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Created February 19, 2014 05:15
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Paporeto::Application.configure do
# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb.
# In the development environment your application's code is reloaded on
# every request. This slows down response time but is perfect for development
# since you don't have to restart the web server when you make code changes.
config.cache_classes = false
# Do not eager load code on boot.
config.eager_load = false
# Show full error reports and disable caching.
config.consider_all_requests_local = true
config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
# Don't care if the mailer can't send.
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false
# Print deprecation notices to the Rails logger.
config.active_support.deprecation = :log
# Raise an error on page load if there are pending migrations
config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load
# Debug mode disables concatenation and preprocessing of assets.
# This option may cause significant delays in view rendering with a large
# number of complex assets.
config.assets.debug = true
config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' }
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { :address => "localhost", :port => 1025 }
# Use this hook to configure devise mailer, warden hooks and so forth.
# Many of these configuration options can be set straight in your model.
Devise.setup do |config|
# The secret key used by Devise. Devise uses this key to generate
# random tokens. Changing this key will render invalid all existing
# confirmation, reset password and unlock tokens in the database.
config.secret_key = '63f85a07842ffe600734bf8f44c535a23eda901c6ede1616afc13d1bab7119312f6dde53cdcfe9e0f9fae048378b0bcac961f4a1530f53171a74de87ae6e4ec1'
# ==> Mailer Configuration
# Configure the e-mail address which will be shown in Devise::Mailer,
# note that it will be overwritten if you use your own mailer class
# with default "from" parameter.
config.mailer_sender = ''
# Configure the class responsible to send e-mails.
# config.mailer = 'Devise::Mailer'
# ==> ORM configuration
# Load and configure the ORM. Supports :active_record (default) and
# :mongoid (bson_ext recommended) by default. Other ORMs may be
# available as additional gems.
require 'devise/orm/active_record'
# ==> Configuration for any authentication mechanism
# Configure which keys are used when authenticating a user. The default is
# just :email. You can configure it to use [:username, :subdomain], so for
# authenticating a user, both parameters are required. Remember that those
# parameters are used only when authenticating and not when retrieving from
# session. If you need permissions, you should implement that in a before filter.
# You can also supply a hash where the value is a boolean determining whether
# or not authentication should be aborted when the value is not present.
# config.authentication_keys = [ :email ]
# Configure parameters from the request object used for authentication. Each entry
# given should be a request method and it will automatically be passed to the
# find_for_authentication method and considered in your model lookup. For instance,
# if you set :request_keys to [:subdomain], :subdomain will be used on authentication.
# The same considerations mentioned for authentication_keys also apply to request_keys.
# config.request_keys = []
# Configure which authentication keys should be case-insensitive.
# These keys will be downcased upon creating or modifying a user and when used
# to authenticate or find a user. Default is :email.
config.case_insensitive_keys = [ :email ]
# Configure which authentication keys should have whitespace stripped.
# These keys will have whitespace before and after removed upon creating or
# modifying a user and when used to authenticate or find a user. Default is :email.
config.strip_whitespace_keys = [ :email ]
