6, 2019 13:57
BetterTouchTool - Verse of the Day
-- makes the verse two lines (use font: 11 to fit)
on splitLines(theText)
set middleChar to ((length of theText) / 2)
set templine2 to text middleChar through (length of theText) of theText
set nextSpace to offset of " " in templine2
set splitSpace to middleChar + nextSpace - 1
set line1 to text 1 through splitSpace of theText
set line2 to text (splitSpace + 1) through (length of theText) of theText
johndyer / index.php
Last active October 13, 2020 12:25
Gutenberg Shortcode Block with Live Preview
* Plugin Name: JD Gutenberg Shortcode Preview
* Description: Live shortcode previews in Gutenberg
* Author: johndyer
* Version: 1.0.0
// Exit if accessed directly.
johndyer / easter.js
Last active April 9, 2024 16:28
Calculate Easter in JavaScript
* Calculates Easter in the Gregorian/Western (Catholic and Protestant) calendar
* based on the algorithm by Oudin (1940) from
* @returns {array} [int month, int day]
function getEaster(year) {
var f = Math.floor,
// Golden Number - 1
G = year % 19,
C = f(year / 100),
johndyer / dts-export-markers.jsx
Last active November 9, 2018 11:19
Export still from Adobe Premiere Pro CC based on markers
name: DTS Export Markers
description: exports markers into JPGs and creates XML in a format DTS's video player can read
author: John Dyer
created: 2017-04-07
updated: 2017-04-11
version 1.0.1
johndyer / gist:5178734
Created March 16, 2013 23:11
Why RegExp.lastIndex is really, really important
var r = /love/gi,
s = 'i love you',
a = [s,s,s];
for (var i=0,il=a.length; i<il; i++) {
johndyer / .htaccess
Created July 13, 2011 13:06
Google+ redirect .htaccess
#simple version ( goes to your Google+ account)
Redirect /+[yourid]
Redirect /@[twitterusername]
#powerhouse ( goes to your Google+ about page)
RedirectMatch ^/\+(.*)$[yourid]$1
RedirectMatch ^/@(.*)$[twitterusername]$1
johndyer / check_all.js
Created June 1, 2011 21:24 — forked from nathansmith/check_all.js
Used to check all checkboxes in a page.
(function(d) {
var input = d.getElementsByTagName('input'),
i = input.length;
while (i--) {
if (input[i].type === 'checkbox') {
input[i].setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
johndyer / cache.php
Created February 9, 2011 03:06
Simple PHP Object Caching
// Super simple caching class
class PhpCache {
protected $path = null;
protected $duration = null;
function __construct ( $path, $duration = 60) {
$this->path = $path;
$this->duration = $duration;