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John Groves johngroves

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johngroves /
Created September 15, 2017 04:01 — forked from plusk01/
Installing ROS Kinetic on Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.6) and macOS Sierra

Installing ROS Kinetic on Mac OS X - El Capitan and macOS Sierra

Having rather painlessly installed ROS Indigo on El Capitan using Mike Purvis's script, I attempted to upgrade to ROS Kinetic. This gist outlines the problems I encoutered and how I solved them. Hopefully this guide will help others attempting to install ROS Kinetic / Gazebo 7 on El Capitan.

ROS Install OSX

Start with Mike Purvis's script, which currently is setup to install ROS Indigo. In order to install Kinetic instead of Indigo, make sure to set the ROS_DISTRO environment variable: export ROS_DISTRO=kinetic.

After you get through rosdep errors, it's quickest to just work with the catkin config ... and catkin build ... commands directly. In fact, I found it most helpful to leave my catkin workspace terminal open at ros-install-osx/kinetic_desktop_full_ws and t

johngroves /
Last active January 2, 2017 03:54 — forked from 4rzael/
Use the SIM908 on odroid U3
# Config /etc/ppp/peers/fona
(test -e /etc/ppp/peers/fona && echo "/etc/ppp/peers/fona already exists") ||
(touch /etc/ppp/peers/fona &&
echo '# Example PPPD configuration for SIM908 on Archlinux-ARM.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# MUST CHANGE: Change the -T parameter value **** to your networks APN value.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# For example if your APN is 'internet' (without quotes), the line would look like:' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;