# Tell if authentication through request.params is enabled. True by default.
# It can be set to an array that will enable params authentication only for the
# given strategies, for example, `config.params_authenticatable = [:database]` will
# enable it only for database (email + password) authentication.
# config.params_authenticatable = true
# Tell if authentication through HTTP Auth is enabled. False by default.
# It can be set to an array that will enable http authentication only for the
# given strategies, for example, `config.http_authenticatable = [:database]` will
# enable it only for database authentication. The supported strategies are:
# :database = Support basic authentication with authentication key + password
# config.http_authenticatable = false
# If http headers should be returned for AJAX requests. True by default.
# config.http_authenticatable_on_xhr = true
# The realm used in Http Basic Authentication. 'Application' by default.
# config.http_authentication_realm = 'Application'
# It will change confirmation, password recovery and other workflows
# to behave the same regardless if the e-mail provided was right or wrong.
# Does not affect registerable.
# config.paranoid = true
# By default Devise will store the user in session. You can skip storage for
# particular strategies by setting this option.
# Notice that if you are skipping storage for all authentication paths, you
# may want to disable generating routes to Devise's sessions controller by
# passing :skip => :sessions to `devise_for` in your config/routes.rb
config.skip_session_storage = [:http_auth]
# By default, Devise cleans up the CSRF token on authentication to
# avoid CSRF token fixation attacks. This means that, when using AJAX
# requests for sign in and sign up, you need to get a new CSRF token
# from the server. You can disable this option at your own risk.
# config.clean_up_csrf_token_on_authentication = true
# ==> Configuration for :database_authenticatable
# For bcrypt, this is the cost for hashing the password and defaults to 10. If
# using other encryptors, it sets how many times you want the password re-encrypted.
# Limiting the stretches to just one in testing will increase the performance of
# your test suite dramatically. However, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to not use
# a value less than 10 in other environments.
config.stretches = Rails.env.test? ? 1 : 10
# Setup a pepper to generate the encrypted password.
# config.pepper = '6984955c2d7ac8ce085ca87b52f5c5e1ea7cd2af4c150e476cffab8052bb111cb9644ce6aea199d68cf5d0492d4307d57302e1c604ba75cc74c72a954faaacc0'
