# |
# INPUT - Logstash listens on port 8514 for these logs. |
# |
input { |
udp { |
port => "8514" |
type => "syslog-cisco" |
} |
tcp { |
port => "8514" |
type => "syslog-cisco" |
} |
} |
# |
# FILTER - Try to parse the cisco log format |
# |
# Configuration: |
# clock timezone ARIZONA -7 |
# no clock summer-time |
# ntp server prefer |
# ntp server |
# ntp server |
# service timestamps log datetime msec show-timezone |
# service timestamps debug datetime msec show-timezone |
# logging source-interface Loopback0 |
# ! Two logging servers for redundancy |
# logging host transport tcp port 8514 |
# logging host transport tcp port 8514 |
# logging trap 6 |
filter { |
# NOTE: The frontend logstash servers set the type of incoming messages. |
if [type] == "syslog-cisco" { |
# The switches are sending the same message to all syslog servers for redundancy, this allows us to |
## only store the message in elasticsearch once by generating a hash of the message and using that as |
## the document_id. |
fingerprint { |
source => [ "message" ] |
method => "SHA1" |
key => "Some super secret passphrase for uniqueness." |
concatenate_sources => true |
} |
# Parse the log entry into sections. Cisco doesn't use a consistent log format, unfortunately. |
grok { |
# There are a couple of custom patterns associated with this filter. |
patterns_dir => [ "/opt/logstash/patterns" ] |
match => [ |
# IOS |
"message", "%{SYSLOG5424PRI}(%{NUMBER:log_sequence#})?:( %{NUMBER}:)? %{CISCOTIMESTAMPTZ:log_date}: %%{CISCO_REASON:facility}-%{INT:severity_level}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_mnemonic}: %{GREEDYDATA:message}", |
"message", "%{SYSLOG5424PRI}(%{NUMBER:log_sequence#})?:( %{NUMBER}:)? %{CISCOTIMESTAMPTZ:log_date}: %%{CISCO_REASON:facility}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_sub}-%{INT:severity_level}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_mnemonic}: %{GREEDYDATA:message}", |
# Nexus |
"message", "%{SYSLOG5424PRI}(%{NUMBER:log_sequence#})?: %{NEXUSTIMESTAMP:log_date}: %%{CISCO_REASON:facility}-%{INT:severity_level}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_mnemonic}: %{GREEDYDATA:message}", |
"message", "%{SYSLOG5424PRI}(%{NUMBER:log_sequence#})?: %{NEXUSTIMESTAMP:log_date}: %%{CISCO_REASON:facility}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_sub}-%{INT:severity_level}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_mnemonic}: %{GREEDYDATA:message}" |
] |
overwrite => [ "message" ] |
add_tag => [ "cisco" ] |
remove_field => [ "syslog5424_pri", "@version" ] |
} |
} |
# If we made it here, the grok was sucessful |
if "cisco" in [tags] { |
date { |
match => [ |
"log_date", |
# IOS |
"MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS ZZZ", |
"MMM dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ", |
"MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", |
# Nexus |
"YYYY MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS ZZZ", |
"YYYY MMM dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ", |
"YYYY MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", |
# Hail marry |
"ISO8601" |
] |
} |
# Add the log level's name instead of just a number. |
mutate { |
gsub => [ |
"severity_level", "0", "0 - Emergency", |
"severity_level", "1", "1 - Alert", |
"severity_level", "2", "2 - Critical", |
"severity_level", "3", "3 - Error", |
"severity_level", "4", "4 - Warning", |
