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Last active July 3, 2024 11:09
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天 夏 on 03-Jul-2024:

Rating: 1/5

When using the official plugin, there is a high probability that the plugin will report errors, causing the editor to fail to recognize files, not to display reminders, text color errors, and plugin crashes. This greatly affects the user experience and is far inferior to the previous Volar plugin. 报错,崩溃,报错,崩溃,可以把Volar搞回来吗?

:Roger! () ⇒ ▼ on 28-Jun-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Simply Goated, what else can I say!?

chibyk101 on 15-Jun-2024:

Rating: 1/5

To be honest there's a decline in the Vue community

We had Vetur - Rich extension with supercharged vue workflow, and code intelisence all working fine.

then came Vue 3 with Volar, reduced code intelisence, and poor workflow

Then this. the only thing this extension does is to add color to HTML tags and that's all. zero intelisense and it doesn't even know about Vue or the code. every variable is highlighted as any.

At times is best to leave things that work the way they are. but unfortunately we have a lot of itchy fingers in the VsCode and Vue community

Rama HERBIN on 14-Jun-2024:

Rating: 1/5

very buggy, each character has a different color !!!

Muxammadamin Tolibov on 14-Jun-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Очень медленный каждая подсказка возмет 8-10 сек, иногда вообще не работает.WTF

Dave Matter on 11-Jun-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Works great. Critical bugs have been fixed on 07-Jun-2024:

Rating: 1/5

There are too many critical bugs. Versions 2.x.x are terrible

Barnaby Sait on 05-Jun-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Unacceptably buggy and broken for an ‘official’ plugin! The Volar extension, despite its status as the official language support tool for Vue.js, exhibits numerous issues that hamper the development process.

Essential configuration details and workaround solutions are either missing or buried within sparse, unclear guidance. This lack of clarity makes troubleshooting common issues a frustrating and time-consuming task.

I've found the error messages provided by Volar to be vague and unhelpful, it was not clear at all that the error messages were coming from this plugin.

Furthermore, the necessity to delve into community forums and GitHub issues to find solutions underscores the inadequacy of official support. This reliance on external resources for what should be straightforward configuration adjustments reflects poorly on the plugin’s usability and the support provided by its maintainers.

In summary, the Volar extension’s bugs, combined with its insufficient documentation and lack of clear error handling, make it an unreliable tool for Vue development. This is particularly disappointing given its status as the official plugin, which ideally should set a benchmark for quality and user support.

轻昀 纪 on 04-Jun-2024:

Rating: 1/5

I used to really like Vue3, but now I want to give up because of this plugin. The experience is too poor, and the key is that it has been a few months and still doesn't work.

Gustavo Toyota on 04-Jun-2024:

Rating: 1/5

This extension is unusable. Refactoring doesn't work. Code completion doesn't work on newly created Vue files.

René Schober on 27-May-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Why have there only been bugs in the extension!!!! for weeks? Can one of the Vue Core Team take care of this, it can't be that a Vue language server doesn't work properly! And if a big company like Vue is behind it, the things they work with should also work accordingly. It's terrible at the moment!

董懂 on 27-May-2024:

Rating: 1/5

so many bugs and many useful features were missing why did they disabled the Volara and forcing us to use this?

7395 on 26-May-2024:

Rating: 1/5

There are too many bugs, why do you still recommend this? When saving .vue, it always takes a long time to load. In a script with lang='ts', it prompts me that I cannot have a type declaration of ts. There are too many bugs. Please test them before posting them.

一锋 洪 on 24-May-2024:

Rating: 1/5

many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many bug

marcos lourenço on 18-May-2024:

Rating: 5/5

awsome - essential

佶来 李 on 18-May-2024:

Rating: 5/5

wow, amazing

吴杰 on 14-May-2024:

Rating: 5/5


ipcjs on 14-May-2024:

Rating: 1/5

If you find that you cannot install an old version or the version cannot be upgraded, please check this issue🙃️: vuejs/language-tools#4227

Anthony Catel on 03-May-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Fast and great. The only thing you need to work with VueJS.