# ==> Configuration for :confirmable
# A period that the user is allowed to access the website even without
# confirming his account. For instance, if set to 2.days, the user will be
# able to access the website for two days without confirming his account,
# access will be blocked just in the third day. Default is 0.days, meaning
# the user cannot access the website without confirming his account.
# config.allow_unconfirmed_access_for = 2.days
# A period that the user is allowed to confirm their account before their
# token becomes invalid. For example, if set to 3.days, the user can confirm
# their account within 3 days after the mail was sent, but on the fourth day
# their account can't be confirmed with the token any more.
# Default is nil, meaning there is no restriction on how long a user can take
# before confirming their account.
# config.confirm_within = 3.days
# If true, requires any email changes to be confirmed (exactly the same way as
# initial account confirmation) to be applied. Requires additional unconfirmed_email
# db field (see migrations). Until confirmed new email is stored in
# unconfirmed email column, and copied to email column on successful confirmation.
config.reconfirmable = true
# Defines which key will be used when confirming an account
# config.confirmation_keys = [ :email ]
# ==> Configuration for :rememberable
# The time the user will be remembered without asking for credentials again.
# config.remember_for = 2.weeks
# If true, extends the user's remember period when remembered via cookie.
# config.extend_remember_period = false
# Options to be passed to the created cookie. For instance, you can set
# :secure => true in order to force SSL only cookies.
# config.rememberable_options = {}
# ==> Configuration for :validatable
# Range for password length. Default is 8..128.
config.password_length = 8..128
# Email regex used to validate email formats. It simply asserts that
# one (and only one) @ exists in the given string. This is mainly
# to give user feedback and not to assert the e-mail validity.
# config.email_regexp = /\A[^@]+@[^@]+\z/
# ==> Configuration for :timeoutable
# The time you want to timeout the user session without activity. After this
# time the user will be asked for credentials again. Default is 30 minutes.
# config.timeout_in = 30.minutes
# If true, expires auth token on session timeout.
# config.expire_auth_token_on_timeout = false
# ==> Configuration for :lockable
# Defines which strategy will be used to lock an account.
# :failed_attempts = Locks an account after a number of failed attempts to sign in.
# :none = No lock strategy. You should handle locking by yourself.
# config.lock_strategy = :failed_attempts
# Defines which key will be used when locking and unlocking an account
# config.unlock_keys = [ :email ]
# Defines which strategy will be used to unlock an account.
# :email = Sends an unlock link to the user email
# :time = Re-enables login after a certain amount of time (see :unlock_in below)
# :both = Enables both strategies
# :none = No unlock strategy. You should handle unlocking by yourself.
# config.unlock_strategy = :both
# Number of authentication tries before locking an account if lock_strategy
# is failed attempts.
# config.maximum_attempts = 20
# Time interval to unlock the account if :time is enabled as unlock_strategy.
# config.unlock_in = 1.hour
# Warn on the last attempt before the account is locked.
# config.last_attempt_warning = false
# ==> Configuration for :recoverable
# Defines which key will be used when recovering the password for an account
# config.reset_password_keys = [ :email ]
# Time interval you can reset your password with a reset password key.
# Don't put a too small interval or your users won't have the time to
# change their passwords.
config.reset_password_within = 6.hours
# ==> Configuration for :encryptable
# Allow you to use another encryption algorithm besides bcrypt (default). You can use
# :sha1, :sha512 or encryptors from others authentication tools as :clearance_sha1,
# :authlogic_sha512 (then you should set stretches above to 20 for default behavior)
# and :restful_authentication_sha1 (then you should set stretches to 10, and copy
# REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY to pepper).
# Require the `devise-encryptable` gem when using anything other than bcrypt
# config.encryptor = :sha512
# ==> Scopes configuration
# Turn scoped views on. Before rendering "sessions/new", it will first check for
# "users/sessions/new". It's turned off by default because it's slower if you
# are using only default views.
# config.scoped_views = false
# Configure the default scope given to Warden. By default it's the first
# devise role declared in your routes (usually :user).
# config.default_scope = :user
# Set this configuration to false if you want /users/sign_out to sign out
# only the current scope. By default, Devise signs out all scopes.
# config.sign_out_all_scopes = true
# ==> Navigation configuration
# Lists the formats that should be treated as navigational. Formats like
# :html, should redirect to the sign in page when the user does not have
# access, but formats like :xml or :json, should return 401.
# If you have any extra navigational formats, like :iphone or :mobile, you
# should add them to the navigational formats lists.
# The "*/*" below is required to match Internet Explorer requests.
# config.navigational_formats = ['*/*', :html]
# The default HTTP method used to sign out a resource. Default is :delete.
config.sign_out_via = :delete
# ==> OmniAuth
# Add a new OmniAuth provider. Check the wiki for more information on setting
# up on your models and hooks.
# config.omniauth :github, 'APP_ID', 'APP_SECRET', :scope => 'user,public_repo'
# ==> Warden configuration
# If you want to use other strategies, that are not supported by Devise, or
# change the failure app, you can configure them inside the config.warden block.
# config.warden do |manager|
# manager.intercept_401 = false
# manager.default_strategies(:scope => :user).unshift :some_external_strategy
# end
# ==> Mountable engine configurations
# When using Devise inside an engine, let's call it `MyEngine`, and this engine
# is mountable, there are some extra configurations to be taken into account.
# The following options are available, assuming the engine is mounted as:
# mount MyEngine, at: '/my_engine'
# The router that invoked `devise_for`, in the example above, would be:
# config.router_name = :my_engine
# When using omniauth, Devise cannot automatically set Omniauth path,
# so you need to do it manually. For the users scope, it would be:
# config.omniauth_path_prefix = '/my_engine/users/auth'
h2 Alterar senha
= simple_form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => password_path(resource_name), :html => { :method => :put }) do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :reset_password_token, :as => :hidden
= f.full_error :reset_password_token
= f.input :password, :label => "Nova senha", :required => true, :autofocus => true
= f.input :password_confirmation, :label => "Confirme sua nova senha", :required => true
= f.button :submit, "Alterar senha", class: 'btn btn-lg btn-success btn-block'
h2 Esqueceu a senha?
= simple_form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => password_path(resource_name), :html => { :method => :post }) do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :email, :required => true, :autofocus => true
= f.button :submit, "Enviar instruções para nova senha", class: 'btn btn-lg btn-success btn-block'
h2 Paporeto
- if alert
button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true" ×
= alert
= simple_form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => session_path(resource_name), html: {autocomplete: 'off'}) do |f|
= f.input :email, :required => false, label: false, placeholder: 'Email', :autofocus => true
= f.input :password, :required => false, label: false, placeholder: 'Senha'
= f.input :remember_me, :as => :boolean, label: 'Lembrar' if devise_mapping.rememberable?
