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Last active June 3, 2022 14:18
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Basic FB Share link example that allows custom image url and description for dynamic content. This content would be available in the JS somewhere... like the context.
Core.prototype._initializeFbShare = function() {
$('#Fb-share').on('click', _(this._handleFbShare).bind(this));
Core.prototype._handleFbShare = function(event) {
var image_url = this.getPaletteImageUrl(this.picker.config.shade_array);
var palette_name = this.$inputPalName.val();
var lang = document.documentElement.lang;
var compiled_desctiption = this._getFBDescription(palette_name);
var params = {
method: 'feed',
link: '' + lang + '/',
picture: image_url,
caption: '#TODO-ADDCOPY',
description: compiled_desctiption
var FB = global.FB;
FB.ui(params, function() {
// Nothing needs to happen here..
Core.prototype._getFBDescription = function(palette_name) {
var original_settings = _.templateSettings;
// Fixes the double %% in the django.po file when compiling a translation that is going to be used for templating
_.templateSettings = {
interpolate: /<<=(.+?)>>/g,
evaluate: /<<(.+?)>>/g
var template;
if(palette_name.length === 0) {
template = _.template( $('#FBShareMissingName').html() );
else {
template = _.template( $('#FBShareCopy').html() );
var compiled = template({description: palette_name});
_.templateSettings = original_settings;
return compiled;
Core.prototype.getPaletteImageUrl = function(palette_items) {
var base_url = 'http://' +;
var lang = document.documentElement.lang;
if(palette_items.length < 4) {
return base_url + '/static/img/fb-share-' + lang + '.jpg';
return base_url + '/en/palette/<code>.png'.replace(/<code>/, palette_items.join('-'));
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