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Created November 15, 2011 05:30
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(function (win, doc) {
var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
// expand css
function expandCSS(responseText, dirname) {
return responseText
// correct urls
.replace(/url\(['"]?(.+?)['"]?\)/g, 'url(' + dirname + '$1)')
// uncorrect behavior urls
.replace(/behavior:\s*url\((.*?)\)/g, function (url) { return url.replace(dirname, ''); })
// import imports
function (all, url) {
var xhr = win.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');'GET', url, false);
return expandCSS(xhr.responseText, url.replace(/[^\/]+$/, ''));
// process style
win.processStyle = function (el, callback) {
el = doc.getElementById(el) || el;
// variables, i love variables
replaceElement = /link|style/i.test(el.nodeName);
styleEl = doc.createElement('style'),
expandedCSS = expandCSS(replaceElement ? el.href ? '@import url(' + el.href + ')' : el.innerHTML : ||, '');
// process the expandedCSS
if (callback && callback.apply) expandedCSS = callback.apply(el, [expandedCSS]);
// if we're using the style attribute
if (!replaceElement) return el.setAttribute('style', expandedCSS);
// the style element can be tricky, best to let it think it belongs to a document, oh, and copy the media
frag.appendChild(styleEl).media =;
// the style element can be tricky, best to set its content the way it wants
if (el.styleSheet) styleEl.styleSheet.cssText = expandedCSS; else styleEl.innerHTML = expandedCSS;
// replace the old with the new
el.parentNode.replaceChild(styleEl, el);
})(this, document);
(function (win, doc) {
function main(responseText) {
// macros storage var
var macros = {};
// modify response text
responseText = responseText
// strip comments
.replace(/\/\*[\W\w]*?\*\//g, '')
// get macros
function (all, props) {
function (all, nodeName, nodeValue) {
macros[nodeName] = nodeValue;
return '';
// replace macros
for (e in macros) while (responseText !== (responseText = responseText.replace(e, macros[e])));
// return modified response text
return responseText;
// process style macros
win.processStyleMacros = function (el) { processStyle(el, main); };
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