= f.button :submit, "Entrar", class: 'btn btn-lg btn-success btn-block'
= link_to "Esqueceu a senha?", new_password_path(resource_name)
<div style="font-family: sans-serif">
<p>Olá <%= %>,</p>
<p>Alguém solicitou a mudança da sua senha. Você pode fazer isso através do link abaixo.</p>
<p><%= link_to 'Alterar minha senha', edit_password_url(@resource, :reset_password_token => @token) %></p>
<p>Se você não fez essa solicitação, por favor ignore esse email.</p>
<p>Sua senha não vai mudar até você acessar o link acima e criar uma nova.</p>
Paporeto::Application.routes.draw do
devise_for :users
resources :categories, except: :show
resources :articles
resources :users, except: :show
root 'articles#index'
# The priority is based upon order of creation: first created -> highest priority.
# See how all your routes lay out with "rake routes".
# You can have the root of your site routed with "root"
# root 'welcome#index'
# Example of regular route:
# get 'products/:id' => 'catalog#view'
# Example of named route that can be invoked with purchase_url(id:
# get 'products/:id/purchase' => 'catalog#purchase', as: :purchase
# Example resource route (maps HTTP verbs to controller actions automatically):
# resources :products
# Example resource route with options:
# resources :products do
# member do
# get 'short'
# post 'toggle'
# end
# collection do
# get 'sold'
# end
# end
# Example resource route with sub-resources:
# resources :products do
# resources :comments, :sales
# resource :seller
# end
# Example resource route with more complex sub-resources:
# resources :products do
# resources :comments
# resources :sales do
# get 'recent', on: :collection
# end
# end
# Example resource route with concerns:
# concern :toggleable do
# post 'toggle'
# end
# resources :posts, concerns: :toggleable
# resources :photos, concerns: :toggleable
# Example resource route within a namespace:
# namespace :admin do
# # Directs /admin/products/* to Admin::ProductsController
# # (app/controllers/admin/products_controller.rb)
# resources :products
# end
User.create!(name: 'Julio Protzek', email: '', password: '123123123')
yes: Sim
no: Não
text: obrigatório
mark: "*"
# You can uncomment the line below if you need to overwrite the whole required html.
# When using html, text and mark won't be used.
# html: "<abbr title="required">*</abbr>"
default_message: "Por favor, corrija os problemas abaixo:"
# Labels and hints examples
password: Senha
password_confirmation: Confirmar a Senha
name: Nome
title: Título
body: Texto
published_at: Publicado em
category: Categoria
# hints:
# defaults:
# password: 'Mínimo de 8 caracteres.'
# placeholders:
# defaults:
# name: 'Nome'
# password: '****'
create: 'Criar'
update: 'Editar'
create: 'Criar artigo'
update: 'Editar artigo'
# Use this setup block to configure all options available in SimpleForm.
SimpleForm.setup do |config|
# Wrappers are used by the form builder to generate a
# complete input. You can remove any component from the
# wrapper, change the order or even add your own to the
# stack. The options given below are used to wrap the
# whole input.
config.wrappers :default, class: :input,
hint_class: :field_with_hint, error_class: :field_with_errors do |b|
## Extensions enabled by default
# Any of these extensions can be disabled for a
# given input by passing: `f.input EXTENSION_NAME => false`.
# You can make any of these extensions optional by
# renaming `b.use` to `b.optional`.
# Determines whether to use HTML5 (:email, :url, ...)
# and required attributes
b.use :html5
# Calculates placeholders automatically from I18n
# You can also pass a string as f.input placeholder: "Placeholder"
b.use :placeholder
## Optional extensions
# They are disabled unless you pass `f.input EXTENSION_NAME => :lookup`
# to the input. If so, they will retrieve the values from the model
# if any exists. If you want to enable the lookup for any of those
# extensions by default, you can change `b.optional` to `b.use`.
# Calculates maxlength from length validations for string inputs
b.optional :maxlength
# Calculates pattern from format validations for string inputs
b.optional :pattern
# Calculates min and max from length validations for numeric inputs
b.optional :min_max
# Calculates readonly automatically from readonly attributes
b.optional :readonly
## Inputs
b.use :label_input
b.use :hint, wrap_with: { tag: :span, class: :hint }
b.use :error, wrap_with: { tag: :span, class: :error }
# The default wrapper to be used by the FormBuilder.
config.default_wrapper = :default
# Define the way to render check boxes / radio buttons with labels.
# Defaults to :nested for bootstrap config.
# inline: input + label
# nested: label > input
config.boolean_style = :nested
# Default class for buttons
config.button_class = 'btn'
