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Express.js role-based permissions middleware
// the main app file
import express from "express";
import loadDb from "./loadDb"; // dummy middleware to load db (sets request.db)
import authenticate from "./authentication"; // middleware for doing authentication
import permit from "./authorization"; // middleware for checking if user's role is permitted to make request
const app = express(),
api = express.Router();
// first middleware will setup db connection
// authenticate each request
// will set `request.user`
// setup permission middleware,
// check `request.user.role` and decide if ok to continue
app.use("/api/private", permit("admin"));
app.use(["/api/foo", "/api/bar"], permit("manager", "employee"));
// setup requests handlers
api.get("/private/whatever", (req, res) => res.json({whatever: true}));
api.get("/foo", (req, res) => res.json({currentUser: req.user}));
api.get("/bar", (req, res) => res.json({currentUser: req.user}));
// setup permissions based on HTTP Method
// account creation is public"/account", (req, res) => res.json({message: "created"}));
// account update & delete (PATCH & DELETE) are only available to managers
api.patch("/account", permit('manager'), (req, res) => res.json({message: "updated"}));
api.delete("/account", permit('manager'), (req, res) => res.json({message: "deleted"}));
// viewing account "GET" available to manager and employee
api.get("/account", permit('manager', 'employee'), (req, res) => res.json({currentUser: req.user}));
// mount api router
app.use("/api", api);
// start 'er up
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);
// middleware for authentication
export default async function authorize(request, _response, next) {
const apiToken = request.headers['x-api-token'];
// set user on-success
request.user = await request.db.users.findByApiKey(apiToken);
// always continue to next middleware
// middleware for doing role-based permissions
export default function permit(...permittedRoles) {
// return a middleware
return (request, response, next) => {
const { user } = request
if (user && permittedRoles.includes(user.role)) {
next(); // role is allowed, so continue on the next middleware
} else {
response.status(403).json({message: "Forbidden"}); // user is forbidden
// dummy middleware for db (set's request.db)
export default function loadDb(request, _response, next) {
// dummy db
request.db = {
users: {
findByApiKey: async token => {
switch {
case (token == '1234') {
return {role: 'manager', id: 1234};
case (token == '5678') {
return {role: 'employee', id: 5678};
return null; // no user
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pedrovinicius commented Jan 25, 2019

It's exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much!

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Extremely helpful .. saved my 4-5 working hours

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Extremely helpful, thank you so much

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Thanks you so much

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Thanks.. it's simple but powerful! 👍

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...allowed can you explain this to me i am new at this

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joshnuss commented Aug 1, 2019

@HamzaKazmi43 f(...args) is called "rest parameters". It allows the function to consume the parameters as if it was an array.
For more info, see:

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very useful, thank you!

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Thank you @joshnuss, this is brilliant!

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staminna commented Sep 28, 2019

Can I see some example usage of this code?
I also tried to replace 'api' with app and I get some unexpected circular error of some kind. I am not using router directly. I am only using app=express();

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Thanks man, this just saved me hours of work today!

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Ditto on this being very helpful. And I learned about rest parameters so that was a big bonus for me.

Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you! This was extremely helpful for me.

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thanks! save me"

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zartre commented Jul 3, 2020

This is helpful. I have adapted mine based on your work. Thanks!

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jalakpatoliya commented Jul 30, 2020

Just here to Thank... awsome buddy thanks 👊️😎️

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Pipoupi commented Jul 31, 2020

Here to thank you too ! :)

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This is great, was looking for something similar.

Thanks man

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I looked at other implementations but this is the most simple and useful one so far

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Extremely Useful. Works like a charm.

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Nice, Thank you

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By using 'owner' role I would expect the user who created(own) the doc is trying to access, otherwise it is confusing and misleading.
I would suggest to rename 'owner' role to something else, because 'owner' in this pattern is not what you expect.

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skang commented Apr 1, 2021

Excellent design - simple, beautiful and powerful. Thank you very much for sharing!

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@sergey-shpak yeh me too, I think it's just an unfortunately named role?

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Very helpful. Thanks for sharing.

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This is perfect, thank you a ton.

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thank you bro..

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