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Searching for my Monkey Island II floppy disks

Yacht Shaver jpic

Searching for my Monkey Island II floppy disks
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import copy
import math
def box(remaining, capacity):
if len(remaining) >= capacity:
weights = [b.item_weight for b in remaining[:capacity]]
return sum(weights)
jpic /
Last active October 31, 2020 05:44
Parallel npm + pip container build + pod management
#!/usr/bin/env python
Shlaxfile for shlax itself.
from shlax.shortcuts import *
env = dict(
jpic / aoeu
Created July 20, 2019 01:36
jpic / fearme.out
Created February 14, 2019 03:44
14/02 2019 04:39:23 jpic@jpic ~/src/ansible-compose (master)
$ ansible-compose stop
Running ssh bash -euxc 'cd /home/jpic/bar; docker-compose stop'
+ cd /home/jpic/bar
+ docker-compose stop
jpic / ObsceneAnsible
Created September 29, 2018 04:16
Help displays without argument for the playlabs command
29/09 2018 06:13:36 jpic@jpic ~/src/playlabs/playlabs/inventory_template (master)
$ playlabs
Playlabs: the obscene ansible distribution.
Init your ssh user with your key and secure sshd and passwordless sudo:
playlabs init root@
# all options are ansible options are proxied
playlabs init @somehost --ask-become-pass
jpic /
Created August 28, 2018 16:54
Import any python callback
Currently with django we can only import an attribute from a module, not a sub-attribute. For example
import_string('foo.models.YourModel') # works
import_string('foo.models.YourModel.objects.update_stats') # doesn't
This snippet fixes that, originally for django-call which has tests.
jpic /
Last active August 23, 2018 00:24
generic uwsgi spooler minimal wrapper poc, base of django-uwsgi-spooler (halted) and django-call (ongoing)
from importlib import import_module
import pickle
from uuid import uuid4
from uwsgi import SPOOL_OK
except ImportError:
class NameAdapter(StringAdapter):
# steps always executed in clean clone !
def validate(self):
if allcaps(
self.errors.append('omg poney')
def clean(self): =
jpic / drone.yml
Created January 5, 2018 18:21
setup drone with ansible
- name: Create drone network
name: drone
- name: Drone server
name: drone-server
image: drone/drone:0.8.2
jpic / liremoi.rst
Last active December 9, 2017 02:13
Peut etre a opensourcer ?

Ce répo contient les playbooks d'infra de MRS, normalement on a rien de compliqué: ssh, firewall, backups et dockerd + containers, et quelques ptits potes qu'on a invité à la fête.

Ce répo de playbooks est prévu pour être utilisé avec votre répo privé qui contient les variables de vos environnements.

Un environnement est configuré dans des fichiers comme:

  • group_vars/all/docker-vars.yml: variables publiques pour docker, etc