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Delimited `vim-cmd help` for each `vmsvc` command
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/acquiremksticket
Usage: acquiremksticket vmid
Acquire mks ticket.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/acquireticket
Usage: acquireticket vmid ticketType
Acquire a virtual machine ticket.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/createdummyvm
Usage: createdummyvm vm_name datastore_path [hw_version]
Create a pre-configured dummy vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/destroy
Usage: destroy vmid
Deletes the vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.connection
Usage: device.connection vmid deviceKey connect
Connect/Disconnect the virtual device specified
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.connusbdev
Usage: device.connusbdev vmid usbid
Connect a USB device to this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.ctlradd
Usage: device.ctlradd vmid ctlr_type bus_number
Add a LsiSAS1068, LsiLogic, BusLogic, PvSCSI, AHCI, NVME or NVDIMM controller to this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.ctlrremove
Usage: device.ctlrremove vmid ctlr_type bus_number
Remove a SCSI, SATA or NVME controller from this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.disconnusbdev
Usage: device.disconnusbdev vmid usbid
Remove a disk from this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.diskadd
Usage: device.diskadd vmid size controller_numer unit_number datastore [ctlr_type]
Add a disk to this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.diskaddexisting
Usage: device.diskaddexisting vmid disk_file controller_number unit_number [ctlr_type]
Add an existing disk to this virtual machine. If controller type is not set, the command will create a SCSI disk.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.diskextend
Usage: device.diskextend vmid new_size controller_numer unit_number [ctlr_type]
Extend an existing disk of this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.diskremove
Usage: device.diskremove vmid controller_number unit_number delete_file [controller_type]
Remove a disk from this virtual machine. If controller type is not set, the command will look for a SCSI disk.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.getdevices
Usage: device.getdevices vmid
Retrieves and displays the virtual devices for the vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.nvdimmadd
Usage: device.nvdimmadd vmid size
Add a nvdimm to this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.nvdimmremove
Usage: device.nvdimmremove vmid deviceKey
Remove a nvdimm from this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/device.toolsSyncSet
Usage: device.toolsSyncSet vmid new state
Set whether tools sync to host is enabled for the virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/devices.createnic
Usage: devices.createnic vmid adapter-type network-id [network-type]
Add a NIC to this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.capability
Usage: get.capability vmid
Get list of capabilities for virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.config
Usage: get.config vmid
Retrieves and displays the configuration object for the vm.
The device list is omitted and can be retrieved using the device.getdevices command.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.config.cpuidmask
Usage: get.config.cpuidmask vmid
Retrieves and displays the cpu id masks for this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.configoption
Usage: get.configoption vmid
Get the configuration options for this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.datastores
Usage: get.datastores vmid
Show the list of datastores for this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.disabledmethods
Usage: get.disabledmethods vmid
Show the list of disabled methods on the virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.environment
Usage: get.environment vmid
Retrieves the vm's environment browser.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.filelayout
Usage: get.filelayout vmid
Show the list of files for this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.filelayoutex
Usage: get.filelayoutex vmid
Show the list of files for this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.guest
Usage: get.guest vmid
Get guest information
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.guestheartbeatStatus
Usage: get.guestheartbeatStatus vmid
Show the guest heartbeat status for this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.managedentitystatus
Usage: get.managedentitystatus vmid
Show the status for the virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.networks
Usage: get.networks vmid
Show the list of networks for this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.runtime
Usage: get.runtime vmid
Get runtime information
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.snapshotinfo
Usage: get.snapshotinfo vmid
Show the snapshot information for this virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.spaceNeededForConsolidation
Usage: get.spaceNeededForConsolidation vmid
Estimate the space needed to perform consolidation.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.summary
Usage: get.summary vmid
Retrieves and displays the listsummary status from the vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/get.tasklist
Usage: get.tasklist vmid
Get list of recent tasks on virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/getallvms
Usage: getallvms [includeConfigNotAvailable]
Get the list of virtual machines on the host.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/gethostconstraints
Usage: vmconstraints
Retrieves and displays the constraints object for the host.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/message
Usage: message vmid [messageId] [messageChoice]
Replies to the current pending question on the vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/power.getstate
Usage: power.getstate vmid
Retrieves the power state of the specified virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/power.hibernate
Usage: power.hibernate vmid
Cause guest to go into standby/hibernate and suspend.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/
Usage: vmid
Power off the specified virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/power.on
Usage: power.on vmid
Power on the specified virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/power.reboot
Usage: power.reboot vmid
Reboot the guest OS if tools is running.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/power.reset
Usage: power.reset vmid
Reset the specified virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/power.shutdown
Usage: power.shutdown vmid
Shutdown the guest OS
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/power.suspend
Usage: power.suspend vmid
Suspend the specified virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/power.suspendResume
Usage: power.suspendResume vmid
Suspend & resume the specified virtual machine.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/queryftcompat
Usage: queryftcompat vmid [faultToleranceType]
Query FT compatibility for a VM.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/reload
Usage: reload vmid
Reload the virtual machine state from afresh.
Use to pick up hand-edits (powered off) or re-establish a connection (powered on).
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/setscreenres
Usage: setscreenres vmid width height
Sets the Console window's resolution.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/snapshot.create
Usage: snapshot.create vmid [snapshotName] [snapshotDescription] [includeMemory] [quiesced]
Creates a snapshot for the vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/snapshot.dumpoption
Usage: snapshot.dumpoption showconfig
Set the snapshot dump option.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/snapshot.get
Usage: snapshot.get vmid
gets the snapshot info for the vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/snapshot.remove
Usage: snapshot.remove vmid snapshotId [removeChildren]
Remove a snapshot on the vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/snapshot.removeall
Usage: snapshot.removeall vmid
Removes all the snapshots on the vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/snapshot.revert
Usage: snapshot.revert vmid snapshotId suppressPowerOn
Revert to a snapshot on the vm.
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/snapshot.setoption
Usage: snapshot.setoption [OPTIONS] vmid
Config snapshot behavior on the vm.
Whether to lock the snapshot
whether to disable snapshot
The snapshot power-off behavior
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/tools.cancelinstall
Usage: tools.cancelinstall vmid
Cancel the tools installation process
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/tools.install
Usage: tools.install vmid
Start the tools installation process
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/tools.upgrade
Usage: tools.upgrade vmid [args]
Upgrade VMware Tools in the virtual machine
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/unregister
Usage: unregister vmid
Unregister the virtual machine
help for vim-cmd help vmsvc/upgrade
Usage: upgrade vmid [vm_hwversion]
Upgrade the virtual hardware of the VM if possible.
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