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Jonathan Sick jonathansick

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endolith /
Last active November 19, 2023 00:09
Documenting the matplotlib colormaps
# Several of the ColorBrewer maps are "qualitative", meaning
# they are just a group of colors that can be used together
# for categories of data. So I remapped Accent to segments
# instead of continuous:
# Actually, these should be used with ListedColormap, and
# the number of colors should depend on the number of
# categories in the data, with colors removed from the
# list in a certain order?
btoone /
Last active May 14, 2024 19:32
A curl tutorial using GitHub's API


An introduction to curl using GitHub's API.

The Basics

Makes a basic GET request to the specifed URI

ry5n / -ry5n-vertical-rhythm
Created March 13, 2012 04:06
An alternative to Compass's built-in vertical-rhythm module. Only supports output values in rem, with pixel fallbacks
// Configurable variables
// ⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻⁻
// Absolute height of body text, in pixels
$base-font-size: 16px !default;
// Absolute height of one line of type, in pixels
$base-line-height: 24px !default;
// The font unit to use when returning values in rhythm functions
dahlia /
Created February 18, 2012 14:58
PostgreSQL hstore + SQLAlchemy
""":mod:`hstore` --- Using PostgreSQL hstore with SQLAlchemy
.. note::
I released it under Public Domain. Feel free to use!
It provides :class:`Hstore` type which makes you to store Python
dictionaries into hstore columns in PostgreSQL. For example::
ticean /
Created January 3, 2012 21:14
SVN Git Mirror

Create Git Mirror from SVN Repository

This guide will demonstrate how to mirror an SVN into a Git repo. You're the target audience if you're an SVN user, just getting started with Git and need to coax your project team over to Git.

The branching scenario has been simplified for clarity.


jasoncodes / gist:1223731
Created September 17, 2011 07:45
Installing Ruby 1.9.3 with rbenv on OS X
# The latest version of this script is now available at
brew update
brew install rbenv ruby-build rbenv-vars readline ctags
if [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ]; then
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init - --no-rehash)"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init - --no-rehash)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
import cPickle as pickle
import numpy as np
from bson.binary import Binary
from pymongo.son_manipulator import SONManipulator
class NumpySONManipulator(SONManipulator):
def transform_incoming(self, value, collection):
if isinstance(value, (list,tuple,set)):
return [self.transform_incoming(item,collection) for item in value]
if isinstance(value,dict):
gruber / gist:1063605
Created July 4, 2011 16:48
Simple Inbox Archiving Script for Apple Mail
-- See article here:
-- The following should be one long line:
set _description to "All unflagged, read messages in each IMAP account
inbox will be moved to the “Archive” mailbox corresponding to that
account. This action is not undoable."
tell application "Mail"
display alert "Archive read messages from IMAP inboxes?" buttons ¬
{"Cancel", "Archive"} cancel button 1 message _description
enaeseth /
Created February 25, 2011 19:54
Load YAML mappings as ordered dictionaries
import yaml
import yaml.constructor
# included in standard lib from Python 2.7
from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
# try importing the backported drop-in replacement
# it's available on PyPI
from ordereddict import OrderedDict
koshigoe /
Created February 11, 2011 14:57
Like tmpfs in Mac OSX
# This program has two feature.
# 1. Create a disk image on RAM.
# 2. Mount that disk image.
# Usage:
# $0 <dir> <size>