Prince Billy Graham Karmoker on 01-May-2024:

Rating: 1/5

I liked volar this one doesn't work properly. Autocomplete and jump through tag nothing works correctly

卢本伟 on 01-May-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Greate job, awesome plugin

Kmilo González on 27-Apr-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Great job, the best extension for vue development

张超 on 26-Apr-2024:

Rating: 2/5

I have to vent a bit: version 2.0.10 was indeed quite useful, so why is the latest 2.0.14 causing issues again?

ipcjs Jiang on 26-Apr-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Version 2.0 has a bunch of bugs and they even took down version 1.0. It's just a mess.


Oliver Rivett-Carnac on 25-Apr-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Bobbie Goede on 25-Apr-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Essential Vue plugin, works great!

Frank Li on 24-Apr-2024:

Rating: 4/5

for recent issues on this extension refer to vuejs/language-tools#4227

4stars because it indeed costs me time to get things working

Kasia Kowal on 23-Apr-2024:

Rating: 2/5

There is something terribly wrong with this extension.

  • commenting code in .vue files stops to work randomly
  • very often does not locate freshly created .vue files in the same directory
  • sometimes miscolors variables/text in the middle
  • TypeScript makes it worse and slows down the whole thing significantly when developing a mid-sized project

The experience is BAD overall. Somebody needs to step up and rewrite this extension correctly because Vue environment suffers. This is a critical piece of the ecosystem.

adt on 22-Apr-2024:

Rating: 1/5

I know this requires a lot of work and it's very good to have such tools. I hope this feedback will be interpreted correctly. I confirm that suggestions are too slow, compared to good old TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar). For example when doing "class" + ENTER to get the CSS class attribute, it breaks. With Volar it never happened. Now you have to wait more than "normal" and then press ENTER, which is a major drawback when using class hundreds of times per day. Apparently Vue - Official extension doesn't work properly with with Vuetify either: It breaks the Vuetify types when hovering or doing CTRL + click. Might also be a conflict with other extensions, though... Couldn't find a workaround yet.

I would suggest for the time being making TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar) available again. So that people choose what they like to use. Thank you.

adi kurniawan on 22-Apr-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Suggestions are too slow to appear. I prefer the older version of Volar. In the older version, suggestions could appear quickly.

Denis Yushkin on 19-Apr-2024:

Rating: 5/5

iulo on 17-Apr-2024:

Rating: 5/5

延康 赵 on 16-Apr-2024:

Rating: 1/5


ego fragile on 16-Apr-2024:

Rating: 1/5

When using this plugin, the syntax suggestions appear incredibly slow, making it practically unusable. Utilizing this plugin reduces productivity to that of an elementary school student

Hau Nguyen on 16-Apr-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Mohammad Reza Hajianpour on 03-Apr-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Bring Volar back! This junk is unstable. Don't push your untested trash into our production setup. It made me rewrite all my modules to svelte.

wengqizun on 03-Apr-2024:

Rating: 1/5

vscode版本1.87.2 MAC M1 Max 使用最新版本2.0.8会导致内置的“JS/TS language service”crash,从而无法代码提示和代码跳转 现已从2.0.8降级到1.8.27后不再crash了,不知道对其他功能有没有影响,望早日修复这个问题

Lyu on 01-Apr-2024:

Rating: 1/5


Nelson Martell on 29-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

¡Genial! Una herramienta muy útil para trabajar con Vue.

¡Muchas gracias!


Great! A very usefull tool to work with Vue.

Thank you!

直到世界尽头 on 28-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5


René Schober on 26-Mar-2024:

Rating: 2/5

Don't get me wrong, I would like to write something in the discussion in Github, but it was also made for closed developers. Nevertheless, either you want to earn money as a developer or you want to make open source, both are not possible. And if you develop something for Vue then you have to clarify this with the Vue organization, otherwise it will damage the Vue ecosystem in the long run and then you can watch how it will crash when money is suddenly demanded to have something that works. And a language server should not have to be paid for. And we all have families, children and bills to pay. So I would wish for you, try to work it out differently and earn money with another product.

jaqqq on 25-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

升级到2.0.7版本会crashed The Vue server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted. See the output for more 安装的版本低于2.0.7就正常 vscode版本1.87.2 Mac M2芯片 麻烦尽快更新!!!

