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Created August 17, 2012 15:49
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Observes over Pub-Sub

Here's how to build an app with something like CanJS and AMD-like modules (using steal). For this example app, consider a tree-like nested grid where you can select locations and get more information. The app might look something like:

San Fran
Naperville X

Naperville details

Chicago X

Chicago details

But, you can only select items of the same "level" (items that have the same parent). And, you can also remove an item's details by clicking the X.

1: Organize client state into observes.

So there are rules about what can be selected. Lets make that as an Observable list:

steal('can', function(can){
  return can.Observe.List({
    add: function(location){
      if( this.length ) {
        for(var i = 0 ; i < this.length ; i++ ){
          if( this[i].parentId !== location.parentId ) {
            this.splice(0, this.length);
    remove: function(location){
      var index = this.indexOf(location)
      index >= 0 && this.splice(index, 1)
    toggle: function(location){
      var index = this.indexOf(location)
      index >= 0 ? this.remove(location) : this.add(location)

This list's add / remove / toggle methods only allow locations with the same parentId to be in the list.

2: Decide how you want to glue widgets to state

There are 2 ways to do create the widgets:

  1. They accept an observe, listen to changes in it and make changes on it.
  2. They produce events and have methods that allow you to toggle their internal state.

#2 option is more reusable, but depending on the situation #1 is just so easy that it's worth it. Lets explore each one:

Widgets that accept an observe

To create the tree and details panel, you might do:

  function(Tree, Details, SelectedList){

  var selectedList = new SelectedList()
  new Tree("#locations",{
    selected: selectedList, 
    items: Location.findAll()
  new Details("#details",{selected: selectedList });

Widgets that produce events and you update the observe yourself

To create the tree and details panel, you might do:

  function(Tree, Details, SelectedList){

  var selectedList = new SelectedList();

  // create and hookup the Tree
  var tree = new Tree("#locations",{items: Location.findAll()});

  // when someone selects an item, toggle it in the list
  $("#locations").on(".item","selected", function(ev, location){
  // when the selectedList is updated, update the tree
  selectedList.bind('add', function(ev, items, index){
  }).bind('remove', function(ev, items, index){

  // create an hookup Details
  var details = new Details("#details");

  // when a detail's X is clicked, remove
  $("#details").on(".item","removeSelect", function(ev, location){
  selectedList.bind("length", function(){

3: Create widgets

Depending on how you intend to glue the widgets together, their code will change. I'll show the details panel for each case:

Widgets that accept an observe

steal('can', './details.ejs',function(can, detailsEJS){
  return can.Control({
    init: function(){
    "{selected} length":function(selected){
       this.element.html( detailsEJS(selected) )
    ".item .destroy click": function(el, ev){
      var itemEl = el.closest('.item')
      this.options.selected.remove('item') )

Widgets that produce events and you update the observe yourself

steal('can', './details.ejs',function(can, detailsEJS){
  return can.Control({
    init: function(){
       this.element.html( detailsEJS(selected) )
    ".item .destroy click": function(el, ev){
      var itemEl = el.closest('.item')
      itemEl.trigger("removeSelect",'item') )

4: Repeat

Using this pattern you can build bigger and bigger functionality. But, when you build layers above this, we also organize the code in step #2 into a control. For example:

  function(can, $, Tree, Details, SelectedList){

  return can.Control({
    init: function(){
       this.options.selectedList = new SelectedList();

       // create and hookup the Tree
       this.tree = new Tree(this.element.find(".locations"),{
         items: Location.findAll()
       this.details = new Details("#details");
    ".locations .item .selected": function(el, ev, location){
    "{selected} add": function(selected, ev, items, index){
    "{selected} remove": function(selected, ev, items, index){
    ".details .item removeSelect", function(el, ev, location){
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A year ago but this gist still rocks

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