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Last active May 8, 2024 01:17
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Setup Altserver Linux on Raspberry Pi with Wifi Refresh

This is a rough outline on how to setup altserver-linux on the 🍓🍰. Wifi refreshing is enabled through the use of netmuxd, which acts as a proxy from AltServer to the iDevice (replaces/enhances usbmuxd).

Tutorials used


Create a dedicated folder for the setup, e.g. ~/Developer/alt-server to hold binaries and other things.

sudo apt install -y \
  libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev \
  usbmuxd \
  ninja-build \
  ldc \
  libplist-dev \
  libimobiledevice-dev \
  libgtk-3-0 \
  dub \

Install libimobiledevice-glue from source by following the instructions on As well, install libimobiledevice from source, by following the instructions on This installs executables such as idevicepair and ideviceinfo. We can use those later to verify if our wireless connection to the idevice is working properly.

Install rustup from and setup up the toolchain:

rustup toolchain install stable
rustup default stable

Then enable some systemd services. Before you do that however, you need to edit the usbmuxd service file, which is located at /lib/systemd/system/usbmuxd.service. Add the following to it:

# Taken from

so that it can enabled with systemctl. Then run:

sudo systemctl enable --now avahi-daemon.service
sudo systemctl enable --now usbmuxd

Now you can download the AltServer-aarch64 binary from and place it in the folder you created earlier. As well, download the netmuxd binary aarch64-linux-netmuxd from and also place it in the your folder. Don't forget to make them executable with chmod +x ....

Install Docker by following the instructions on If the docker install script fails at some point because it's trying to startup a service that won't start, just do a sudo reboot and run the script again. Ignore the warning that running the script again might cause problems, this is just to warn that it could cause problems if docker has been installed in another way.

Make sure everything works as expected

With docker installed, you can now run the following command to start the anisette container:

docker run -d -v lib_cache:/opt/lib/ --restart=always -p 6969:6969 --name anisette dadoum/anisette-server:latest

This will keep the container running even if you reboot the pi. No cron job necessary for that.

Everything should now be set up. First, connect your iDevice to your Mac/PC with USB, enable "Wifi Sync" in the Finder or in iTunes and hit Sync/Apply. This is important so the iDevice will also be recognized over the network by the pi. After syncing disconnect the iDevice from USB make sure it is broadcasting itself on the network by running avahi-browse -a on the pi. Or run dns-sd -B _apple-mobdev2._tcp local on the mac. On linux you need to do sudo apt-get install avahi-utils first. If the device does not show up, there is no chance it will be recognized by netmuxd.

Once your iDevice is broadcasting itself, connect it to the pi via USB and tap trust on the iDevice to trust the pi. Verify that the pairing was successful by running idevicepair validate. Now, disconnect your iDevice from the pi. Run sudo ./aarch64-linux-netmuxd to start the netmuxd proxy. Ensure that no errors or warnings are issued by netmuxd, it won't quit the program but it will also most likely not work. It should say:

Starting netmuxd
Starting mDNS discovery for _apple-mobdev2._tcp.local with mdns
Listening on /var/run/usbmuxd
Adding device 00008110-0123A456B789D012 # or similar, this should appear after a few seconds

If the device is not added it is not properly paired with the pi or it is not broadcasting itself to the network via bonjour. Troubleshoot this problem and continue only when the device is shown here.

When the device shows up (without heartbeat errors), you can now run sudo ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER= ./AltServer-aarch64 to start the AltServer app. If the ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER env variable is set in your current environment, you could also do a sudo -E to make all env variables available in the root user process. This is not happening automatically! Verify that the env variable is set for the process by running:

ps aux | grep AltServer # copy pid
sudo cat /proc/<pid>/environ | tr '\0' '\n'

If the ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER env variable is not present in the output here, make sure you ran AltServer with the ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER env variable specified correctly! If this is not set AltServer will not complain, but App refreshing will most likely not work, because AltServer is not using your own anisette server!

Quit the AltServer for now and install AltStore on the iDevice. Check the latest version number for AltStore here:

curl -L > AltStore.ipa # replace 1_6_1 with the most recent version
sudo ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER= ./AltServer-aarch64 -u 00008110-0123A456B789D012 -a <apple-id-email> -p <apple-id-password> AltStore.ipa

AltStore should now be successfully installed on your iDevice. You can now just start AltServer without any arguments (but with the env variable!) and use it for app refreshingn and installing apps through AltStore directly. Try Delta in the AltStore App for example.

If anything fails, always make sure it works through USB (disable netmuxd first) to make sure it's not a wireless connection issue. Always make sure sudo systemctl status usbmuxd and sudo systemctl status avahi-daemon.service are running at all times, especially after a system reboot.


Use crontab to start netmuxd and AltServer on boot. Run sudo crontab -e and add the following lines:

@reboot sleep 20 && /.../alt-server/aarch64-linux-netmuxd > /.../alt-server/log/netmuxd.log 2>&1
@reboot sleep 20 && ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER= /.../alt-server/AltServer-aarch64 > /.../alt-server/log/altserver.log 2>&1

replace ... with the whole path to the executables. Also create your log folder so the processes can write their logs in the background with mkdir /.../alt-server/log. The 2>&1 part is important to redirect stderr to stdout so it is written to the log file as well.

After a sudo reboot make sure AltServer and netmuxd processes run (with ps aux | grep ...) and write to their log files. Also make sure the anisette container is running with docker ps. Inspect it's logs with docker logs anisette to make sure it is running properly. Finally make sure the AltServer process has the ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER env variable set.

Alternative startup for netmuxd

You can also start netmuxd like this:

sudo ./aarch64-linux-netmuxd --disable-unix --host

You then need to set the USBMUXD_SOCKET_ADDRESS= for AltServer so it can connect to netmuxd. The second tutorial from reddit mentions that for this to work usbmuxd has to be disabled (sudo systemctl stop usbmuxd. For me however it worked without these extra steps, so i'll leave this step out.

Building netmuxd from source

If you want to build netmuxd from source, it uses an mdns fork which you would need to clone first from and place on the same level as your clone from Then just edit the zeroconf = { version = "0.10.5", path = "../zeroconf-rs/zeroconf", optional = true } to zeroconf = { version = "*" } in the Cargo.toml of netmuxd. Make sure you have sudo apt-get -y install libclang-dev cmake installed and then follow the build instructions from the netmuxd README.

Other useful resources

Don't forget

  • install altstore through altserver on linux, but install all other apps through altstore, if you install stuf with altserver directly it will not show up in altstore
  • iDevice needs to have wifi sync enabled in finder on macos (or itunes on windows)
  • you can see environment variables of any process by running sudo cat /proc/<pid>/environ | tr '\0' '\n' (replace <pid> with the process id of the process you want to see the environment variables of)
  • You can reset the anisette docker container by docker stop anisette, docker rm anisette and docker volume rm lib_cache
  • When asked for the 2 Factor Auth Code in AltStore it sometimes happens for me that it first reports "invalid code". Then, when refreshing the desired App again it works the second time without issues.
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jadc commented May 8, 2024

When trying to install AltStore, I'm getting this error. Any ideas?

Installing app...
parse anisette data ret
Alert: Could not install 1_6_3.ipa to unknown.
    Failed to read HTTP status line
Press any key to continue...

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