Save johnpolacek/69604a1f6861129ef088 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[alias] | |
recent = "!git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(committerdate:short) %(refname:short)' | head -n 10" | |
co = checkout | |
cob = checkout -b | |
coo = !git fetch && git checkout | |
br = branch | |
brd = branch -d | |
brD = branch -D | |
merged = branch --merged | |
st = status | |
aa = add -A . | |
cm = commit -m | |
aacm = !git add -A . && git commit | |
aacm = !git add -A . && git commit -m | |
cp = cherry-pick | |
amend = commit --amend -m | |
dev = !git checkout dev && git pull origin dev | |
staging = !git checkout staging && git pull origin staging | |
main = !git checkout main && git pull origin | |
master = !git checkout master && git pull origin | |
po = push origin | |
pu = !git push origin `git branch --show-current` | |
pod = push origin dev | |
pos = push origin staging | |
pom = push origin main | |
poh = push origin HEAD | |
pogm = !git push origin gh-pages && git checkout master && git pull origin master && git rebase gh-pages && git push origin master && git checkout gh-pages | |
pomg = !git push origin master && git checkout gh-pages && git pull origin gh-pages && git rebase master && git push origin gh-pages && git checkout master | |
plo = pull origin | |
plod = pull origin dev | |
plos = pull origin staging | |
plom = pull origin main | |
ploh = pull origin HEAD | |
unstage = reset --soft HEAD^ | |
ls = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate | |
ll = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --numstat | |
f = "!git ls-files | grep -i" | |
gr = grep -Ii | |
la = "!git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7-" |
is simpler via git push -u origin HEAD
update = "!fn() { \
repo=${2:-origin}; \
if [[ $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) = \"$1\" ]]; \
then \
git pull \"${repo}\"; \
else \
git fetch \"${repo}\" \"$1\":\"$1\"; \
fi; \
}; fn"
update master without checkout: git update master
update develop from upstream remote: get update develop upstream
Any idea how to make those aliases to work with both
branch names? So that for example ifmain
branch exists,pom
pushes tomain
, if not, it pushes it tomaster
git symbolic-ref refs/heads/master refs/heads/main
will alias master
to main
. Not quite the answer I think you were looking for, but it should work.
I have following alias now: main = !git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD | cut -d'/' -f4
git main
returns main
or master
or any other default branch name for the origin/HEAD
Then I use it in my aliases like this:
com = "!f(){ git checkout $(git main) $@;}; f"
Which for example is an alias for checking out the default branch.
I have attempted to create a repository using curl and the RESTful Github API, The libcurl command works in the bash shell but not as an alias could somebody help me with this? Sorry in advance for necro'ing an old post but it is the most relevant to the work i am doing :)
create = !curl -H 'Authorization: token <My_Access_Token>' -d '{ "name": "<Repo_Name>", "private": false }' https://api.github.com/user/repos
Before anyone asks, Yes i have interchanged <My_Access_Token> with my actual developer token, same with <Repo_Name>
Look who I've found :O
Thank you for share this.
Use Oh My Zsh
Another one, with arguments.
# Add all files in staging + commit with message + push to remote
acp = "!f() { git add -A ; git commit -m '$1'; git push; }; f"
git acp "Fixing the bug"
Thanks for this one!