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Created July 7, 2010 05:09
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// Could swear I shared this before, but here it goes again...
// $.ghost
// Oh, by the way, it works like this:
// $('myform :text:first').ghost('username');
// The above will make the first text element of a form display a
// slightly faded "username" text inside until focused.
$.ghost = function(element, label, options) {
if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = {};
var originalColor = $(element).css('color');
var originalStyle = $(element).css('font-style');
function ghostify(element) {
if (touched(element)) return false;
.css('color', (options.color || '#ccc'))
.css('font-style', (options.italic == false ? (originalStyle || 'normal') : 'italic'))
function deghostify(element) {
if ($(element).val() != label) return false;
.css('color', originalColor)
.css('font-style', originalStyle)
function touched(element) {
return ($(element).val() != '' && $(element).val() != label);
$(element).focus(function() { deghostify(this) });
$(element).blur(function() { ghostify(this) });
$(element).parents('form').submit(function() { if (!touched(element)) deghostify(element) });
$.fn.ghost = function(label, options) { return this.each(function() { $.ghost(this, label, options) }) }
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