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Last active May 15, 2024 00:36
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Javascript code to intercept hubspot forms on drag and drop builder websites
<!-- Header Code -->
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- Footer Code -->
<!-- Minified use this in production -->
$('form[action^=""]').each((function(e){$(this).find("input[type=checkbox]").val("true"),$(this).submit((function(e){e.preventDefault();const n=[ FormData(].map((e=>({name:e[0],value:e[1]}))),t=n.find((e=>"goToWebinarWebinarKey",i=n.find((e=>"sfdcCampaignId",o=document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)hubspotutk\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/,"$1")||void 0;console.log(o);const s=$(this).find("[id*='gdpr-processing-prompt']"),a=n.filter((e=>"LEGAL_CONSENT"))).map((e=>{const n=$(`#${|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g,"\\$1")}`)[0],t=$("span[for='"+$(n).attr("id").replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g,"\\$1")+"']");return{value:n.checked,text:t.text(),subscriptionTypeId:parseInt("LEGAL_CONSENT.subscription_type_")[1])}})),r=["cc-num","cc-number","gdpr","LEGAL_CONSENT","goToWebinarWebinarKey","sfdcCampaignId"],c={fields:n.filter((e=>!r.find((n=>,context:{pageUri:window.location.href,pageName:document.title,sfdcCampaignId:i,goToWebinarKey:t,hutk:o},...s?{legalConsentOptions:{consent:{...s?{consentToProcess:!0,text:s.text()}:{},...a?{communications:a}:{}}}}:{}},l=JSON.stringify(c);$.ajax({,method:"POST",data:l,contentType:"application/json",success:function(n){if(n)if(n.inlineMessage){const t=$(;t.children("form").css("display","none"),t.children(".w-form-done").css("display","block").html(n.inlineMessage)}else n.redirectUri&&(window.location.href=n.redirectUri);else console.log("response but no inlineMessage or redirectUri")},error:function(){console.log("error on the form submitting"),$("display","none").siblings(".w-form-fail").css("display","block")}})}))}));
<!-- Documented, dont use this in production. Copy and paste into a minifier to get the minified version above -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$('form[action^=""]').each(function (i) { // intercept forms whos action goes to hubspot
$(this).submit(function (e) { // when the form submits
e.preventDefault() //stop the form from submitting to webflow
const formData = new FormData( // get the form data
const parsedFormData = [...formData.entries()].map(dataObject => ({ // convert data to array
name: dataObject[0], // make sure the name of the input is the same as the hubspot input name
value: dataObject[1] // the value of the input
const goToWebinarWebinarKey = parsedFormData.find(input => === 'goToWebinarWebinarKey')?.value // looks for an input with the name goToWebinarWebinarKey
const sfdcCampaignId = parsedFormData.find(input => === 'sfdcCampaignId')?.value// looks for an input with the name sfdcCampaignId
const hutk = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)hubspotutk\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1") || undefined // looks for an input with the name hutk, the hubspot user token
const processingPrompt = $(this).find("[id*='gdpr-processing-prompt']")// looks for an element with the id gdpr-processing-prompt
const communicationConsent = parsedFormData.filter(item =>'LEGAL_CONSENT')).map(item => { // finds LEGAL_CONSENT options and stores them
const element = $(`#${|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g, "\\$1")}`)[0] // checks if they've checked the checkbox to consent
const label = $("span[for='" + $(element).attr('id').replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g, "\\$1") + "']") // gets the label of the checkbox
return {
value: element.checked,
text: label.text(),
subscriptionTypeId: parseInt("LEGAL_CONSENT.subscription_type_")[1]) // the subscription the user is consenting to
const ignoredFields = ["cc-num", "cc-number", "gdpr", "LEGAL_CONSENT", "goToWebinarWebinarKey", "sfdcCampaignId"]
const data = { // the data we send to hubspot
"fields": parsedFormData.filter(item => !ignoredFields.find(ignoredField =>, // set the form data but ignore certain fields
"context": {
"pageUri": window.location.href, // log the current url
"pageName": document.title, // log the pages title
"sfdcCampaignId": sfdcCampaignId, // salesforce campaign id
"goToWebinarKey": goToWebinarWebinarKey, // go to meeting key
"hutk": hutk, // hubspot user token
...(!processingPrompt) ? {}
: {
"legalConsentOptions": {
"consent": {
...(!processingPrompt) ? {}
: {
"consentToProcess": true,
"text": processingPrompt.text(),
...(!communicationConsent) ? {}
: {
"communications": communicationConsent
const final_data = JSON.stringify(data) // turn that javascript object into a json string
method: "POST",
data: final_data,
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (response) {
if (response) {
if (response.inlineMessage) {
const parent = $(
parent.children("form").css("display", "none") // hide form
parent.children(".w-form-done").css("display", "block").html(response.inlineMessage) // replace .w-form-done with your own form done section
} else if (response.redirectUri) {
window.location.href = response.redirectUri
} else {
console.log('response but no inlineMessage or redirectUri')
error: function () {
console.log("error on the form submitting")
$('display', 'none').siblings('.w-form-fail').css('display', 'block') // replace .w-form-fail with your own form done section
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Hi @joziahg awesome job. Loaded up followed video instructions and bam worked like a treat. However as soon as I wanted to add a company field (ie. it through a 400 error. Little bit of digging showed that the COMPANY.xx no longer seems to work and you need to use 0-2/. Damn can't add / in Webflow as its automatically replaced with a hyphen.

Debosmit Ray on your Youtube vid commented that he added some footer code to modify the array

When I go to add it and minify the code it throws an error. Not sure why. Any chance you can update the video/code to address this change?

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Thanks, author.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work for me for the Webflow site. With and without hidden input - it doesn't send user cookie to HubSpot and creates separate contacts.

Is there any updates of the code up to date?


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