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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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  • Save josevalim/a2c71a6dfd93e2acb938 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save josevalim/a2c71a6dfd93e2acb938 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-record(foo, { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5 }).
map_new() ->
#{ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4, e => 5 }.
record_new() ->
map_get(#{ e := E }) ->
record_get(#foo{ e = E }) ->
map_put(M) ->
M#{ e := 10 }.
record_put(R) ->
R#foo{ e = 10 }.
map_access(M) ->
case M of
#{ e := E } -> E;
O -> O:e()
record_access(M) ->
e() ->
e(#foo{ e = E }) ->
bench() ->
io:format("Warm up~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_new() end, 10),
bench(fun() -> record_new() end, 10),
io:format("New 1000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_new() end, 100000),
bench(fun() -> record_new() end, 100000),
io:format("New 100000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_new() end, 10000000),
bench(fun() -> record_new() end, 10000000),
Map = map_new(),
Rec = record_new(),
io:format("Get 1000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_get(Map) end, 100000),
bench(fun() -> record_get(Rec) end, 100000),
io:format("Get 100000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_get(Map) end, 10000000),
bench(fun() -> record_get(Rec) end, 10000000),
io:format("Put 1000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_put(Map) end, 100000),
bench(fun() -> record_put(Rec) end, 100000),
io:format("Put 100000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_put(Map) end, 10000000),
bench(fun() -> record_put(Rec) end, 10000000),
io:format("Access 1000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_access(Map) end, 100000),
bench(fun() -> record_access(Rec) end, 100000),
io:format("Access 100000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_access(Map) end, 10000000),
bench(fun() -> record_access(Rec) end, 10000000),
io:format("Access fallback 1000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_access(foo) end, 100000),
bench(fun() -> record_access(foo) end, 100000),
io:format("Access fallback 100000~n"),
bench(fun() -> map_access(foo) end, 10000000),
bench(fun() -> record_access(foo) end, 10000000),
bench(Fun, Times) ->
TimesFun = fun() -> times(Fun, Times) end,
Pid = spawn_link(fun() ->
io:format("~p~n", [timer:tc(TimesFun, [])])
{ 'EXIT', Pid, normal } -> ok
times(_Fun, 0) -> ok;
times(Fun, Times) -> Fun(), times(Fun, Times - 1).
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MSch commented Apr 10, 2014

results on my macbook with 17

Warm up
New 1000
New 100000
Get 1000
Get 100000
Put 1000
Put 100000
Access 1000
Access 100000
Access fallback 1000
Access fallback 100000

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