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Created August 13, 2021 04:56
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~/Desktop/rosbridge_suite$ bloom-release --rosdistro eloquent --track eloquent rosbridge_suite --edit
ROS Distro index file associate with commit '5684f10dce0061d040d9bf353ae5f9b31a10df18'
New ROS Distro index url: ''
Specified repository 'rosbridge_suite' is not in the distribution file located at ''
Did you mean one of these: 'ros1_bridge'?
Could not determine release repository url for repository 'rosbridge_suite' of distro 'eloquent'
You can continue the release process by manually specifying the location of the RELEASE repository.
To be clear this is the url of the RELEASE repository not the upstream repository.
For release repositories on GitHub, you should provide the `https://` url which should end in `.git`.
Here is the url for a typical release repository on GitHub:
==> Looking for a release of this repository in a different distribution...
A different distribution, 'dashing', released this repository.
Release repository url []:
==> Fetching 'rosbridge_suite' repository from ''
Cloning into '/tmp/tmp0kjypkd9'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1691, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1691/1691), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1113/1113), done.
remote: Total 1691 (delta 477), reused 1587 (delta 376), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1691/1691), 365.11 KiB | 807.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (477/477), done.
Creating track 'eloquent'...
Repository Name:
Name of the repository (used in the archive name)
Default value, leave this as upstream if you are unsure
Upstream Repository URI:
Any valid URI. This variable can be templated, for example an svn url
can be templated as such: "{version}"
where the :{version} token will be replaced with the version for this release.
Upstream VCS Type:
Upstream URI is a git repository
Upstream URI is a hg repository
Upstream URI is a svn repository
Upstream URI is a tarball
This means the version will be guessed from the devel branch.
This means that the devel branch must be set, the devel branch must exist,
and there must be a valid package.xml in the upstream devel branch.
This means that the user will be prompted for the version each release.
This also means that the upstream devel will be ignored.
This will be the version used.
It must be updated for each new upstream version.
Release Tag:
This means that the release tag will match the :{version} tag.
This can be further templated, for example: "foo-:{version}" or "v:{version}"
This can describe any vcs reference. For git that means {tag, branch, hash},
for hg that means {tag, branch, hash}, for svn that means a revision number.
For tar this value doubles as the sub directory (if the repository is
in foo/ of the tar ball, putting foo here will cause the contents of
foo/ to be imported to upstream instead of foo itself).
This means the user will be prompted for the release tag on each release.
For svn and tar only you can set the release tag to :{none}, so that
it is ignored. For svn this means no revision number is used.
Upstream Devel Branch:
<vcs reference>
Branch in upstream repository on which to search for the version.
This is used only when version is set to ':{auto}'.
ROS Distro:
<ROS distro>
This can be any valid ROS distro, e.g. indigo, kinetic, lunar, melodic
Patches Directory:
<path in bloom branch>
This can be any valid relative path in the bloom branch. The contents
of this folder will be overlaid onto the upstream branch after each
import-upstream. Additionally, any package.xml files found in the
overlay will have the :{version} string replaced with the current
version being released.
Use this if you want to disable overlaying of files.
Release Repository Push URL:
(optional) Used when pushing to remote release repositories. This is only
needed when the release uri which is in the rosdistro file is not writable.
This is useful, for example, when a releaser would like to use a ssh url
to push rather than a https:// url.
This indicates that the default release url should be used.
Created 'eloquent' track.
==> Testing for push permission on release repository
==> git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
==> git push --dry-run
192595c..82108fe master -> master
==> Releasing 'rosbridge_suite' using release track 'eloquent'
==> git-bloom-release eloquent
Processing release track settings for 'eloquent'
Checking upstream devel branch 'ros2' for package.xml(s)
Cloning into '/tmp/tmpo409c_42/upstream'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 6769, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (167/167), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (93/93), done.
remote: Total 6769 (delta 98), reused 110 (delta 64), pack-reused 6602
Receiving objects: 100% (6769/6769), 2.58 MiB | 163.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4091/4091), done.
Looking for packages in 'ros2' branch... found 5 packages.
Detected version '1.0.5' from package(s): ['rosbridge_msgs', 'rosapi', 'rosbridge_suite', 'rosbridge_server', 'rosbridge_library']
Executing release track 'eloquent'
==> bloom-export-upstream /tmp/tmpo409c_42/upstream git --tag 1.0.5 --display-uri --name upstream --output-dir /tmp/tmpnk24_bui
Checking out repository at '' to reference '1.0.5'.
Exporting to archive: '/tmp/tmpnk24_bui/upstream-1.0.5.tar.gz'
md5: 883f1abf1de7fee4b520ad26c6e01883
==> git-bloom-import-upstream /tmp/tmpnk24_bui/upstream-1.0.5.tar.gz --release-version 1.0.5 --replace
The latest upstream tag in the release repository is 'upstream/1.0.5'.
Removing tag: 'upstream/1.0.5'
Importing archive into upstream branch...
Creating tag: 'upstream/1.0.5'
I'm happy. You should be too.
