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Created February 25, 2014 14:27
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List the Windows Services (no need for an Administrative UAC token)
@echo off
:: find all services by SERVICE_NAME, then list STATE, TYPE, DISPLAY_NAME, and "" (this is on the line below STATE)
:: the space in " all" is required by the sc command; see "sc /?" for explanation
:: the ^ in "state^= all" is required as the command interpreter will eat the equals sign, which causes the errors
:: "[SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus OpenService FAILED 1060"
:: "The specified service does not exist as an installed service."
:: see
:: for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3 delims=:" %%i in (`sc query`) do (
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3 delims=:" %%i in (`sc query state^= all`) do (
rem echo %%i %%j %%k
if "%%i"=="SERVICE_NAME" call :%%i %%j %%k
goto :eof
:: echo %0 %1 %2
if "%2"=="" call :process-service %1
if not "%2"=="" call :process-service %1$%2
goto :eof
:: echo service "%1"
set service_display_name=
set service_name=
set service_pid=
set service_properties=
set service_state=
set service_type=
:: `sc query` and `sc queryex` will only show DISPLAY_NAME when no SERVICE_NAME is specified
:: so we have to perform `sc query` for ALL services, then grab the DISPLAY_NAME for the matching SERVICE_NAME
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,* delims=:, " %%s in (`sc query state^= all`) do (
rem if "%%s"=="STATE" if not !%1!==!! echo %%v state of %1 is %%v
if "%%s"=="SERVICE_NAME" set service_name=%%t
if "%%s"=="DISPLAY_NAME" if "!service_name!"=="%1" set service_display_name=%%t
set first_char=%%s
set first_char=!first_char:~0,1!
if "!first_char!"=="(" if "!service_name!"=="%1" set service_properties=%%s, %%t
rem echo "!first_char!", !service_properties!, %%s, %%t
set service_name=
:: find all services by SERVICE_NAME, then list STATE, TYPE, DISPLAY_NAME, and "" (this is on the line below STATE)
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=:, " %%s in (`sc queryex %1`) do (
rem if "%%s"=="STATE" if not !%1!==!! echo %%v state of %1 is %%v
if "%%s"=="PID" set service_pid=%%t
if "%%s"=="SERVICE_NAME" set service_name=%%t
if "%%s"=="STATE" set service_state=%%u
if "%%s"=="STATE" set service_state=%%u
if "%%s"=="TYPE" set service_type=%%u
if "%%s"=="STATE" set service_state=%%u
rem echo "%%s", "%%t", "%%u", "%%v"
echo %service_pid%, %service_state%, %service_type%, %service_name%, %service_properties%, %service_display_name%
goto :eof
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