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Created October 2, 2017 00:35
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# Example:
# runIntervalsSimulation(20000, multiplesOf = 24.2, viewingAngle = 7 * 2 * pi / 13)
BASE_GAP = 48.4;
getPeriods = function() {
getInitialTimeDelays = function(periods) {
0.5 * BASE_GAP * 17,
0.5 * BASE_GAP * 31
p = function(n) {
return(n * 13 * BASE_GAP / 2);
runOrbitSimulation = function(timeSpan, viewingAngle = 0) {
periods = getPeriods();
len = length(periods);
initialTimeDelays = getInitialTimeDelays(periods);
if(length(initialTimeDelays) != len) {
stop(paste("Requires", len, " initial time delays."));
results = data.frame(Name = character(0), Time = numeric(0));
for(i in 1:len) {
pname = intToUtf8(i + 64);
period = periods[i];
occurrences = getDipOccurrences(timeSpan, period, initialTimeDelays[i], viewingAngle = viewingAngle);
results = mergeResultsFrame(results, pname, occurrences);
runIntervalsSimulation = function(timeSpan, multiplesOf = BASE_GAP, viewingAngle = 0) {
dips = runOrbitSimulation(timeSpan, viewingAngle = viewingAngle);
times = dips[["Time"]];
names = dips[["Name"]];
results = data.frame(From = character(0), To = character(0), NumIntervals = numeric(0));
for(i in 2:nrow(dips)) {
k = i - 1;
ni = (times[i] - times[k]) / multiplesOf;
from = names[k];
to = names[i];
row = data.frame(From = from, To = to, NumIntervals = ni);
results = rbind(results, row);
mergeResultsFrame = function(baseFrame, pname, occurrences) {
nameVector = baseFrame[["Name"]];
timeVector = baseFrame[["Time"]];
timeLen = length(timeVector);
occLen = length(occurrences);
timeIdx = 1;
occIdx = 1;
newNames = character(0);
newTimes = numeric(0);
repeat {
if(timeIdx > timeLen && occIdx > occLen) {
if(timeIdx > timeLen) {
newNames = c(newNames, rep(pname, occLen - occIdx + 1));
newTimes = c(newTimes, occurrences[occIdx:occLen]);
else if(occIdx > occLen) {
newNames = c(newNames, as.character(nameVector[timeIdx:timeLen]));
newTimes = c(newTimes, timeVector[timeIdx:timeLen]);
time = timeVector[timeIdx];
occurrence = occurrences[occIdx];
if(approxEqual(time, occurrence)) {
combinedName = paste0(pname, as.character(nameVector[timeIdx]));
newNames = c(newNames, combinedName);
newTimes = c(newTimes, time);
timeIdx = timeIdx + 1;
occIdx = occIdx + 1;
else if(time > occurrence) {
newNames = c(newNames, pname);
newTimes = c(newTimes, occurrence);
occIdx = occIdx + 1;
else {
nn = as.character(nameVector[timeIdx]);
newNames = c(newNames, nn);
newTimes = c(newTimes, time);
timeIdx = timeIdx + 1;
return(data.frame(Name = newNames, Time = newTimes));
approxEqual = function(a, b) {
return(abs(a - b) < 1E-5);
getDipOccurrences = function(timeSpan, period, timeDelay, viewingAngle = 0) {
dipTimes = seq(0, timeSpan, by = period);
dipTimes = dipTimes + timeDelay;
viewingTimeOffset = angleToTime(viewingAngle, period);
dipTimes = dipTimes - viewingTimeOffset;
return(dipTimes[dipTimes >= 0]);
angleToTime = function(angle, period) {
return(period * angle / (2 * pi));
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