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Created April 3, 2015 20:40
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recurly error
subscription = Recurly::Subscription.create(
:plan_code => 'gold',
:currency => 'EUR',
:customer_notes => 'Thank you for your business!',
:account => {
:account_code => '1',
:email => '',
:first_name => 'Verena',
:last_name => 'Example',
:billing_info => {
:number => '4111-1111-1111-1111',
:month => 1,
:year => 2014,
=> #<Recurly::Subscription activated_at: nil, address: nil, bulk: nil, canceled_at: nil, collection_method: nil, cost_in_cents: nil, coupon_code: nil, currency: "EUR", current_period_ends_at: nil, current_period_started_at: nil, customer_notes: "Thank you for your business!", expires_at: nil, net_terms: nil, pending_subscription: nil, po_number: nil, quantity: nil, remaining_billing_cycles: nil, state: nil, subscription_add_ons: [], tax_in_cents: nil, tax_rate: nil, tax_region: nil, tax_type: nil, terms_and_conditions: nil, total_billing_cycles: nil, trial_ends_at: nil, trial_started_at: nil, unit_amount_in_cents: nil, uuid: nil, vat_reverse_charge_notes: nil, errors: {"plan_code"=>["is invalid"], "unit_amount_in_cents"=>["is not a number"]}>
subscription = Recurly::Subscription.create(
:plan_code => 'us-1',
:currency => 'USD',
:customer_notes => 'Thank you for your business!',
:account => {
:account_code => '1',
:email => '',
:first_name => 'Verena',
:last_name => 'Example',
:billing_info => {
:number => '4111-1111-1111-1111',
:month => 1,
:year => 2016,
=> #<Recurly::Subscription activated_at: nil, address: nil, bulk: nil, canceled_at: nil, collection_method: nil, cost_in_cents: nil, coupon_code: nil, currency: "USD", current_period_ends_at: nil, current_period_started_at: nil, customer_notes: "Thank you for your business!", expires_at: nil, net_terms: nil, pending_subscription: nil, po_number: nil, quantity: nil, remaining_billing_cycles: nil, state: nil, subscription_add_ons: [], tax_in_cents: nil, tax_rate: nil, tax_region: nil, tax_type: nil, terms_and_conditions: nil, total_billing_cycles: nil, trial_ends_at: nil, trial_started_at: nil, unit_amount_in_cents: nil, uuid: nil, vat_reverse_charge_notes: nil, errors: {"account"=>["is invalid"]}>
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