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Created October 18, 2019 08:19
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Hyperapp#2 Helmet Component
// Hyperapp#2 Helmet Component
// This is based on Hyperapp Portal helper and Lifecycle events helper
const Portal = target => (props, child) =>
h('source', { // <- any non-space element
appendChild: target.appendChild.bind(target),
removeChild: target.removeChild.bind(target)
}, child)
export const Helmet = Portal(document.head)
import { app, h } from "hyperapp"
import { Helmet } from '/helpers'
// Pen
init: {},
view: state => h('div', {}, [
h(Helmet, {}, [
h('title', {}, ['My custom header'])
'This frame has custom title, check it :)'
node: document.getElementById("app")
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