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from bash:
createdb presentation
psql presentation
in psql:
CREATE table people(id serial, last_name text, first_name text, age integer);
require 'spec_helper'
describe SubscriptionCancel do
let(:subscription) { double("Subscription") }
let(:remote_subscription) { double("Local::Chargify::Subscription") }
subject {, ->(x) {subscription})
def get_country
code = cookies[:country]
unless code.present?
code = cookies[:country] || 'US'
def get_country
if cookies[:country].present?
return cookies[:country]
country =
if country
# the default value should never be used.
cookies[:country] = {
require 'active_support/core_ext/date/calculations'
require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric/time'
require 'base64'
#Unirest.timeout(240) # generous timeout
class ShipstationClient
class ResponseError < StandardError; end
class << self
subscription = Recurly::Subscription.create(
:plan_code => 'gold',
:currency => 'EUR',
:customer_notes => 'Thank you for your business!',
:account => {
:account_code => '1',
:email => '',
:first_name => 'Verena',
:last_name => 'Example',
:billing_info => {
~/src/legacy_lootcrate$: be rake -f perf.rake perf:require_bench RAILS_ENV=development
Booting: development
## Impact of `require <file>` on RAM
Showing all `require <file>` calls that consume 0.3 mb or more of RSS
Configure with `CUT_OFF=0` for all entries or `CUT_OFF=5` for few entries
Note: Files only count against RAM on their first load.
If multiple libraries require the same file, then
the 'cost' only shows up under the first library
def process_monthly_crates(
# find the appropriate spree variant for this date / tshirt size. There could be more than one.
# let's create a hash of available variants and their available inventory
variants = {}
all_active_subscriptions = # find in batches
all_active_subscriptions.each do |sub|
data = {"_identifier" => spree_order.number,
"_entityName" => "Order",
"salesTransaction" => true,
"transactionDocument" => "466AF4B0136A4A3F9F84129711DA8BD3",
"transactionDocument$_identifier" => "Standard Order",
"orderDate" => spree_order.completed_at,
"currency$_identifier" => spree_order.currency,
"summedLineAmount" => spree_order.item_total.to_f,
"grandTotalAmount" =>,
"documentType" => "466AF4B0136A4A3F9F84129711DA8BD3",
(function($) {
$.extend($.fn, {
makeCssInline: function() {
this.each(function(idx, el) {
var style =;
var properties = [];
for(var property in style) {
if($(this).css(property)) {
properties.push(property + ':' + $(this).css(property));