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Created January 27, 2020 23:12
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Warm-up: Dynamic Stretches (5-10min)

Yuri's Shoulder Band Warmup (5-10)

With band, start pointing straight back, bring to back, bring around head (shoulder to shoulder) and then back to starting position.

Squat Sky Reaches (5-10)

Do a wide squat and then twist torse so that one side of your body is pointing upwards and the other downwards. You can do these assisted.

GMB Wrist Prep (10+)

Finger pulses (no thumbs), palm pulses, side to side palm rotations, front facing elbow rotations, side to side wrist stretch, rear facing wrist stretch palm downs, rear facing wrist stretch palm up, rear facing elbow rotations, and forward facing wrist stretch.

Deadbugs (30s)

Add these after you reach Negative Pullups. Beginner attempts will look more like this.

Arch Hangs (10)

Support Hold (30s)

Add these after you reach Negative Dips.

Easier Squat progression (10)

Add these after you reach Bulgarian Split Squats.

Easier Hinge progression (10)

Add these after you reach Banded Nordic Curls.

Strength work (40-60 minutes)

Pull-up Progression (3x5-8)


  • See general form cues.

Weighted Pull-ups

  • Like the fourth exercise in this progression, except with extra weight! Here's a list of different ways to add weight.

Squat Progression (3x5-8)

Note: If you have access to barbells (and a squat rack), we recommend you click here to know how to use them instead of the squat progression. after you have perfected the basic squat.

  • Pretend the barbell doesn't exist.
  • You can progress this further by elevating both your legs
  • Make sure your knee and toes leave the floor at the same time

Intermediate Shrimp Squat

  • In this variation, the knee touches the ground but the toes do not.

Advanced Shrimp Squat

  • In this variation, you hold your heel as you descend. only the knee touches the floor.

Dip Progression (3x5-8)

  • This exercise is only the descent. To get to the starting position you can jump or use a box or anything.
  • Lower yourself with control. Work up to 10 sec descents
  • See general form cues.

Weighted Dips

  • See general form cues
  • You can do this progression in place of ring dips.
  • We recommend to add weight to parallel bar dips first instead of ring dips.

Hinge Progression (3x5-8)

Note: If you have access to barbells, we recommend you click here to know how to use them instead of the hinge progression. after you have perfected the basic hinge progression.

  • Please ignore the barbell.
  • If you lack the balance to perform these with a leg in the air, you can use an arm to brace yourself against a surface or you can straddle your legs to help with balance. Example
  • Anchor your feet under something sturdy. You want to be anchored about a fist's distance away from your ankle.
  • Squeeze your butt to keep your hips extended
  • Slowly lower your torso, avoiding piking at the hips
  • Do a little push-up when you reach the bottom to get back to the top and "skip" the concentric
  • Anchor your feet under something sturdy. You want to be anchored about a fist's distance away from your ankle.
  • Squeeze your butt to keep your hips extended
  • Slowly lower your torso, avoiding piking at the hips

Row Progression (3x5-8)

  • It's okay to flare your elbows on this one.
  • On a bar: take a wide grip (1.5 times shoulder width) and perform rows like this.
  • On rings: while performing a row, bring out the elbows to the side up to a 90 degree angle.
  • These can be done with a weight plate on your chest/belly (uncomfortable and unreliable), or with a weight vest (minimal setup, but limited weight), or with a dip belt hanging from your waist or chest (This method can be loaded the most, however you need to elevate your entire body so that the plates don't touch the floor at the bottom). Alternatively, you can do Barbell or Dumbbell rows.

Push-Up Progression (3x5-8)

  • Standing next to a wall, put your hands on the wall and perform a pushup.
  • Finding some raised object, put your hands on said object and perform a pushup. Lower the height to increase the difficulty.
  • See general form cues.
  • Put your hands close together so the thumbs and index fingers touch, then perform a pushup.
  • If this is too difficult or feels uncomfortable, put your hands just a bit closer than in a normal pushup. Work on moving the hands closer together over time until you reach diamond pushups.
  • Putting your hands sideways, lean forward with a straight body until your shoulders are in front of your hands. Perform a pushup while maintaining forward lean. Protract the shoulderblades at the top.
  • Increase forward lean to make more difficult. Decrease forward lean to make easier. You won't run out of resistance anytime soon if you keep increasing your forward lean.
  • Work up to a 30s hold then move on to your ring rollouts
  • You're only doing the planks, don't do every drill in the video.
  • Elbows should stay straight
  • Remain in a hollow body position (ribs down, butt tucked)
  • Keep your hands as close as your overhead mobility will allow.
  • Higher ring position will make this easier. Elevating the feet will make it harder.
  • These are performed under control with a short pause when your arms are fully extended
  • Keep your butt tucked
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