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Created February 14, 2015 00:59
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~/src/legacy_lootcrate$: be rake -f perf.rake perf:require_bench RAILS_ENV=development
Booting: development
## Impact of `require <file>` on RAM
Showing all `require <file>` calls that consume 0.3 mb or more of RSS
Configure with `CUT_OFF=0` for all entries or `CUT_OFF=5` for few entries
Note: Files only count against RAM on their first load.
If multiple libraries require the same file, then
the 'cost' only shows up under the first library
application: 165.8125 mb
area: 49.4414 mb
cancan: 14.1484 mb
cancan/controller_additions: 9.3398 mb
action_view/base: 4.8242 mb
action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper: 0.6484 mb
action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helpers/javascript_tag_helpers: 0.6055 mb
action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helpers/asset_include_tag: 0.4023 mb
action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helpers/asset_paths: 0.3125 mb
erubis: 1.2852 mb
erubis/engine: 0.6133 mb
erubis/enhancer: 0.4219 mb
action_controller/log_subscriber: 0.3516 mb
cancan/model_adapters/active_record_adapter: 4.1406 mb
carrierwave: 13.5195 mb
carrierwave/storage: 12.7773 mb
fog: 12.7305 mb
fog/atmos: 3.918 mb
fog/core: 3.8359 mb
fog/xml: 2.4688 mb
nokogiri: 2.4102 mb
nokogiri/html: 0.7852 mb
nokogiri/html/element_description_defaults: 0.4727 mb
nokogiri/xml: 0.7773 mb
nokogiri/css: 0.4102 mb
excon: 0.4766 mb
fog/joyent: 1.832 mb
fog/joyent/compute: 1.8242 mb
net/ssh: 1.7695 mb
net/ssh/transport/session: 1.0156 mb
net/ssh/transport/algorithms: 0.5859 mb
net/ssh/connection/session: 0.3711 mb
net/ssh/authentication/session: 0.3086 mb
fog/aws: 1.4883 mb
fog/rackspace: 1.0508 mb
fog/ecloud: 0.4883 mb
fog/ecloud/compute: 0.4805 mb
fog/openstack: 0.4492 mb
fog/storm_on_demand: 0.418 mb
fog/xenserver: 0.3359 mb
xmlrpc/client: 0.3242 mb
carrierwave/uploader: 0.4141 mb
jazz_hands: 11.1172 mb
jazz_hands/railtie: 11.0547 mb
pry: 5.7578 mb
pry/cli: 2.3516 mb
/Users/jsquires/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/pry-byebug-1.3.2/lib/pry-byebug/cli.rb: 2.3438 mb
pry-byebug: 2.3438 mb
pry-byebug/pry_ext: 2.3164 mb
pry-byebug/processor: 2.3164 mb
byebug: 2.3164 mb
byebug/command_processor: 2.1758 mb
/Users/jsquires/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/byebug-2.7.0/lib/byebug/commands/repl.rb: 1.0352 mb
irb: 0.9883 mb
irb/ruby-lex: 0.7305 mb
irb/ruby-token: 0.4258 mb
pry/commands: 1.3477 mb
jazz_hands/hirb_ext: 1.9922 mb
hirb: 1.9766 mb
hirb/helpers: 0.9336 mb
hirb/helpers/table: 0.4961 mb
pry-git: 1.043 mb
grit: 0.8984 mb
grit/git-ruby: 0.3477 mb
grit/git-ruby/repository: 0.3359 mb
pry-doc: 0.9648 mb
awesome_print: 0.7695 mb
/Users/jsquires/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/awesome_print-1.6.1/lib/awesome_print/formatter: 0.332 mb
pry-remote: 0.3164 mb
devise: 7.7813 mb
devise/rails: 6.3633 mb
devise/rails/routes: 6.1758 mb
journey: 2.4063 mb
journey/router: 1.6836 mb
journey/parser: 0.9492 mb
journey/parser_extras: 0.4531 mb
journey/nodes/node: 0.3398 mb
racc/parser.rb: 0.3555 mb
journey/gtg/builder: 0.3633 mb
action_dispatch/routing/redirection: 1.7578 mb
action_dispatch/http/request: 1.6133 mb
warden: 0.3477 mb
delayed_job_active_record: 7.0664 mb
delayed_job: 6.5586 mb
delayed/performable_mailer: 6.1836 mb
mail: 6.1836 mb
load_parsers: 1.9648 mb
mail/parsers/rfc2822: 1.1484 mb
mime/types: 1.7539 mb
mail/field: 1.2891 mb
mail/message: 0.3594 mb
activeadmin: 6.5273 mb
active_admin: 6.5195 mb
meta_search: 1.9883 mb
meta_search/searches/active_record: 1.8789 mb
meta_search/builder: 1.7617 mb
meta_search/where: 1.1055 mb
polyamorous: 0.3945 mb
active_admin/comments: 1.7188 mb
active_admin/comments/views: 0.9883 mb
active_admin/views: 0.9375 mb
active_admin/filters: 1.0469 mb
active_admin/filters/forms: 0.8711 mb
arbre: 0.7422 mb
arbre/html/html5_elements: 0.4453 mb
bourbon: 0.3477 mb
bourbon/generator: 0.3359 mb
