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jonschoning /
Created November 4, 2021 05:15 — forked from snth/
Procedural version of do nothing script
import sys
def wait_for_enter():
input("Press Enter to continue: ")
def create_ssh_keys(context):
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/{username}
jonschoning /
Created November 27, 2020 15:00 — forked from angerman/
Cross compiling ws-tunnel
# prefetch wstunnel's master for nix, and store the result in wstunnel.json
nix-prefetch-git > wstunnel.json
# and build the wstunnel-tarball with nix, using the haskell.nix infra structure as above (see default.nix)
nix build \
-f default.nix \
rpi64-musl.wstunnel-tarball \
-o rpi64-musl-wstunnel-tarball
--arg wstunnel-json ./ws-tunnel.json

Monads and delimited control are very closely related, so it isn’t too hard to understand them in terms of one another. From a monadic point of view, the big idea is that if you have the computation m >>= f, then f is m’s continuation. It’s the function that is called with m’s result to continue execution after m returns.

If you have a long chain of binds, the continuation is just the composition of all of them. So, for example, if you have

m >>= f >>= g >>= h

then the continuation of m is f >=> g >=> h. Likewise, the continuation of m >>= f is g >=> h.

jonschoning / twittermute.txt
Created January 24, 2020 23:59 — forked from IanColdwater/twittermute.txt
Here are some terms to mute on Twitter to clean your timeline up a bit.
Mute these words in your settings here:
;; Set ghcid-target to change the stack target
(setq ghcid-target "")
(setq ghcid-height 15)
(defun ghcid-stack-cmd (target)
(format "stack ghci %s --test --bench --ghci-options=-fno-code" target))
(setq ghcid-buf-name "*ghcid*")
(define-minor-mode ghcid-mode
jonschoning /
Created April 27, 2019 07:53 — forked from jsomers/
Instructions for using Webster's 1913 on Android

To use Webster's 1913 dictionary on Android, install Colordict 3, an app that accepts this StarDict format.

Next download James's S3 archive.

You will need to extract the .dict file from inside three containers - .dz, .tar, .bz2 from innermost to outermost. 7zip handles all of these formats.

Place the .dict, .idx and .ifo files in the dictdata directory on your sdcard or local storage root. This is where colordict looks for dictionaries.

When the files are in the right place, you can run Colordict and tap the folder icon in the top right to see the dictionaries installed and set the dictionary priority. I put the 1913 dictionary above the defaults "Wordnet" and "Wikipedia." When you look up a word, ColorDict shows the definition, if available, from these multiple sources.

jonschoning /
Created April 11, 2019 14:13 — forked from gboudreau/
Export TOTP tokens from Authy

Generating Authy passwords on other authenticators

There is an increasing count of applications which use Authy for two-factor authentication. However many users who aren't using Authy, have their own authenticator setup up already and do not wish to use two applications for generating passwords.

Since I use 1Password for all of my password storing/generating needs, I was looking for a solution to use Authy passwords on that. I couldn't find any completely working solutions, however I stumbled upon a gist by Brian Hartvigsen. His post had a neat code with it to generate QR codes (beware, through Google) for you to use on your favorite authenticator.

His method is to extract the secret keys using Authy's Google Chrome app via Developer Tools. If this was not possible, I guess people would be reverse engineering the Android app or something like that. But when I tried that code, nothing appeared on the screen. My gues

jonschoning / Aggregation.purs
Created March 11, 2019 15:08 — forked from purcell/Aggregation.purs
Multiple aggregates in a single pass, using Purescript
-- This is based on ideas from the excellent article "Beautiful Aggregations
-- with Haskell" by Evan Borden:
module Aggregation where
import Prelude
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Monoid.Additive (Additive(..))
import Data.Newtype (un)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, PatternSynonyms, ExplicitNamespaces #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, BlockArguments #-}
module Select
( type (-?)(Fun, Const, Lazy, unLazy), ($?)
, Selective(..)
, select, branch, whenS, ifS, whileS, fromMaybeS
, (<||>), (<&&>), anyS, allS
, Monad(..)
) where
jonschoning / generate.c
Created March 5, 2019 15:07 — forked from munificent/generate.c
A random dungeon generator that fits on a business card
#include <time.h> // Robert Nystrom
#include <stdio.h> // @munificentbob
#include <stdlib.h> // for Ginny
#define r return // 2008-2019
#define l(a, b, c, d) for (i y=a;y\
<b; y++) for (int x = c; x < d; x++)
typedef int i;const i H=40;const i W
=80;i m[40][80];i g(i x){r rand()%x;
}void cave(i s){i w=g(10)+5;i h=g(6)
+3;i t=g(W-w-2)+1;i u=g(H-h-2)+1;l(u