"severity_level", "5", "5 - Notification", |
"severity_level", "6", "6 - Informational" |
] |
} |
# Translate the short facility name into a full name. |
# NOTE: This is a third party plugin: logstash-filter-translate |
translate { |
field => "facility" |
destination => "facility_full" |
dictionary => [ |
"AAA", "Authentication, authorization, and accounting", |
"AAA_CACHE", "Authentication, authorization, and accounting cache", |
"AAAA", "TACACS+ authentication, authorization, and accounting security", |
"AAL5", "ATM Adaptation Layer 5", |
"AC", "Attachment circuit", |
"ACCESS_IE", "Access information element", |
"ACE", "Access control encryption", |
"ACL_ASIC", "Access control list ASIC", |
"ACLMERGE", "Access control list merge", |
"ACLMGR", "Access control list manager", |
"ADAPTER", "CMCC adapter task", |
"ADJ", "Adjacency subsystem", |
"AESOP_AIM", "Service engine advanced interface module", |
"AFLSEC", "Accelerated Flow Logging Security", |
"AHDLC_TRINIAN", "PPP in HDLC-like framing device driver", |
"AICMGMT", "Alarm interface controller management", |
"AIM", "Advanced Interface Module (AIM)", |
"AIP", "ATM Interface Processor", |
"ALARM", "Telco chassis alarm related", |
"ALC", "ATM line card (ALC)", |
"ALIGN", "Memory optimization in Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) processor", |
"ALPS", "Airline Protocol Support", |
"AMD79C971_FE", "Am79C971 Fast Ethernet device driver", |
"AMDP2_FE", "AMDP2 Ethernet and Fast Ethernet", |
"AP", "Authentication Proxy (AP)", |
"APPFW", "APPFW for HTTP subsystem", |
"APS", "Automatic Protection Switching", |
"ARAP", "Apple Remote Access Protocol (ARAP)", |
"ARCHIVE_CONFIG", "Archive configuration-related", |
"ARCHIVE_DIFF", "Archive Diff and Rollback-related", |
"AS5400", "Cisco AS5400 platform", |
"AS5400_ENVM", "Cisco AS5400 environmental monitor", |
"ASPP", "Asynchronous Security Protocol (ASPP)", |
"AT", "AppleTalk (AT)", |
"ATM", "Asynchronous Transfer Mode", |
"ATM_AIM", "ATM advanced module", |
"ATMCES", "ATM access concentrator PCI port adapter driver", |
"ATMCORE", "ATM core", |
"ATMLC", "Cisco 7300 ATM line card software", |
"ATMOC3", "ATM OC-3 network module", |
"ATMOC3POM", "ATM- OC3-POM module", |
"ATMPA", "ATM port adapter", |
"ATMSIG", "ATM signaling subsystem", |
"ATMSPA", "ATM Shared Port Adapter", |
"ATMSSCOP", "ATM Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol (SSCOP)", |
"ATOM_NP_CLIENT", "Any Transport over MPLS NP client", |
"ATOM_SEG", "Any Transport Over MPLS (AToM) Segment Handler", |
"ATOM_TRANS", "Layer 2 Transport over MPLS", |
"AUDIT", "Audit feature", |
"AUTOSEC", "AutoSecure", |
"AUTOSHUT", "Autoshut", |
"AUTOSTATE", "Autostate feature", |
"BACKPLANE_BUS_ASIC", "Backplane bus ASIC", |
"BAMBAM", "One-port Fast Ethernet with coprocessor assist", |
"BAP", "PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP)", |
"BAT", "Power supply (BAT)", |
"BCM", "Broadcom switch controller", |
"BCM3220", "Cable modem MAC controller interface", |
"BCM56XX", "BCM56XX control layer", |
"BCM_GEWAN", "Messages related to the Cisco 3800 system controller", |
"BERT", "Bit error rate tester (BERT)", |
"BFD", "Bidirectional Forwarding Detection", |
"BFDFSM", "BFD finite state machine", |
"BGP", "Border Gateway Protocol", |
"BGP_MPLS", "BGP MPLS common", |
"BIT", "Dynamic bitlist", |
"BOOMERANG", "Boomerang distributed reverse proxy server", |
"BRI", "ISDN Basic Rate Interface", |