rails/all: 6.4023 mb
active_record/railtie: 3.4102 mb
active_record: 2.5 mb
arel: 1.6523 mb
arel/visitors: 0.7227 mb
arel/visitors/to_sql: 0.3281 mb
arel/nodes: 0.3516 mb
action_controller/railtie: 0.8516 mb
action_controller: 0.7695 mb
rails: 2.9336 mb
rails/application: 1.3867 mb
rails/plugin: 1.2578 mb
rails/engine: 1.0273 mb
rails/railtie: 0.875 mb
rails/configuration: 0.6016 mb
active_support/ordered_options: 0.5898 mb
active_support/ordered_hash: 0.5664 mb
psych: 0.4688 mb
psych/visitors: 0.3047 mb
active_support/core_ext/logger: 0.6094 mb
active_support/deprecation: 0.3594 mb
active_support: 0.4453 mb
carmen: 6.3633 mb
carmen/country: 6.3125 mb
carmen/world: 6.0586 mb
carmen/region: 6.0508 mb
carmen/region_collection: 6.0273 mb
carmen/querying: 6.0234 mb
unicode_utils: 6.0 mb
unicode_utils/char_name: 1.7969 mb
unicode_utils/each_word: 1.3125 mb
unicode_utils/display_width: 1.0703 mb
unicode_utils/gc: 1.0586 mb
unicode_utils/each_grapheme: 0.7031 mb
sinatra: 4.6055 mb
sinatra/base: 4.3789 mb
tilt: 1.8125 mb
newrelic_rpm: 4.3828 mb
new_relic/control: 4.375 mb
new_relic/agent: 2.4297 mb
new_relic/agent/agent: 0.7227 mb
conditional_vendored_metric_parser: 0.6406 mb
metric_parser: 0.6367 mb
new_relic/metric_parser: 0.6289 mb
conditional_vendored_dependency_detection: 0.4492 mb
dependency_detection: 0.4414 mb
new_relic/helper: 0.332 mb
json: 0.3281 mb
new_relic/control/instance_methods: 0.3242 mb
survey-gizmo-ruby: 4.0508 mb
survey_gizmo/survey_gizmo: 4.0508 mb
virtus: 1.8594 mb
axiom-types: 0.8164 mb
axiom/types: 0.8125 mb
survey_gizmo/resource: 1.7617 mb
addressable/uri: 1.6445 mb
addressable/idna: 1.332 mb
addressable/idna/pure: 1.3125 mb
factory_girl_rails: 3.5234 mb
factory_girl_rails/railtie: 3.5117 mb
factory_girl: 3.4141 mb
bootstrap-sass: 3.4766 mb
bootstrap-sass/sass_functions: 3.2578 mb
sass: 3.2383 mb
sass/engine: 2.7305 mb
sass/script: 0.8555 mb
sass/script/operation: 0.3125 mb
sass/scss: 0.3555 mb
sass/version: 0.4531 mb
active_model_serializers: 3.0625 mb
active_support/testing/mochaing: 1.4063 mb
mocha/setup: 1.4023 mb
mocha/integration: 1.3906 mb
mocha/integration/test_unit: 1.0195 mb
mocha/integration/test_unit/ruby_version_185_and_below: 0.8477 mb
mocha/integration/monkey_patcher: 0.8125 mb
mocha/api: 0.8086 mb
mocha/hooks: 0.4063 mb
mocha/mockery: 0.4063 mb
mocha/parameter_matchers: 0.3242 mb
mocha/integration/mini_test: 0.3477 mb
test/unit/testcase: 0.457 mb
test/unit/assertions: 0.4492 mb
geoip: 2.8242 mb
vcr: 2.7148 mb
vcr/structs: 1.0664 mb
vcr/cassette: 0.4297 mb
vcr/configuration: 0.3203 mb
pg: 1.7109 mb
pg_ext: 1.6328 mb
faker: 1.6914 mb
rails3-jquery-autocomplete: 1.3828 mb
rails3-jquery-autocomplete/simple_form_plugin: 0.7891 mb
rails3-jquery-autocomplete/formtastic: 0.5313 mb
omniauth-facebook: 0.9766 mb
omniauth/facebook: 0.9766 mb
omniauth/strategies/facebook: 0.9688 mb
omniauth/strategies/oauth2: 0.918 mb
oauth2: 0.6914 mb
oauth2/client: 0.5586 mb
faraday: 0.5391 mb
thin: 0.9375 mb
eventmachine: 0.8516 mb
chargify_api_ares: 0.9258 mb
chargify_api_ares/resources/base: 0.4414 mb
numbers_and_words: 0.8594 mb
numbers_and_words/strategies: 0.6836 mb
numbers_and_words/strategies/figures_converter: 0.6211 mb
airbrake: 0.7617 mb
airbrake/sidekiq: 0.3281 mb
sidekiq: 0.3203 mb
time_difference: 0.7188 mb
active_support/all: 0.6602 mb
active_support/core_ext: 0.6016 mb
redis: 0.582 mb
daemons: 0.4961 mb
active_admin_import: 0.4102 mb
active_admin_import/importer: 0.3555 mb
csv: 0.3555 mb
coffee-rails: 0.4102 mb
coffee-script: 0.3672 mb
coffee_script: 0.3555 mb
execjs: 0.3398 mb
zeus: 0.4063 mb
timecop: 0.3867 mb
/Users/jsquires/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/timecop-0.7.1/lib/timecop/timecop: 0.3242 mb
simple_form: 0.3867 mb
active_admin/resource_controller/actions: 3.6211 mb
active_admin/base_controller/authorization: 3.5586 mb
rack/file: 1.5234 mb
rack/utils: 1.0664 mb
tempfile: 0.4922 mb
rack/mime: 0.457 mb
rack/test: 0.9219 mb
sprockets/base: 0.3828 mb
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