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Created December 22, 2020 23:53
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Circles with Threads

Forks my own earlier gist: to add Threading.

Run as follows: $ time julia -t 8 circles-threaded.jl

Output will look like:

Using 8 threads!
Getting Args...
No args supplied, using defaults: Dict{String,Any}("min_radius" => 2,"image" => "test.jpg")
  1.710215 seconds (2.22 M allocations: 111.929 MiB, 2.34% gc time)
Loading test.jpg ...
  1.593509 seconds (5.29 M allocations: 299.015 MiB, 5.62% gc time)
Resizing ...
  0.387044 seconds (1.48 M allocations: 93.052 MiB, 3.16% gc time)
Segmenting ...
  0.963858 seconds (2.64 M allocations: 243.068 MiB, 1.82% gc time)
Circling ...
	Thread 8 worked for 0.6871027946472168 seconds to produce 325 circles [473.0005503279413 c/s]
	Thread 7 worked for 3.0919532775878906 seconds to produce 610 circles [197.28629291445054 c/s]
	Thread 6 worked for 3.2021660804748535 seconds to produce 680 circles [212.35625601878897 c/s]
	Thread 4 worked for 8.612055778503418 seconds to produce 871 circles [101.13729200106972 c/s]
	Thread 5 worked for 8.758408784866333 seconds to produce 830 circles [94.76607228406125 c/s]
	Thread 2 worked for 25.866625547409058 seconds to produce 1520 circles [58.76298001121571 c/s]
	Thread 3 worked for 34.91539216041565 seconds to produce 1153 circles [33.02268508692798 c/s]
	Thread 1 worked for 79.90222191810608 seconds to produce 1853 circles [23.190844453602168 c/s]
make_circles produced 7843 circles in 80.38775897026062 seconds 97.56460561242304 c/s
 81.318932 seconds (5.19 M allocations: 66.456 GiB, 7.60% gc time)
Made 7843 circles
Drawing ...
  0.699790 seconds (189.30 k allocations: 12.377 MiB, 0.36% gc time)
julia -t 8 circles-threaded.jl  166.97s user 6.89s system 174% cpu 1:39.35 total
import ArgParse
import ImageSegmentation
import Images
import Luxor
import Statistics
int_round(f) = round(Int, f)
struct Circle{T}
# Is there a more normal way to do a keyword constructor for a type?
function Circle(;x::Int, y::Int, rgb::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}, r::Float64)
return Circle(x, y, rgb, r)
function parse_commandline()
s = ArgParse.ArgParseSettings()
s.exc_handler = ArgParse.debug_handler
@ArgParse.add_arg_table s begin
"--image", "-i"
help = "Path to input image"
arg_type = String
required = true
"--min_radius", "-r"
help = "Minimum radius of generated circles"
arg_type = Float64
default = 2.0
return ArgParse.parse_args(s)
function scale(img, target_px)
h, w = size(img)
# Need sqrt because ratio gets applied in both x and y dimension.
return Images.imresize(img, ratio=(target_px / (h*w))^.5)
function segment(img)
# k controls segment size. 5 - 500 is a good range
# min_size gets rid of small segments
return ImageSegmentation.felzenszwalb(img, 60, 100)
function make_mask(label_ix, imgh, imgw)
# Create a mask array that's just large enough to contain
# the segment we are working on. This will allow the distance transform
# to operate the smallest array possible, for speed.
pad = Dict(true => 0, false => 1)
(top, left), (bottom, right) = map(ix -> ix.I, extrema(label_ix))
# Allocate a pixel-wide boundary strip if we aren't at the image border.
top_pad, bottom_pad = pad[top == 1], pad[bottom == imgh]
left_pad, right_pad = pad[left == 1], pad[right == imgw]
mask = ones(Bool,
bottom - top + 1 + top_pad + bottom_pad,
right - left + 1 + left_pad + right_pad
new_ix = map(x -> x - CartesianIndex(top - top_pad - 1, left - left_pad - 1), label_ix)
@inbounds mask[new_ix] .= 0
return (left - left_pad, top - top_pad, mask)
function circle_indices(center, radius, height, width)