"BRIMUX", "Cisco AS5200 BRIMUX board", |
"BSC", "Binary Synchronous Communications protocol", |
"BSQ", "Buffer status queue processing", |
"BSR", "Bootstrap router", |
"BSTUN", "Block serial tunneling (BSTUN)", |
"BUNDLES", "Bundles", |
"C1400", "Cisco 1400 platform", |
"C_GIGE", "Dual-port Gigabit Ethernet back card subsystem", |
"C10K", "Cisco 10000", |
"C10K_APS", "NSP APS", |
"C10KATM", "Cisco 10000 ATM", |
"C10KCARDISSU", "Cisco 10000 Card ISSU", |
"C10KCHE1T1", "Cisco 10000 T1 line card", |
"C10KCHKPT", "Cisco 10000 Checkpoint facility", |
"C10KET", "Cisco 10000 ET", |
"C10KEVENTMGR", "Event Manager subsystem", |
"C10KGE", "Gigabit Ethernet subsystem", |
"C10KHHCT3", "Cisco 10000 HH Channelized T3", |
"C10KINT", "Cisco 10000 interrupt infrastructure", |
"C10KISSU", "Cisco 10000 In Service Software Upgrade", |
"C10K_IEDGE", "Cisco 10000 iEdge", |
"C10K_LFI_GENERAL", "Cisco 10000 Link Fragmentation and Interleaving", |
"C10K_MULTILINK_FRAGSIZE_BELOW_MIN_WARNING", "Cisco 10000 PXF Multilink fragment size below minimum warning", |
"C10K_QOS_GENERAL", "Cisco 10000 Quality of Service (QoS)", |
"C10K_QUEUE_CFG_GENERAL", "Cisco 10000 PXF queuing configuration", |
"C10K_TOASTER", "Cisco 10000 toaster", |
"C1400_PCI", "Protocol control information (PCI) bus for Cisco 1400 platform", |
"C1600", "Cisco 1600 platform", |
"C1700", "Cisco 1700 platform", |
"C1700_EM", "Cisco 1700 VPN module hardware accelerator for IP security", |
"C1800", "Cisco 1800 platform", |
"C1800_HW_CRYPTO", "Cisco 1800, Cisco 1810 Motorola SEC 2.0", |
"C2400_DSX1", "Cisco 2400 DSX1 subsystem", |
"C2600", "Cisco 2600 platform", |
"C2600_MAINBOARD_ASYNC_PQUICC", "MPC860 quad integrated communications controller for the Cisco 2600 platform", |
"C2950", "Catalyst 2950 series switch", |
"C29ATM", "Catalyst 2900XL ATM module", |
"C2KATM", "Catalyst 2820 ATM module", |
"C3200_FE", "Cisco 3200 FEC", |
"C3600", "Cisco 3600 platform", |
"C3800", "Cisco 3800 platform", |
"C3800_ENVM", "Environmental", |
"C3825", "Cisco 3825 platform", |
"C4GWY_DSPRM", "DSP Resource Manager", |
"C4K", "Catalyst 4000 platform", |
"C542", "Voice driver for modular access routers", |
"C5421", "Voice over IP", |
"C54x", "VoIP DSP driver", |
"C54X", "VoIP driver", |
"C5510", "Voice Over IP (VoIP) driver", |
"C5RSP", "Cisco Catalyst 5000 platform", |
"C6KENV", "Cisco Catalyst 6500 environmental system", |
"C6K_MWAM_CENTRALIZED_CONFIG", "Multiprocessor WAN Application Module (MWAM) centralized configuration", |
"C6KPWR", "Cisco Catalyst 6500 power control system", |
"C6MSFC", "C6MSFC (Draco)", |
"C6SUP", "C6SUP-specific", |
"C7200", "Cisco 7200 platform - deleted for 12.2", |
"C7200_TDM", "Cisco 7200 midplane TDM bus", |
"C7600_RSP", "Cisco 7600 Route Switch Processor", |
"C7600_SIP200", "SPA Interface Processor 200", |
"C7600_SIP200_MP", "Cisco 7600, Catalyst 6500 SIP-200 Multiprocessing", |
"C7600_SIP200_SPIRX", "Cisco 7600, Catalyst 6500 SIP-200 SPI4.2 bus ingress interface", |
"C7600_SIP200_SPITX", "Cisco 7600, Catalyst 6500 SIP-200 SPI4.2 bus egress interface", |
"C7600_SSC600", "Services SPA Carrier Card (SSC600)", |
"C830_HW_CRYPTO", "C830 Hifn", |
"C870_FE", "Cisco 870 Fast Ethernet", |
"C870_HW_CRYPTO", "Cisco 850, Cisco 870 Motorola SEC 1.0", |
"C950", "Cisco 950", |
"CAIM", "Compression Advanced Interface Module (CAIM)", |
"CALL_CONTROL", "Call control", |
"CALL_HOME", "Call Home", |
