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candlerb /
Last active April 24, 2024 19:22
Suggestions for go project layout

If someone asked me the question "what layout should I use for my Go code repository?", I'd start by asking back "what are you building: an executable, or a library?"

Single executable

Stage 1: single source file

Create a directory named however you want your final executable to be called (e.g. "mycommand"), change into that directory, and create the following files:

hyrious /
Last active April 6, 2024 16:55
restore desktop.ini if some guy messed them up

Take %UserProfile%\Desktop\desktop.ini for example.

  1. Create a desktop.ini file with content below and saved in UTF-16 LE with BOM. Hopefully notepad.exe has such choice to use the right encoding.
0 = Success
1 = Operation not permitted
2 = No such file or directory
3 = No such process
4 = Interrupted system call
5 = Input/output error
6 = No such device or address
7 = Argument list too long
8 = Exec format error
rushilgupta /
Last active January 25, 2024 14:59
Concurrency in golang and a mini Load-balancer


Concurrency is a domain I have wanted to explore for a long time because the locks and the race conditions have always intimidated me. I recall somebody suggesting concurrency patterns in golang because they said "you share the data and not the variables".

Amused by that, I searched for "concurrency in golang" and bumped into this awesome slide by Rob Pike: which does a great job of explaining channels, concurrency patterns and a mini-architecture of load-balancer (also explains the above one-liner).

Let's dig in:


yifanlu /
Last active October 13, 2023 14:04
Vita 3.65 activation investigation (E-80558325)

On 7/29/2017, all hacked Vitas on 3.60 spoofing the latest firmware (3.65) were blocked from console activation. This is particularly odd because the PSN passphrase did not change in 3.65. Additionally with the release of ensō added to the confusion of what happened. Here is the result of a preliminary investigation of the situation.

Upon game activation, the Vita displays an dialog that shows the error number E-80558325. This error number is used in SceNpKdc, which is found in vs0:external/np_kdc.suprx. The error code itself is created when the activation response is received:

v5 = v45 | 0x80558300;

Here, v5 is the return code and v45 is the string error code from the server converted to a number. The request made to Sony's server looks like the following

dmitshur / gist:6927554
Last active September 17, 2023 07:35
[Legacy GOPATH mode] How to `go get` private repos using SSH key auth instead of password auth.

WARNING: This gist was created in 2013 and targets the legacy GOPATH mode. If you're reading this in 2021 or later, you're likely better served by reading and

$ ssh -A vm
$ git config --global url."".insteadOf ""
$ cat ~/.gitconfig
[url ""]
	insteadOf =
$ go get && echo Success!
peterhellberg / graceful.go
Last active August 20, 2023 08:49
*http.Server in Go 1.8 supports graceful shutdown. This is a small example.
package main
import (
jd-boyd / jsonpp.go
Last active November 28, 2021 06:30
A Json pretty printer written in golang.
//Build with: go build ./jsonpp.go
package main
import "encoding/json"
import "fmt"
import "io/ioutil"
import "os"
package main
import "fmt"
// WithPrefix
type prefixOption struct{}
func WithPrefix() interface {
xndcn /
Last active October 10, 2017 04:03
# coding=utf-8
import urwid
import requests
import re
from hashlib import md5
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString
import lxml.html