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Last active March 9, 2018 17:28
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class NameAdapter(StringAdapter):
# steps always executed in clean clone !
def validate(self):
if allcaps(
self.errors.append('omg poney')
def clean(self): =
assert NameAdapter(data='AUO').validate().errors == ['omg poney']
# declarative syntax, without metaclass
class PersonAdapter(DictAdapter):
map = dict(
# instead of methods, AdapterInterface understands list of adapters
# instead of methods, AdapterInterface understands list of callbacks
age=IntAdapter(clean=[is_numeric, cast_int, greater_than(0)]),
# the above makes an adapter that accepts relation=RelatedFieldManager
extra=DictAdapter(map=dict(.......)) # recursiveness
adapters = [NoBadwordInString(), BootstrapFormAdapter(), RestAdapter()]
def mutate(self):
'''called when the adapter is instanciated, or added to an adapter, or before a step executes, to keep fresh'''
super().mutate() # call other adapters mutate() recursively !
for key, value in # introspection
quacks = getattr(value, 'quack', False)
if quacks: # leads to mutation mutation: new field example = DuckAdapter(option='duckperson')
super().mutate() # let's do it again in case an adapter has some feature for quack_extra ?
def process(self):
super().process() # execute all own and maped adapters process() yes recursive
self.instance.__dict__ = # if clean passed, we haz ! # or something like that
process.require_step_success = ['clean']
def validate(self):
# call validate() on self.adapters and on mapped adapters, recursion !
if something(self.instance):
# will this be moved in its own adapter? time'll tell
self.errors.append('something happened')
def clean(self):
super().clean() # clean everything['alsoadd'] = somesecrets()
def render(self):
return my_custom_render_step(self.request, self)
render.require_variables = ['request']
def instanciate(self):
# i should have added ModelAdapter instead of doing this !
if getattr(self, 'pk', None):
self.instance = Person.objects.get(
elif getattr(self, 'data', None):
self.instance = Person(**
self.instance = Person()
def initialize(self):
if getattr(self, 'instance', None):
self.initial = self.instance.__dict__ # lol naive
def response(self):
# this would be automatic but is here for the example i'm poneying my way out
# because where is DjangoRequestResponse adapter ?
# well not as far as you might think
if self.adapters.RestAdapter.adapts(): # can self.request.is_ajax or 'MAGIC' in self.request.pathinfo()
self.adapters.RestAdapter.response() # sets self.response of course !
if self.adapters.BootstrapFormAdapter.adapts():
self.adapters.BootstrapFormAdapter.render() # sets self.rendered of course !
self.adapters.add('TemplateAdapter', clone=False)
self.template = 'lol.html'
# set self.rendered, after using self.rendered in the template of course !
# but it could use self.instance if it wanted to !
# set some response !
self.response = Response('wtf you poney !')
response.require_variables = ['request']
def adapts(self): # used by factory
return isinstance(getattr(self, 'instance', None), PersonModel)
# steps magical call method will actualy clone the adapter
# and add the new arguments passed to the step to the adapter's state
# and call mutate on all adapters
# and call the adapter's method
# to execute all call super().yourmethod()
a = PersonAdapter().steps.validate(data={'name':'AOU'})
assert a.errors = dict(map=dict(name='omg poney'))
a = a.steps.clean(data={'name':'aoeu'})
assert not a.instance
a = a.steps.process()
a = a.steps.response()
assert a.response
# or adapters.register(PersoneAdapter); adapters.factory(instance=person).steps.render ... thx to PersonAdapter.adapts !
class PersonQuerysetAdapter(ListAdapter):
map = [PersonAdapter] # one PersonAdapter per list item !
# more steps overrides, more adapters
def adapts(self):
# why did i not add QuerySetAdapter ? For the sake of the example and Poney !
return self.queryset.model == Persone
adapts.require_variables = 'queryeset'
adapters.factory(queryset=Person.objects.none()) # build adapter for
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