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# add current directory to ~/.bashrc
echo export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd) >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  • labeled text MA plot

  • Fun fact: suspended gold in the ocean, mostly from hydrothermal vents, is enough for each person on Earth to have 9 lbs. - Microbial Diversity, 2017

  • "You don't have to be great at something to do it or enjoy doing it!" You can keep doing it. - Tracy Teal

for file in $(find . -name "*.fasta.dammit.gff3"); do echo $file; cut -f1 $file | uniq | wc -l; done > ~/MMETSP/assembly_evaluation_data/total_contigs
for file in $(find `pwd` -name "*.fasta.renamed.fasta.dammit.gff3");
base=$(basename $file .renamed.fasta.dammit.gff3)
echo cp $file /mnt/scratch/ljcohen/mmetsp_dammit/cp/gff3/$new
# 10/19/2017, with help from Luiz Irber
# ssh
# start interactive job, get assigned a designated compute node
# srun -p high -t 24:00:00 --mem=20000 --pty bash
# on the farm cluster
# jupyter notebook is installed in anaconda, in home dir
# activate virtualenv
source ~/anaconda2/envs/py3.dammit/bin/activate
# change environment variable to change where tmp files are stored
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/home/ljcohen/tmp
# From within a py3 virtualenv
# or
# sudo pip install screed
# source ~/bin/py3/bin/activate
import screed
with open("table.txt",'w') as fq:
for r in'trinity.nema.full.fasta'):
#replace IUPAC ambiguous characters in all fasta files in a directory
for i in $(ls *.fa); do sed -i -e 's/[YRWSKMDVHBX]/N/g' $i; done
# delete block of jobs in queue all starting with specific digits in Job ID
qstat -u ljcohen | grep "472526" | cut -d "." -f1 | xargs qdel
[ljcohen@dev-intel14 trim]$ for i in $(find /mnt/scratch/ljcohen/oysterriver/ -name "*left.fq"); do echo $i; done
From Luiz Irber.
Takes an SRA accession and determines the location of the .sra data file for automated or downloading.
Follows this format:{SRR|ERR|DRR}/<first 6 characters of accession>/<accession>/<accession>.sra
Format according to NCBI utility handbook:
def sra_url(accession):
"""Returns predicted URL given SRA accession as input."""
accession = accession.upper()
# checks for redundancies in record headers
# converts fastq to fasta format
import screed
f = open('porecamp_killifish.fasta','wb')
for n,r in enumerate('porecamp_killifish.fastq')):
if in s: