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Created November 16, 2023 22:24
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Egui Tab Switcher
pub fn render_switch(&self, ui: &mut Ui, id: Id, labels: &[&str; 2], selected: usize, available: Rect) -> Response {
let text_color = ui.visuals().strong_text_color();
let galley1 = ui.fonts(|fonts| fonts.layout_no_wrap(labels[0].to_owned(), FontId::monospace(9.0), text_color));
let galley2 = ui.fonts(|fonts| fonts.layout_no_wrap(labels[1].to_owned(), FontId::monospace(9.0), text_color));
let margin = vec2(10.0, 4.0);
// Initial estimation of the position. It will be moved below
let rect = Rect::from_min_size(Pos2::ZERO,
margin.x + galley1.rect.width() + margin.x + galley2.rect.width() + margin.x,
margin.y * 2.0 + galley1.rect.height()
let split = (margin.x + galley1.rect.width() + margin.x * 0.5) / rect.width();
let rect = rect.translate((available.right_top() + vec2(-(rect.width() + 4.0), 6.0)).to_vec2());
let response = ui.interact(rect, id, Sense::click());
let duration = if response.hovered() { 1.0 } else { 2.0 };
let how_hovered = ui.ctx().animate_bool_with_time(id.with("hover"), response.hovered(), * duration);
let (mut left, mut right) = rect.split_left_right_at_fraction(split);
fn lerp(a: f32, b: f32, amt: f32) -> f32 {
a + (b - a) * amt
// Collapse the side that is not selected
if selected == 1 {
left.set_left(lerp(right.left(), left.left(), how_hovered));
} else {
right.set_right(lerp(left.right(), right.right(), how_hovered));
left.set_right(lerp(left.right() + margin.x * 0.5, left.right(), how_hovered));
let rect = left.union(right);
// Adjust all rects to stay right-aligned
let adjustment = vec2(available.right() - rect.right() - 4.0, 0.0);
let rect = rect.translate(adjustment);
let left = left.translate(adjustment);
let right = right.translate(adjustment);
let bg_color = ui.visuals().widgets.noninteractive.bg_stroke.color;
let bg_opacity = how_hovered.powf(3.0);
// Background
ui.painter().rect(rect, Rounding::same(rect.height() * 0.5), ui.visuals().window_fill(), Stroke::new(1.0, bg_color));
// Animates between 0.0 and 1.0
let amt = ui.ctx().animate_value_with_time(id, selected as f32, 0.1);
// Selection rect
let radius = left.height() * 0.5;
let left_rounding = Rounding { nw: radius, ne: 2.0, se: 2.0, sw: radius};
let right_rounding = Rounding { nw: 2.0, ne: radius, se: radius, sw: 2.0 };
let select_rounding = left_rounding.lerp_towards(&right_rounding, amt).lerp_towards(&Rounding::same(radius), 1.0 - how_hovered);
let select_rect = left.lerp_towards(&right, amt);
ui.painter().rect_filled(select_rect.shrink(2.0), select_rounding, bg_color.gamma_multiply(bg_opacity));
// Right text
let mut painter = ui.painter().clone();
painter.galley( - galley2.rect.max.to_vec2() * 0.5, galley2);
// Left text
let mut painter = ui.painter().clone();
painter.galley( - galley1.rect.max.to_vec2() * 0.5, galley1);
if response.hovered() {
ui.output_mut(|out| out.cursor_icon = CursorIcon::PointingHand);
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