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Created February 6, 2014 16:29
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Save johnkors/8847674 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Octopus Deploy - PreDeploy.ps1 for Windows Azure when wanting to modify Cloud Service instance count and/or certificate thumbprint values.
Modifies some Azure cscfg entries that Octopus Deploy 2.0 is not able to as of today.
Sets the thumbprint of the first certificate value. Sets the instance count for each role. Octopus-variables must match either of the two forms:
where rolename is the roleName as defined in the ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.csfcg.
The config file must be named ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg.
$configFile = "ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg";
Write-host "Updating config file named" $configFile "for with instance and certificate values"
Write-host ""
$OctopusVariablesRegex = @{
AzureRoleInstancesVariable = "Azure.Role\[(?<roleName>[^\]]+)\]\.Instances";
AzureRoleCertificateVariable = "Azure.Role\[(?<roleName>[^\]]+)\]\.Certificate";
function GetCustomRoleInfoFromOctopusParameters(){
Write-host "Checking Octopus variables for the variables on format:"
Write-host "* Azure.Role[roleName].Instances"
Write-host "* Azure.Role[roleName].Certificate"
Write-host ""
$roleInstancesVariables = @{}
$roleCertificatesVariables = @{}
foreach ($objItem in $OctopusParameters.Keys) {
$isInstancesVariableByName = $objItem -match $OctopusVariablesRegex.AzureRoleInstancesVariable
$roleName = $matches.roleName
$roleInstancesVariables[$roleName] = $OctopusParameters[$objItem]
$isCertificateVariable = $objItem -match $OctopusVariablesRegex.AzureRoleCertificateVariable
$roleName = $matches.roleName
$roleCertificatesVariables[$roleName] = $OctopusParameters[$objItem]
$roleInfo = @{ Instances = $roleInstancesVariables; Certificates = $roleCertificatesVariables}
Write-host "Found" $roleInstancesVariables.Keys.count "roles for instance update"
Write-host "Found" $roleCertificatesVariables.Keys.count "roles for certificate update"
Write-host ""
return $roleInfo
function ParseAzureConfigToXml(){
if(!(test-path $configFile)){
WriteErrorMsg "Could not find ServiceConfig file named '$configFile'!"
Exit 1
[xml]$configFileAsXml = Get-Content $configFile
return $configFileAsXml;
function UpdateFirstCertificateEntriesForEveryRole($xmlToBeUpdated, $certificatesForRoles) {
foreach ($roleName in $certificatesForRoles.Keys) {
$role = GetRole $xmlToBeUpdated $roleName
if($role.Certificates -eq $null){
WriteErrorMsg "Role did not have defined Certificates section! Could not update first certificate value!"
Exit 1
Write-host "Updating Certificate named" $role.Certificates.Certificate[0].name "for" $
$role.Certificates.Certificate[0].thumbprint = [string]$certificatesForRoles[$roleName];
return $xmlToBeUpdated
function UpdateInstanceCounts($xmlToBeUpdated, $instancesForRoles){
foreach ($roleName in $instancesForRoles.Keys) {
$role = GetRole $xmlToBeUpdated $roleName
$newInstanceCount = $instancesForRoles[$roleName]
$isInteger = IsIntegerValue $newInstanceCount
if($isInteger -eq $false){
WriteErrorMsg "Instance count update failed: Instance count for '$roleName' in Octopus variable is not an integer";
Exit 1
Write-host "Updating instance count for role" $ "to" $instancesForRoles[$roleName]
$role.Instances.count = $instancesForRoles[$roleName];
return $xmlToBeUpdated
function IsIntegerValue($val){
if($val -match "^[0-9]+$"){
return $true
return $false
function GetRole($xml, $roleName){
$role = $xml.ServiceConfiguration.Role | Where-Object {$ -eq $roleName }
if($role -eq $null){
WriteErrorMsg "Could not find a role named '$roleName' in ServiceConfig";
Exit 1
return $role
function WriteErrormsg($msg){
Write-host "**** Could not update the ServiceConfiguration file! Error:." $msg
$roleInfo = GetCustomRoleInfoFromOctopusParameters
$xml = ParseAzureConfigToXml
$xmlWithNewCertificate = UpdateFirstCertificateEntriesForEveryRole $xml $roleInfo.Certificates
$xmlWithNewInstanceCounts = UpdateInstanceCounts $xmlWithNewCertificate $roleInfo.Instances
Write-host ""
Write-host "ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg updated!"
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hi plillevold
im keen to implement a named cert thumbprint only update - are you able to paste in your full script so I can see what mods you have made to allow the above snip to work?

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If the role has only one certificate, this doesn't work. Then you would have to change these lines:
Write-host "Updating Certificate named" $role.Certificates.Certificate[0].name "for" $
$role.Certificates.Certificate[0].thumbprint = [string]$certificatesForRoles[$roleName];

like this:
Write-host "Updating Certificate named" $ "for" $
$role.Certificates.Certificate.thumbprint = [string]$certificatesForRoles[$roleName];

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