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Jose H. Solorzano jose-solorzano

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BASE_PERIOD = 157.44;
BKJD_BASELINE = 2454833.0; # Kepler mission baseline.
EVANGELINE_WTF_DAY = 404; # Dip day from chart at
WTF_BASELINE = 2457800; # Baseline used in charts.
D140 = 140.5437;
D216 = 216.3751;
D260 = 260.89969;
D359 = 359.0791;
Runs random dip simulations in the Kepler timespan
and looks for intervals that are approximate multiples
of the 157.44-day base period.
Other utilities are:
import numpy as np
# Example:
# runIntervalsSimulation(20000, multiplesOf = 24.2, viewingAngle = 7 * 2 * pi / 13)
BASE_GAP = 48.4;
getPeriods = function() {
# Functions for analysis of century-long periodicity of KIC 8462852.
readDaschData = function(fileName = "./dasch/KIC8462852_K8462852_0000.txt",
removeFlagged = F, maxError = NULL, magField = "magcal_local", maxOutlierSdFactor = NULL) {
con = file(fileName);
lines = readLines(con);
lines = lines[c(-1, -3)];
# Input file generated with:
# awk -F ',' '{print $1 "," $2 "," $3 "," $4 "," $5}' aavsodata_58adb26376a9d.txt > aavsodata_2017_02_22.csv
generateSimulatedTrends = function(band, ar1 = 0.33, numTrends = 1000, aavsoFilePath = "./aavso/aavsodata_2017_02_22.csv") {
aavsoFrame = read.csv(aavsoFilePath);
# Filter by band and remove "outliers"
aavsoFrame = aavsoFrame[aavsoFrame$Band==band & aavsoFrame$Magnitude >= 11.724 & aavsoFrame$Magnitude <= 11.964,];
numRows = nrow(aavsoFrame);
# AAVSO matching with Kepler
# AAVSO will produce a poorly-formatted comma-separated file
# named something like aavsodata_58adb26376a9d.txt.
# Convert it to a CSV file as follows:
# awk -F ',' '{print $1 "," $2 "," $3 "," $4 "," $5}' aavsodata_58adb26376a9d.txt > aavsodata_2017_02_22.csv
# Baseline BJD of Kepler mission is 2454833.
analyzeSeriesCorrelationPartial = function(fromRow, toRow, aavsoFilePath = "./aavso/aavsodata_2017_02_22.csv", keplerFilePath = "./wtf/KIC8462852_normalized_flux.csv") {
# The kf parameter of functions below should be a frame with
# Time and n_flux variables, like data from
# amplitudePhaseAnalysis
# Produces amplitude and phase series by fitting sine/cosine
# functions to a light curve.
amplitudePhaseAnalysis = function(kf, windowSize = 700, stepSize = 21, period = 0.88) {
sequence = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(kf) - windowSize + 1, by = stepSize);
lenseq = length(sequence);
seriesWithNoise = function(noiseSD = 0.00004) {
previous = seriesWithPeriodicity();
Time = previous$Time,
n_flux = previous$n_flux + rnorm(n = nrow(previous)) * noiseSD
seriesWithPeriodicity = function(period = 0.88, amplitude = 0.00008) {
# Note: A complete AAVSO file should have over 18000 rows at this point.
# Note: A complete AAVSO file should have over 18000 rows at this point.
# R might not read it fully.
# Had to do this to AAVSO light curve file for R to read it properly:
# awk -F ',' '{print $1 "," $2 "," $3 "," $4 "," $5}' aavsodata_20161023.csv > aavsodata_20161023_5fields.csv
produceAavsoTrend = function(band, aavsoFilePath = "./aavso/aavsodata_20161023_5fields.csv") {
aavsoFrame = read.csv(aavsoFilePath);
aavsoFrameBand = aavsoFrame[aavsoFrame$Band==band,];
# Note: A complete AAVSO file should have over 18000 rows at this point.
# R might not read it fully.
# Had to do this to AAVSO light curve file for R to read it properly:
# awk -F ',' '{print $1 "," $2 "," $3 "," $4 "," $5}' aavsodata_20161023.csv > aavsodata_20161023_5fields.csv
analyzeVvsR = function(aavsoFilePath = "./aavso/aavsodata_20161023_5fields.csv") {
aavsoFrame = read.csv(aavsoFilePath);
aavsoFrameV = aavsoFrame[aavsoFrame$Band=='V',];
aavsoFrameR = aavsoFrame[aavsoFrame$Band=='R',];