"CALL_MGMT", "Call management subsystem", |
"CALLPROG", "Call progress notification subsystem", |
"CALLRECORD", "Modem Call Record", |
"CALLTREAT", "Call treatment", |
"CALLTREAT_NOSIGNAL", "Call Treatment (TREAT)", |
"CALLTRKR", "Call Tracker subsystem", |
"CAMP", "Cooperative Asymmetric Multiprocessing", |
"CAPI", "Card API", |
"CAPI_EC", "Card or EtherChannel limitation", |
"CARDMGR", "SIP-400 Card Manager (data plane)", |
"CARRIER", "DFC carrier", |
"CASA", "Cisco Appliance and Services Architecture (CASA)", |
"CBUS", "CiscoBus controller", |
"CBUS_ATTN", "CMCC CIP for Cisco bus controller statistics routine", |
"CBUS_WRITE", "CMCC CIP for Cisco bus controller write support", |
"CCA", "CMCC CIP for channel card adapter", |
"CCH323", "Call Control for H.323", |
"CCPROXY", "H.323 proxy", |
"CDM", "Cable Data Modem subsystem", |
"CDNLD_CLIENT", "Client NRP2 configuration download", |
"CDNLD_SERVER", "Server NSP configuration download", |
"CDP", "Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)", |
"CDSX_MODULE", "Network module", |
"CE3", "CE3 port adapter (CE3)", |
"CEIPNM", "Circuit Emulation over IP Network Module", |
"CERF", "Cache Error Recovery Function (CERF)", |
"CES", "Circuit Emulation Service (CES)", |
"CES_CLIENT", "Client circuit emulation service (CESt", |
"CES_CONN", "TDM connection", |
"CFG", "Invalid Cisco 1840 configuration", |
"CFGMGR", "Configuration Manager", |
"CFIB", "Constellation FIB", |
"CFM", "Connectivity Fault Management", |
"CHANNEL_BANK", "Channel Bank", |
"CHARLOTTE", "Dual OC-3 PoS port adapter", |
"CHKPT", "Checkpoint facility", |
"CHOC12", "CHOC12 port adapter", |
"CHOPIN", "Versatile Interface Processor (VIP) Multi-channel Port Adapter", |
"CHOPIN_MAINBOARD_ASYNC_PQII", "Chopin Main Board Asynchronous driver", |
"CHSTM1", "CHSTM1", |
"CI", "Cisco 7500 platform chassis interface", |
"CIOS", "CMCC channel adapter Cisco IOS wrapper", |
"CIP and CIP2", "Channel Interface Processor (CIP) and enhanced CIP", |
"CIPDUMP", "CIP core dump", |
"CIRRUS", "CD2430 asynchronous controller", |
"CIRRUS_PM", "Slow-speed asynchronous/synchronous port module", |
"CLAW", "CMCC CIP for Common Link Access for Workstations (CLAW) facility_full", |
"CLEAR", "Clear facility", |
"CLIENT_CLOCK_SYNC", "Clock synchronization server", |
"CLNS", "OSI Connectionless Network Service", |
"CLOCK", "Clock and calendar", |
"CLOCKSW", "Cisco 6400 network clocking", |
"CLS", "Cisco link services (CNS)", |
"CLSDR", "Cisco link services (CNS) driver", |
"CM622_CM155", "ATM OC12 and QOC3 line card driver", |
"CMAPP", "Call Manager application", |
"CMBPKM", "Multimedia Cable Network System Partners, Ltd. (MNCNS), baseline privacy key management", |
"CMCC", "Cisco Mainframe Channel Connection (CMCC)", |
"CM_DSPRM", "Digital Signal Processor Resource Manager (DSPRM)", |
"CM_MONITOR", "UBR900 Cable Access Router Personal Monitor", |
"CMP", "Cluster Membership Protocol", |
"CMPCTG", "CMCC Logical Link Control Transmission Group", |
"CNS", "Cisco Networking Services (CNS)", |
"CNS_AGENT_CFGCHG", "Cisco Network Service (CNS) Configuration Change Agent", |
"CNSAD_IPSEC_AGENT", "Cisco Network Service (CNS)/AD IPsec Agent", |
"CNSES", "Cisco Network Services Event Service client", |
"COMMON_FIB", "CEF address family independent (FIB)", |
"COMP", "Point-to-point compression", |
"CONFIG", "CMCC Channel Interface Processor (CIP) messages for the configuration processing facility", |