# Code inspired by:
indices = CartesianIndex{2}[]
r = CartesianIndex(int_round(radius), int_round(radius))
y, x = center.I
# Examine (2*radius + 1)^2 spots, expecting array length ~ pi * radius^2.
for ix in center - r: center + r
row, col = ix.I
if 1 <= row <= height && 1 <= col <= width
if (row - y)^2 + (col - x)^2 <= radius^2
push!(indices, ix)
return indices
function make_circles(img, seg, min_radius)
float2int(f) = round(Int, 256*f)
to_clr(l) = float2int.( (l.r, l.g, l.b) )
# Arrays for returning values from threads in. keyed on threadid to know
# we won't have race conditions or contentions for writing.
D = Dict([(ix, []) for ix in 1:Threads.nthreads()])
# T (times) and C (circles) are just for keeping track of thread work stats.
T = Dict([(ix, 0.0) for ix in 1:Threads.nthreads()])
C = Dict([(ix, 0) for ix in 1:Threads.nthreads()])
# Set up an array of jobs in such a way that the labor is a bit more fairly
# distributed (depends on reverse engineering how :static works)
ml = [findall(x -> x == l, seg.image_indexmap) for l in seg.segment_labels]
ml = sort(ml, by=length, rev=true)
n = Threads.nthreads()
jobs = []
for i in 1:n
append!(jobs, ml[i:n:length(ml)])
h, w = size(img)
Threads.@threads for m in jobs
start_time = time()
left, top, mask = make_mask(m, h, w)
my_circles = []
while true
f = Images.feature_transform(mask)
edt = Images.distance_transform(f)
ix = argmax(edt)
r = edt[ix]
if r < min_radius || r == Inf
circle_ix = circle_indices(ix, r, size(edt)...)
@inbounds mask[circle_ix] .= 1
offset_ix = map(x -> x + CartesianIndex(top - 1, left - 1), circle_ix)
clr = to_clr(Statistics.mean(img[offset_ix]))
y, x = ix.I
push!(my_circles, Circle(
x=left + x,
y=top + y,
run_time = time() - start_time
# Save our circles!
id = Threads.threadid()
append!(D[id], my_circles)
# Update stats
T[id] += run_time
C[id] += length(my_circles)
# println("Thread $(id) produced $(length(my_circles)) circles in $(run_time) seconds [$(length(my_circles) / run_time) c/s]")
# Add a big circle with the avg color for the background.
circles = [Circle(
rgb= to_clr(Statistics.mean(img)),
r=(w*w + h*h)^.5 + 2
# Collate computed circles
for (threadid, cl) in D
append!(circles, cl)
# Display per-thread stats (an indication of how well spread-out the work was)
for (threadid, f) in sort(collect(T), by=p->p[2])
c = C[threadid]
println("\tThread $(threadid) worked for $(f) seconds to produce $(c) circles [$(c / f) c/s]")
return circles
function draw(img, circles, filename)
h, w = size(img)
Luxor.Drawing(w, h, filename)
# Paint from biggest to smallest
for c in sort(circles, by=c -> c.r, rev=true)
r, g, b = map(x -> x / 255, c.rgb)
Luxor.setcolor(r, g, b), c.y, c.r - .5, :fill)
function get_args()
args = nothing
args = parse_commandline()
println("args", args)
catch err
args = Dict("image" => "test.jpg", "min_radius" => 2)
println("No args supplied, using defaults: ", args)
return args
function main()
println("Using $(Threads.nthreads()) threads!")
println("Getting Args...")
@time args = get_args()
path = args["image"]
name, _ = splitext(basename(path))
println("Loading $(path) ...")
@time img = Images.load(path)
println("Resizing ...")
@time img = scale(img, 1e6) # Downsample to ~1M pixels"./$(name)-orig.png", img)
println("Segmenting ... ")
@time seg = segment(img)"./$(name)-seg.png", map(i-> seg.segment_means[i], seg.image_indexmap))
println("Circling ...")
@time circles = make_circles(img, seg, args["min_radius"])
println("Made $(length(circles)) circles")
println("Drawing ...")
@time draw(img, circles, "./$(name)-circled.png")
if !isinteractive()
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