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Sergey sergey-shpak

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// Simple task and this is how it should be done initially,
// btw, I can imagine there are many possible improvements,
// like counting only to half of a number, etc
const isPrimeNumber = (
counter = Math.round(number/2)+1
) => counter >= 2 && new Array(counter)
.fill(0, 2).every((i, idx) => number % idx !== 0)
sergey-shpak / example.js
Last active July 9, 2022 20:39
Hyperapp#2 Html factory
import { html } from 'path/to/html'
import { app } from 'hyperapp#2'
// define any html tag
const { div, span } = html
// following syntax is supported
// tag(attrs)
// tag([child])
// tag(attrs, [child])
sergey-shpak / Helmet.js
Created October 18, 2019 08:19
Hyperapp#2 Helmet Component
// Hyperapp#2 Helmet Component
// This is based on Hyperapp Portal helper and Lifecycle events helper
const Portal = target => (props, child) =>
h('source', { // <- any non-space element
appendChild: target.appendChild.bind(target),
removeChild: target.removeChild.bind(target)
sergey-shpak / request.es5-style.js
Last active August 24, 2019 15:47
Abortable fetch (js fetch abort / cancel fetch / stop request )
As you may know fetch requests can be aborted only with AbortController
The 'request helper' is exposing abort method into promise,
allowing aborting from outside of the promise, for example:
import { request } from 'helpers'
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(e => console.log(e))
sergey-shpak / example.js
Created July 10, 2019 13:28
Hyperapp#2 immutable state
'use strict' // Strict mode to throw mutation errors
import { h, app } from 'hyperapp'
import { immutable } from 'helpers'
// action that is trying to mutate the state
// will throw error for any mutation
const onclick = state => {
return state
sergey-shpak / example.js
Created June 29, 2019 12:12
Hyperapp#2 lifecycle events helper
import { h } from 'hyperapp'
import Lifecycle, { withChildLifeCycle } from 'lifecycle'
// 'customEvent.detail' contains element triggered lifecycle event
// please use effects to properly manipulate dom element
const action = (state, customEvent) => state
// and somewhere
<div oncreated={ action }>created</div>
sergey-shpak / example.js
Created June 13, 2019 12:10
Hyperapp#2 dispatch logger
import { h, app } from 'hyperapp'
import { logger } from 'helpers/logger'
const init = () => ({ initalized: true })
app({ init }, logger(process.env.NODE_ENV==='development'))
sergey-shpak / Example.js
Created June 12, 2019 03:26
Hyperapp#2 Lifecycle HOC
const {h, app} = hyperapp // @jsx h
// Effect for element side-effects
const fx = a => (...b) => [a, b]
const withElement = fx((dispatch, [element, props], action) => {
Object.keys(props).map(k => props[k] && element[k]())
action && dispatch(action)
// Decoder to get 'event.detail'
sergey-shpak / context.js
Created January 3, 2019 23:54
Hyperapp#v2 Context Implementation
import { h } from 'hyperapp'
This is implementation of Hyperapp#v2 Context
Helpful when you want to pass properties to internal components
without multiple components compositions
sergey-shpak / Portal.js
Created December 28, 2018 11:23
Hyperapp #v2 Portal Component (Experimental)
import { h } from "hyperapp";
This is implementation of Hyperapp#v2 Portal component
Portal component renders children into a DOM node
that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component
IMPORTANT! It's not recommended approach to use
unless you really know what you're doing