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Created April 18, 2012 17:13
addEventListener for IE8
!window.addEventListener && Element.prototype && (function (polyfill) {
// window.addEventListener, document.addEventListener, <>.addEventListener
// window.removeEventListener, document.removeEventListener, <>.removeEventListener
function Event() { [polyfill] }
Event.prototype.preventDefault = function () {
this.nativeEvent.returnValue = false;
Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function () {
this.nativeEvent.cancelBubble = true;
function addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) {
useCapture = !!useCapture;
var cite = this;
cite.__eventListener = cite.__eventListener || {};
cite.__eventListener[type] = cite.__eventListener[type] || [[],[]];
if (!cite.__eventListener[type][0].length && !cite.__eventListener[type][1].length) {
cite.__eventListener['on' + type] = function (nativeEvent) {
var newEvent = new Event, newNodeList = [], node = nativeEvent.srcElement || cite, property;
for (property in nativeEvent) {
newEvent[property] = nativeEvent[property];
newEvent.currentTarget = cite;
newEvent.pageX = nativeEvent.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
newEvent.pageY = nativeEvent.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop; = node;
newEvent.timeStamp = +new Date;
newEvent.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;
while (node) {
node = node.parentNode;
for (var a, i = 0; (a = newNodeList[i]); ++i) {
if (a.__eventListener && a.__eventListener[type]) {
for (var aa, ii = 0; (aa = a.__eventListener[type][0][ii]); ++ii) {, newEvent);
for (var a, i = 0; (a = newNodeList[i]) && !nativeEvent.cancelBubble; ++i) {
if (a.__eventListener && a.__eventListener[type]) {
for (var aa, ii = 0; (aa = a.__eventListener[type][1][ii]) && !nativeEvent.cancelBubble; ++ii) {, newEvent);
nativeEvent.cancelBubble = true;
cite.attachEvent('on' + type, cite.__eventListener['on' + type]);
cite.__eventListener[type][useCapture ? 0 : 1].push(listener);
function removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) {
useCapture = !!useCapture;
var cite = this, a;
cite.__eventListener = cite.__eventListener || {};
cite.__eventListener[type] = cite.__eventListener[type] || [[],[]];
a = cite.__eventListener[type][useCapture ? 0 : 1];
for (eventIndex = a.length - 1, eventLength = -1; eventIndex > eventLength; --eventIndex) {
if (a[eventIndex] == listener) {
a.splice(eventIndex, 1)[0][1];
if (!cite.__eventListener[type][0].length && !cite.__eventListener[type][1].length) {
cite.detachEvent('on' + type, cite.__eventListener['on' + type]);
window.constructor.prototype.addEventListener = document.constructor.prototype.addEventListener = Element.prototype.addEventListener = addEventListener;
window.constructor.prototype.removeEventListener = document.constructor.prototype.removeEventListener = Element.prototype.removeEventListener = removeEventListener;
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This saved me a lot of frustration today. Thank you!

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Thank you! When testing in IE8, I get a type mismatch error on this part:

if (!cite.__eventListener[type][0].length && !cite.__eventListener[type][1].length) {
            cite.detachEvent('on' + type, cite.__eventListener['on' + type]);

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Thanks a ton for this rather complete implementation.

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cslarson commented Feb 5, 2014

@timelf123, I saw this error when I had jquery included in the page.

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cl5168 commented Aug 26, 2016

how do?

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