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Last active July 5, 2024 07:38
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# GIT heart FZF
# -------------
is_in_git_repo() {
git rev-parse HEAD > /dev/null 2>&1
fzf-down() {
fzf --height 50% --min-height 20 --border --bind ctrl-/:toggle-preview "$@"
_gf() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git -c color.status=always status --short |
fzf-down -m --ansi --nth 2..,.. \
--preview '(git diff --color=always -- {-1} | sed 1,4d; cat {-1})' |
cut -c4- | sed 's/.* -> //'
_gb() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git branch -a --color=always | grep -v '/HEAD\s' | sort |
fzf-down --ansi --multi --tac --preview-window right:70% \
--preview 'git log --oneline --graph --date=short --color=always --pretty="format:%C(auto)%cd %h%d %s" $(sed s/^..// <<< {} | cut -d" " -f1)' |
sed 's/^..//' | cut -d' ' -f1 |
sed 's#^remotes/##'
_gt() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git tag --sort -version:refname |
fzf-down --multi --preview-window right:70% \
--preview 'git show --color=always {}'
_gh() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git log --date=short --format="%C(green)%C(bold)%cd %C(auto)%h%d %s (%an)" --graph --color=always |
fzf-down --ansi --no-sort --reverse --multi --bind 'ctrl-s:toggle-sort' \
--header 'Press CTRL-S to toggle sort' \
--preview 'grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{7,\}" <<< {} | xargs git show --color=always' |
grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{7,\}"
_gr() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git remote -v | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2}' | uniq |
fzf-down --tac \
--preview 'git log --oneline --graph --date=short --pretty="format:%C(auto)%cd %h%d %s" {1}' |
cut -d$'\t' -f1
_gs() {
is_in_git_repo || return
git stash list | fzf-down --reverse -d: --preview 'git show --color=always {1}' |
cut -d: -f1
if [[ $- =~ i ]]; then
bind '"\er": redraw-current-line'
bind '"\C-g\C-f": "$(_gf)\e\C-e\er"'
bind '"\C-g\C-b": "$(_gb)\e\C-e\er"'
bind '"\C-g\C-t": "$(_gt)\e\C-e\er"'
bind '"\C-g\C-h": "$(_gh)\e\C-e\er"'
bind '"\C-g\C-r": "$(_gr)\e\C-e\er"'
bind '"\C-g\C-s": "$(_gs)\e\C-e\er"'
join-lines() {
local item
while read item; do
echo -n "${(q)item} "
() {
local c
for c in $@; do
eval "fzf-g$c-widget() { local result=\$(_g$c | join-lines); zle reset-prompt; LBUFFER+=\$result }"
eval "zle -N fzf-g$c-widget"
eval "bindkey '^g^$c' fzf-g$c-widget"
} f b t r h s
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rockyzhang24 commented May 24, 2022

@DanSM-5 Pipe a command after fzf means pass the selection(s) from fzf into this command for further processing.

To implement a feature, you can process the data first and then pass them into fzf and make selections to get what you need, or you can first pass the data into fzf and then post-process the selections to get what you need.

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DanSM-5 commented May 24, 2022

@rockyzhang24 I see, I was pretty much using this for the visualization but that's a nice part too.
For the _gb function, I just noticed that moving those commands above will remove the * for the current branch. So it is likely intentional to leave it in fzf list output. I was only paying attention to the color highlight so I really missed that.

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eric-bentley commented Jun 6, 2022

If you use a non-standard diff tool (such as bcompare), you'll need to tell git to use the built-in with the --no-ext-diff flag:

_gf() {
  is_in_git_repo || return
  git -c color.status=always status --short |
  fzf-down -m --ansi --nth 2..,.. \
    --preview '(git diff --no-ext-diff --color=always -- {-1} | sed 1,4d; cat {-1})' |
  cut -c4- | sed 's/.* -> //'

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