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosrelease eloquent --source upstream -i 1
Releasing packages: ['rosbridge_msgs', 'rosapi', 'rosbridge_suite', 'rosbridge_server', 'rosbridge_library']
Releasing package 'rosbridge_msgs' for 'eloquent' to: 'release/eloquent/rosbridge_msgs'
Releasing package 'rosapi' for 'eloquent' to: 'release/eloquent/rosapi'
Releasing package 'rosbridge_suite' for 'eloquent' to: 'release/eloquent/rosbridge_suite'
Releasing package 'rosbridge_server' for 'eloquent' to: 'release/eloquent/rosbridge_server'
Releasing package 'rosbridge_library' for 'eloquent' to: 'release/eloquent/rosbridge_library'
==> git-bloom-generate -y rosdebian --prefix release/eloquent eloquent -i 1 --os-name ubuntu
Generating source debs for the packages: ['rosapi', 'rosbridge_msgs', 'rosbridge_library', 'rosbridge_server', 'rosbridge_suite']
Debian Incremental Version: 1
Debian Distributions: ['bionic']
Releasing for rosdistro: eloquent
Pre-verifying Debian dependency keys...
Running 'rosdep update'...
ROS Distro index file associate with commit '5684f10dce0061d040d9bf353ae5f9b31a10df18'
New ROS Distro index url: ''
Could not resolve rosdep key 'ament_cmake'
Failed to resolve ament_cmake on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'ament_cmake', aborting.
ament_cmake is depended on by these packages: ['rosbridge_library', 'rosbridge_server']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'ament_cmake_core'
Failed to resolve ament_cmake_core on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'ament_cmake_core', aborting.
ament_cmake_core is depended on by these packages: ['rosbridge_suite']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'ament_cmake_nose'
Failed to resolve ament_cmake_nose on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'ament_cmake_nose', aborting.
ament_cmake_nose is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'ament_cmake_ros'
Failed to resolve ament_cmake_ros on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'ament_cmake_ros', aborting.
ament_cmake_ros is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi', 'rosbridge_msgs']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'builtin_interfaces'
Failed to resolve builtin_interfaces on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'builtin_interfaces', aborting.
builtin_interfaces is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi', 'rosbridge_library', 'rosbridge_msgs']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'geometry_msgs'
Failed to resolve geometry_msgs on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'geometry_msgs', aborting.
geometry_msgs is depended on by these packages: ['rosbridge_library']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'launch'
Failed to resolve launch on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'launch', aborting.
launch is depended on by these packages: ['rosbridge_server']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'launch_ros'
Failed to resolve launch_ros on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'launch_ros', aborting.
launch_ros is depended on by these packages: ['rosbridge_server']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'launch_testing'
Failed to resolve launch_testing on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'launch_testing', aborting.
launch_testing is depended on by these packages: ['rosbridge_server']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'launch_testing_ament_cmake'
Failed to resolve launch_testing_ament_cmake on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'launch_testing_ament_cmake', aborting.
launch_testing_ament_cmake is depended on by these packages: ['rosbridge_server']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'launch_testing_ros'
Failed to resolve launch_testing_ros on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'launch_testing_ros', aborting.
launch_testing_ros is depended on by these packages: ['rosbridge_server']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'rcl_interfaces'
Failed to resolve rcl_interfaces on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'rcl_interfaces', aborting.
rcl_interfaces is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'rclpy'
Failed to resolve rclpy on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'rclpy', aborting.
rclpy is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi', 'rosbridge_library', 'rosbridge_server']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'ros2node'
Failed to resolve ros2node on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'ros2node', aborting.
ros2node is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'ros2param'
Failed to resolve ros2param on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'ros2param', aborting.
ros2param is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'ros2pkg'
Failed to resolve ros2pkg on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'ros2pkg', aborting.
ros2pkg is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'ros2service'
Failed to resolve ros2service on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'ros2service', aborting.
ros2service is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'ros2topic'
Failed to resolve ros2topic on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'ros2topic', aborting.
ros2topic is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'rosidl_default_generators'
Failed to resolve rosidl_default_generators on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'rosidl_default_generators', aborting.
rosidl_default_generators is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi', 'rosbridge_library', 'rosbridge_msgs']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'rosidl_default_runtime'
Failed to resolve rosidl_default_runtime on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'rosidl_default_runtime', aborting.
rosidl_default_runtime is depended on by these packages: ['rosapi', 'rosbridge_library', 'rosbridge_msgs']
<== Failed
Could not resolve rosdep key 'std_msgs'
Failed to resolve std_msgs on ubuntu:bionic with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'std_msgs', aborting.
std_msgs is depended on by these packages: ['rosbridge_library']
<== Failed
Some of the dependencies for packages in this repository could not be resolved by rosdep.
<== The following generator action reported that it is missing one or more
rosdep keys, but that the key exists in other platforms:
'['/usr/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosdebian', '--prefix', 'release/eloquent', 'eloquent', '-i', '1', '--os-name', 'ubuntu']'
If you are absolutely sure that this key is unavailable for the platform in
question, the generator can be skipped and you can proceed with the release.
Skip generator action and continue with release [y/N]? n
<== Error running command '['/usr/bin/git-bloom-generate', '-y', 'rosdebian', '--prefix', 'release/eloquent', 'eloquent', '-i', '1', '--os-name', 'ubuntu']'
Release failed, exiting.
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