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Created October 30, 2018 00:14
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2D Occupancy
# OccupancyGrid2d class listens for LaserScans and builds an occupancy grid.
import rospy
import tf2_ros
import tf
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point
from std_msgs.msg import ColorRGBA
import numpy as np
class OccupancyGrid2d(object):
def __init__(self):
self._intialized = False
# Set up tf buffer and listener.
self._tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
self._tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self._tf_buffer)
# Initialization and loading parameters.
def Initialize(self):
self._name = rospy.get_name() + "/grid_map_2d"
# Load parameters.
if not self.LoadParameters():
rospy.logerr("%s: Error loading parameters.", self._name)
return False
# Register callbacks.
if not self.RegisterCallbacks():
rospy.logerr("%s: Error registering callbacks.", self._name)
return False
# Set up the map.
self._map = np.zeros((self._x_num, self._y_num))
self._initialized = True
return True
def LoadParameters(self):
# Random downsampling fraction, i.e. only keep this fraction of rays.
if not rospy.has_param("~random_downsample"):
return False
self._random_downsample = rospy.get_param("~random_downsample")
# Dimensions and bounds.
# TODO! You'll need to set values for class variables called:
if not rospy.has_param("~x/num"):
return False
self._x_num = rospy.get_param("~x/num")
if not rospy.has_param("~x/min"):
return False
self._x_min = rospy.get_param("~x/min")
if not rospy.has_param("~x/max"):
return False
self._x_max = rospy.get_param("~x/max")
if not rospy.has_param("~y/num"):
return False
self._y_num = rospy.get_param("~y/num")
if not rospy.has_param("~y/min"):
return False
self._y_min = rospy.get_param("~y/min")
if not rospy.has_param("~y/max"):
return False
self._y_max = rospy.get_param("~y/max")
self._x_res = (self._x_max - self._x_min)/self._x_num
self._y_res = (self._y_max - self._y_min)/self._y_num
# -- self._x_num
# -- self._x_min
# -- self._x_max
# -- self._x_res # The resolution in x. Note: This isn't a ROS parameter. What will you do instead?
# -- self._y_num
# -- self._y_min
# -- self._y_max
# -- self._y_res # The resolution in y. Note: This isn't a ROS parameter. What will you do instead?
# Update parameters.
if not rospy.has_param("~update/occupied"):
return False
self._occupied_update = self.ProbabilityToLogOdds(
if not rospy.has_param("~update/occupied_threshold"):
return False
self._occupied_threshold = self.ProbabilityToLogOdds(
if not rospy.has_param("~update/free"):
return False
self._free_update = self.ProbabilityToLogOdds(
if not rospy.has_param("~update/free_threshold"):
return False
self._free_threshold = self.ProbabilityToLogOdds(
# Topics.
# TODO! You'll need to set values for class variables called:
if not rospy.has_param("~topics/sensor"):
return False
self._sensor_topic = rospy.get_param("~topics/sensor")
if not rospy.has_param("~topics/vis"):
return False
self._vis_topic = rospy.get_param("~topics/vis")
# -- self._sensor_topic
# -- self._vis_topic
# Frames.
# TODO! You'll need to set values for class variables called:
if not rospy.has_param("~frames/sensor"):
return False
self._sensor_frame = rospy.get_param("~frames/sensor")
if not rospy.has_param("~frames/fixed"):
return False
self._fixed_frame = rospy.get_param("~frames/fixed")
# -- self._sensor_frame
# -- self._fixed_frame
return True
def RegisterCallbacks(self):
# Subscriber.
self._sensor_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self._sensor_topic,
# Publisher.
self._vis_pub = rospy.Publisher(self._vis_topic,
return True
# Convert (x, y) coordinates in fixed frame to grid coordinates.
def PointToVoxel(self, x, y):
grid_x = int((x - self._x_min) / self._x_res)
grid_y = int((y - self._y_min) / self._y_res)
return (grid_x, grid_y)
# Callback to process sensor measurements.
def SensorCallback(self, msg):
if not self._initialized:
rospy.logerr("%s: Was not initialized.", self._name)
