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Last active December 17, 2015 02:19
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Blowing Up Our Hubot - Kirk Style!
module.exports = (robot) ->
actions = [
"Warp Core overload",
"massive movie explosion",
"massive Joel hissy fit",
"End of William Shatner's career"
halfWayMessage = [
"Maybe time to get to the escape pods / transporter room?",
"Klingons have just boarded the ship!"
robot.respond /request(ing)* security access/i, (res) ->
if robot.auth.hasRole res.message.user, 'jedi'
res.send "Identity confirmed, #{}"
setTimeout ->
res.reply "Awaiting your instructions…"
, 1000
robot.brain.set 'destruct_authorised', true
setTimeout ->
robot.brain.set 'destruct_authorised', false
, 5 * 60 * 1000
res.reply "You're not authorised. Go suck a lemon!"
robot.respond /destruct sequence ([1-3])\,* code (.*)/i, (res) ->
if robot.auth.hasRole res.message.user, 'jedi'
sequence = parseInt(res.match[1])
code = res.match[2].toUpperCase()
if robot.brain.get 'destruct_authorised'
switch sequence
when 1
if code is '11A'
res.reply "Confirmed, destruct sequence one accepted."
setTimeout ->
res.reply "Awaiting sequence two"
, 1000
robot.brain.set 'destruct_stage', 2
res.reply "Are you… trying to… blow me up?"
when 2
if code is '11A2B' and robot.brain.get('destruct_stage') is 2
res.reply "Confirmed, destruct sequence two accepted."
setTimeout ->
res.reply "Awaiting sequence three"
, 1000
robot.brain.set 'destruct_stage', 3
res.reply "You need to brush up on your Star Trek, laddy!"
when 3
if code is '1B2B3' and robot.brain.get('destruct_stage') is 3
res.reply "Destruct sequence completed and engaged"
robot.brain.set 'destruct_stage', 4
setTimeout ->
res.reply "Awaiting final code for one-minute countdown"
, 1000
res.reply "Ensign authorisation code 95 wictor wictor"
res.reply "Security authorisation required"
res.reply "You're not authorised."
robot.respond /code 000 destruct 0/i, (res) ->
if robot.auth.hasRole res.message.user, 'jedi'
if robot.brain.get('destruct_authorised') and robot.brain.get('destruct_stage') is 4
res.reply "Destruct sequence is activated"
setTimeout ->
res.send "#{res.random actions} in…"
timeLeft = 60
timer = setInterval ->
if timeLeft is 30
res.send "30… #{res.random halfWayMessage}"
else if timeLeft > 0
res.send timeLeft--
res.send ""
clearInterval timer
, 1000
, 1000
res.reply "Go easy on the Shatner impressions, eh?"
res.reply "You're not authorised."
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