Finok on 22-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

强制把volar下架,就搞出了这么个玩意???在ts里无法引入在vue导出的类型,各种错误的报错提示,又卡又慢………而且 2.x 问题比1.x还多得多(虽然回退到1.x还是各种问题)。没本事搞插件就重新把volar上架回去,让用户自己选。开发者的命也是命。真的要被你们这插件搞死了。

沫丶汐 on 22-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

人家作者搞开源并不是义务,有问题处理了是情分 不处理是本分。别抱有那么大恶意!!!

T-team on 22-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

为啥提示这个啊,点击换个版本也没反应: The Vue server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted. See the output for more information.

新 小 on 21-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

这个比起比volar差太多了吧 特别是有些地方会无报错的ts 一直报错 一个组件用了 default 显示报错没找到什么.pnpm/vue-types@3.0.2_vue@3.2.47/node_modules/vue-types",则无法命名 "default 这明明没有的事 其他组件也是这么写的也没见报错有写就莫名奇妙报错 很奇怪 用会以前的插件这里就不会报错了

Jakub Sova on 20-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

The paywall is real. Get ready folks, the paywall is here.

小明 杨 on 19-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

高亮乱七八糟,import 文件大概率直接整个文件代码高亮全乱了,要重启vscode。代码提示也没以前好,不如不更新。:(

kushaobuy on 19-Mar-2024:

Rating: 2/5

the revolution is not yet successful, comrades still need to work hard!

Микулич Александр Олегович on 17-Mar-2024:

Rating: 3/5

Not a very good experience after version 2.0, especially in mono repo...

Andrey Rusinas on 16-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Stopped working after deprecation of TypeScript Vue Plugin. Now it's useless

atomfox on 15-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5


jevons lee on 15-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5



don mac on 14-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Please quickly fix the emmet bug. It's already waste long time.

deanCheng on 14-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

  1. Stuck and stopped
  2. No prompts when reporting errors
  3. It often fails halfway through use, and the compilation speed is very slow.
  4. Typescript is not friendly

Patrick Spiegel on 14-Mar-2024:

Rating: 3/5

Unreliable. Gives you syntax highlighting and code completion in vue files, but its really unreliable and unstable with typescript. Often you just have to restart your editor because the intellisense just stops working.

mark mark on 12-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5


小云 凌 on 11-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5


124380729 on 11-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5


Alaric on 11-Mar-2024:

Rating: 4/5


Louis Haftmann on 08-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

子旭 易 on 08-Mar-2024:

Rating: 4/5


纪坤 郭 on 08-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

tangchi on 08-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5


xulzu on 07-Mar-2024:

Rating: 3/5


YIFEI DU on 07-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Everything crashes after upgrading to newest version of vscode and vue-official, vue template throws errors everywhere. So frustrating.

小明 on 07-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

该死,更新到最新版之后,所有的代码提示都变得很慢,甚至包括.ts .js文件,版本回退之后就好了,而且vue模板里面写动态style甚至没有高亮

黄先生 on 07-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5


mo on 07-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

After updating Vue official, I encountered an inability to use typescript type prompt, which became extremely slow. Now, I have to disable this plugin. As someone who has installed multiple vscode plugins, I have never suspected it to be an issue with Vue's official plugin, which caused me to waste a day. When I disabled this plugin, the typescript prompt returned to normal

Lukas Wallisch on 06-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Since the Update to 2.0.4 (from 1.8...)

The experience has dropped by a huge amount...

Typscriptsupport wasn't perfekt bevor, but got even worse...

No detection for missing required props

You cant copy anything into a .vue file because the hole line gets deleted...

Splitview doesnt work anymore

And so on...


Ziu Chen on 06-Mar-2024:

Rating: 3/5

A powerful extension developed for Vuer. I hope v2 can continue to improve to bring a better experience to developers. 🎉 At least now it has a lot of problems :(

Paul Wanjohi on 06-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Mohamed Alalaiwat on 06-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Thank you for making Vue development on VS Code a great experience!

Venti Jeanv on 05-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Do you want to install the recommended 'TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)' extension from Vue for this repository?

RogerLin on 05-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Denis Yushkin on 04-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

drew sb on 04-Mar-2024:

Rating: 1/5

Do you want to install the recommended 'TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)' extension from Vue for this repository?

Anthony Pillot on 04-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

Thanks to merge Volar, Vue and TypeScript plugin.

Taufiq on 03-Mar-2024:

Rating: 5/5

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