# Get our current pose from TF.
pose = self._tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
self._fixed_frame, self._sensor_frame, rospy.Time())
except (tf2_ros.LookupException,
# Writes an error message to the ROS log but does not raise an exception
rospy.logerr("%s: Could not extract pose from TF.", self._name)
# Extract x, y coordinates and heading (yaw) angle of the turtlebot,
# assuming that the turtlebot is on the ground plane.
sensor_x = pose.transform.translation.x
sensor_y = pose.transform.translation.y
if abs(pose.transform.translation.z) > 0.05:
rospy.logwarn("%s: Turtlebot is not on ground plane.", self._name)
(roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
[pose.transform.rotation.x, pose.transform.rotation.y,
pose.transform.rotation.z, pose.transform.rotation.w])
if abs(roll) > 0.1 or abs(pitch) > 0.1:
rospy.logwarn("%s: Turtlebot roll/pitch is too large.", self._name)
# Loop over all ranges in the LaserScan.
for idx, r in enumerate(msg.ranges):
# Randomly throw out some rays to speed this up.
if np.random.rand() > self._random_downsample:
elif np.isnan(r):
# Get angle of this ray in fixed frame.
fixed_angle = (msg.angle_min + idx*msg.angle_increment) + yaw
# Throw out this point if it is too close or too far away.
if r > msg.range_max:
rospy.logwarn("%s: Range %f > %f was too large.",
self._name, r, msg.range_max)
if r < msg.range_min:
rospy.logwarn("%s: Range %f < %f was too small.",
self._name, r, msg.range_min)
# Walk along this ray from the scan point to the sensor.
x_val = 0
y_val = 0
for i in np.arange(r, 0, -0.1):
# self._map = np.zeros((self._x_num, self._y_num))
prev_x = x_val
prev_y = y_val
x_val = i*np.sin(fixed_angle)
y_val = i*np.cos(fixed_angle)
# x_val = int(np.floor(sensor_x - (i*np.sin(fixed_angle))))
# y_val = int(np.floor(sensor_y - (i*np.cos(fixed_angle))))
val = self.PointToVoxel(x_val,y_val)
if self.PointToVoxel(x_val, y_val) == self.PointToVoxel(prev_x, prev_y):
# print("x is %f\n", x_val)
# print("y is %f\n", y_val)
if i == r:
self._map[val] += self._occupied_update
if self._map[val] >= self._occupied_threshold:
self._map[val] = self._occupied_threshold
self._map[val] += self._free_update
if self._map[val] <= self._free_threshold:
self._map[val] = self._free_threshold
# Update log-odds at each voxel along the way.
# Only update each voxel once.
# The occupancy grid is stored in self._map
# Visualize.
# Get the center point (x, y) corresponding to the given voxel.
def VoxelCenter(self, ii, jj):
center_x = self._x_min + (0.5 + ii) * self._x_res
center_y = self._y_min + (0.5 + jj) * self._y_res
return (center_x, center_y)
# Convert between probabity and log-odds.
def ProbabilityToLogOdds(self, p):
return np.log(p / (1.0 - p))
def LogOddsToProbability(self, l):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-l))
# Colormap to take log odds at a voxel to a RGBA color.
def Colormap(self, ii, jj):
p = self.LogOddsToProbability(self._map[ii, jj])
c = ColorRGBA()
c.r = p
c.g = 0.1
c.b = 1.0 - p
c.a = 0.75
return c
# Visualize the map as a collection of flat cubes instead of
# as a built-in OccupancyGrid message, since that gives us more
# flexibility for things like color maps and stuff.
# See for a brief tutorial.
def Visualize(self):
m = Marker()
m.header.stamp =
m.header.frame_id = self._fixed_frame
m.ns = "map" = 0
m.type = Marker.CUBE_LIST
m.action = Marker.ADD
m.scale.x = self._x_res
m.scale.y = self._y_res
m.scale.z = 0.01
for ii in range(self._x_num):
for jj in range(self._y_num):
p = Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
(p.x, p.y) = self.VoxelCenter(ii, jj)
m.colors.append(self.Colormap(ii, jj))
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