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Last active January 8, 2020 22:42
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  • Save justinbmeyer/6aeb89228539aac98d26d00cd8ad5914 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save justinbmeyer/6aeb89228539aac98d26d00cd8ad5914 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


Thank you for applying to ROLE.

In this take home exercise, you will test that one of the YumCommerce endpoints is returning data successfully.
While we suggest particular technologies (mocha), you can build a similar test script with the technology you are most comfortable with.

  1. Create a github repo
  2. Setup a nodejs project
  3. Create a mocha test script that runs on npm test
  4. Test that is returning a 200 status code
    • You must use Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjExMDIwYTczIn0.eyJjdXN0b21lcl9pZCI6ImY4OTlkMjAwLTIzOTMtNDA4Zi1iMDdjLWRjNjQ3ZDMyZWUyOCIsInNjb3BlIjoiZnVsbF9zY29wZSIsImlhdCI6MTU2OTI2MzI0MSwiYXVkIjoidGVzdF9hdWRpZW5jZSIsImlzcyI6ImFwaWdlZSJ9.YvtZ6waTHKArXic9YOhpP0cMV-lWvBIFo0sv-2C9YkGFk7WHZJweANYn35fKa0X9imIxgNUPKLpSOZbrWLYpCP3-KUxNPfZAXbVk7LTvpQT0wtQJON5q5uYFw284oKF482fgz8okoSj4sWPiH3fWu_tuwoHx_ZqAJzhAOkUy8gDHHBNLzeJbFUCTi90XuT_cLDo7Hsrhn_txQf3C4T5o2hNrXFTIuMbrvv05namiyWbvP50eZ9Ts1Xs5yXTC8CygsuCJJnk6nqL03Tn5cHksb2hjJPP22ZvCcbEV50auv60M9VKBOONzzLMbGKLNzUkIbWmF82twAD0gg77aTzp2Iw as the Authorization header.

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