# Method used to tidy up errors. Specify any Rails Array method.
# :first lists the first message for each field.
# Use :to_sentence to list all errors for each field.
# config.error_method = :first
# Default tag used for error notification helper.
config.error_notification_tag = :div
# CSS class to add for error notification helper.
config.error_notification_class = 'alert alert-warning'
# ID to add for error notification helper.
# config.error_notification_id = nil
# Series of attempts to detect a default label method for collection.
# config.collection_label_methods = [ :to_label, :name, :title, :to_s ]
# Series of attempts to detect a default value method for collection.
# config.collection_value_methods = [ :id, :to_s ]
# You can wrap a collection of radio/check boxes in a pre-defined tag, defaulting to none.
# config.collection_wrapper_tag = nil
# You can define the class to use on all collection wrappers. Defaulting to none.
# config.collection_wrapper_class = nil
# You can wrap each item in a collection of radio/check boxes with a tag,
# defaulting to :span. Please note that when using :boolean_style = :nested,
# SimpleForm will force this option to be a label.
# config.item_wrapper_tag = :span
# You can define a class to use in all item wrappers. Defaulting to none.
# config.item_wrapper_class = nil
# How the label text should be generated altogether with the required text.
# config.label_text = lambda { |label, required| "#{required} #{label}" }
# You can define the class to use on all labels. Default is nil.
config.label_class = 'control-label'
# You can define the class to use on all forms. Default is simple_form.
# config.form_class = :simple_form
# You can define which elements should obtain additional classes
# config.generate_additional_classes_for = [:wrapper, :label, :input]
# Whether attributes are required by default (or not). Default is true.
# config.required_by_default = true
# Tell browsers whether to use the native HTML5 validations (novalidate form option).
# These validations are enabled in SimpleForm's internal config but disabled by default
# in this configuration, which is recommended due to some quirks from different browsers.
# To stop SimpleForm from generating the novalidate option, enabling the HTML5 validations,
# change this configuration to true.
config.browser_validations = false
# Collection of methods to detect if a file type was given.
# config.file_methods = [ :mounted_as, :file?, :public_filename ]
# Custom mappings for input types. This should be a hash containing a regexp
# to match as key, and the input type that will be used when the field name
# matches the regexp as value.
# config.input_mappings = { /count/ => :integer }
# Custom wrappers for input types. This should be a hash containing an input
# type as key and the wrapper that will be used for all inputs with specified type.
# config.wrapper_mappings = { string: :prepend }
# Default priority for time_zone inputs.
# config.time_zone_priority = nil
# Default priority for country inputs.
# config.country_priority = nil
# When false, do not use translations for labels.
# config.translate_labels = true
# Automatically discover new inputs in Rails' autoload path.
# config.inputs_discovery = true
# Cache SimpleForm inputs discovery
# config.cache_discovery = !Rails.env.development?
# Default class for inputs
# config.input_class = nil
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
devise :database_authenticatable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable
class UsersController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_user, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy]
before_action :authenticate_user!
# GET /users
def index
@users = User.all
# GET /users/new
def new
@user =
# GET /users/1/edit
def edit
# POST /users
def create
@user =
redirect_to users_url
render action: 'new'
# PATCH/PUT /users/1
def update
if user_params[:password].blank?
if @user.valid?
if @user == current_user
sign_in(@user, bypass: true)
redirect_to users_url
render action: 'edit'
# DELETE /users/1
def destroy
redirect_to users_url, notice: 'Usuário excluído.'
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_user
@user = User.find(params[:id])
# Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through.
def user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation)
def user_params_without_password
h1 Editar usuário
== render 'form'
= simple_form_for(@user) do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :name
= f.input :email
= f.input :password
= f.input :password_confirmation
= f.button :submit, class: 'btn btn-primary'
h1 Usuários
th Nome
th Email
- @users.each do |user|
td =
td =
= link_to 'Editar', edit_user_path(user), class: 'btn btn-default btn-sm'
= link_to 'Excluir', user, data: {:confirm => 'Tem certeza?'}, :method => :delete, class: 'btn btn-default btn-sm'
= link_to 'Criar usuário', new_user_path, class: 'btn btn-primary'
h1 Criar usuário
== render 'form'
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