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Last active January 7, 2020 13:37
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import Foundation
import SystemConfiguration
enum Error: Swift.Error {
case pppInterfaceNotFound
case failedToWriteToConfigurationStore
let dynamicStore = SCDynamicStoreCreate(nil, "setVPNDNS" as CFString, nil, nil)
func cast<T>(_ input: CFArray?) -> Array<T> {
let asAnyObject = input as? [AnyObject],
let asTypedObject = asAnyObject as? [T]
else {
return []
return asTypedObject
func query<T>(_ filter: String) -> [T] {
return cast((SCDynamicStoreCopyKeyList(dynamicStore, filter as CFString)))
func get<T>(_ path: String) -> T {
return SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(dynamicStore, path as CFString) as! T
func set(path: String, value: NSDictionary) -> Bool {
return SCDynamicStoreSetValue(dynamicStore, path as CFString, value)
func getServiceUUID(for desiredInterfaceName: String) throws -> String {
let serviceKeys: [NSString] = query("State:/Network/Service/(.+)/PPP")
for serviceKey in serviceKeys {
let dictionary: [String: AnyObject] = get(serviceKey as String)
let interfaceName = dictionary[kSCPropInterfaceName as String] as? String
if (interfaceName == desiredInterfaceName) {
return serviceKey
.replacingOccurrences(of: "State:/Network/Service/", with: "")
.replacingOccurrences(of: "/PPP", with: "") // Quite a naive approach, might explode.
throw Error.pppInterfaceNotFound
func overridePrimary(for serviceUIID: String) {
let path = "State:/Network/Service/\(serviceUIID)/IPv4"
var current: [CFString: AnyObject] = get(path)
current[kSCPropNetOverridePrimary] = 1 as NSNumber
current[kSCPropInterfaceName] = "en0" as CFString // TODO: Hardcoded for my setup.
current[kSCPropNetIPv4Router] = "" as CFString // TODO: Hardcoded for my setup.
set(path: path, value: current as NSDictionary)
func injectDNSServers(for serviceUUID: String, dnsServers: [String]) {
let path = "State:/Network/Service/\(serviceUUID)/DNS"
let dictionary = [
kSCPropNetDNSServerAddresses: dnsServers,
kSCPropNetDNSSupplementalMatchOrders: [100000 as NSNumber],
kSCPropNetDNSSupplementalMatchDomains: []
] as [CFString : Any]
set(path: path, value: dictionary as NSDictionary)
func makePrimaryService(uuid: String) {
let globalIPv4Path = "State:/Network/Global/IPv4"
var current: [CFString: AnyObject] = get(globalIPv4Path)
current[kSCDynamicStorePropNetPrimaryService] = uuid as CFString
set(path: globalIPv4Path, value: current as NSDictionary)
let interface = "ppp0"
let dnsServers = [
"", // VPN DNS
"", // VPN DNS
let uuid = try getServiceUUID(for: interface)
injectDNSServers(for: uuid, dnsServers: dnsServers)
overridePrimary(for: uuid)
makePrimaryService(uuid: uuid)
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