"CONST_BOOT", "Constellation boot", |
"CONST_DIAG", "On-line diagnostics", |
"CONST_V6", "IP version 6", |
"CONTROLLER", "Controller", |
"COPTMONMIB", "Cisco Optical Monitoring MIB", |
"COT", "Continuity test (COT)", |
"COUGAR_EHSA", "Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) port driver", |
"CP", "Control plane protection notification", |
"CPAD", "Compression service adapter (CSA)", |
"CPE_MMI", "Customer Premises Equipment Modem Management Interface", |
"CPM", "Combo Port Module (CPM) device driver", |
"CPOS", "Packet-over-SONET", |
"CPU_INTF_FPGA", "CPU Interface FPGA", |
"CPU_MONITOR", "CPU monitor", |
"CRYPTO", "Encryption", |
"CRYPTO_HA", "Crypto High Availability", |
"CRYPTO_HA_IKE", "Crypto High Availability", |
"CRYPTO_HA_IPSEC", "Crypto High Availability", |
"CSG", "Content Services Gateway", |
"CSM", "Call switching module", |
"CSM_TGRM", "CSM TGRM interaction", |
"CSM_TRUNK", "Call switching trunk manager", |
"CSM_VOICE", "Call switching mode (CSM) voice subsystem", |
"CT3", "Channelized T3 (CT3) port adapter", |
"CTA", "CMCC CIP for the channel transport architecture device task/mapper", |
"CTLPROVIDERSERV", "CTL provider service", |
"CTRC", "Cisco Transaction Connection", |
"CWAN_ALARM", "Constellation WAN alarm", |
"CWAN_ATM", "Constellation WAN ATM", |
"CWAN_HA", "WAN module High Availability", |
"CWAN_QINQ", "Constellation CWAN-QINQ linecard", |
"CWAN_RP", "Constellation WAN ATM Route Processor driver", |
"CWAN_SP", "Constellation WAN ATM Switch Processor driver", |
"CWAN_SPA", "Shared Port Adapter on OSR", |
"CWANLC", "Constellation WAN line card", |
"CWANLC_ATM", "Constellation WAN ATM Route Processor driver", |
"CWAN_POSEIDON", "Optical Services Module (OSM) GE-WAN Route Processor (RP) driver", |
"CWPA", "Route Processor for Constellation Supervisor router module", |
"CWPABRIDGE", "CWPA bridging", |
"CWRMP", "Wireless radio point-to-multipoint driver", |
"CWRPSPA", "Shared Port Adapter on OSR RP", |
"CWRSU", "Wireless radio point-to-multipoint subscriber unit (SU)", |
"CWRTEST", "Wireless radio point-to-multipoint test driver", |
"CWSLC", "Constellation WAN SiByte module", |
"CWTLC", "Constellation Supervisor router module line card", |
"CWTLC_ATM", "ATM line card for Constellation Supervisor router module", |
"CWTLC_ATOM", "Constellation WAN Toaster linecard - AToM", |
"CWTLC_CHOC", "Cyclops Channelized OC48/OC12-related", |
"CWTLC_CHOC_DSX", "Optical Services Module (OSM) CHOC DSX LC common", |
"CWTLC_CHOCX", "Optical Services Module (OSM) Channelized OC12/OC3 Module", |
"CWTLC_GEWAN", "Gigabit Ethernet WAN Module", |
"CWTLC_QOS", "Optical Services Module (OSM) Supervisor line card QoS", |
"CWTLC_RP", "Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and Cisco 7600 Series Router WAN Toaster-based Module Route Processor", |
"DAS_ENV", "RSC environmental monitor subsystem", |
"DBCONN", "Database Connection", |
"DBUS", "Data bus", |
"DCU", "ATM access concentrator PCI port adapter", |
"DEBUGGER", "Debug mode", |
"DEC21140", "DEC21140 Fast Ethernet controller", |
"DFC", "Dial feature card", |
"DFC_CARRIER", "Dial feature card carrier", |
"DFP", "Dynamic Feedback Protocol", |
"DHCP", "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", |
"DHCP_SNOOPING", "DHCP snooping", |
"DHCPD", "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server", |
"DHCPV6C", "DHCPv6 client", |
"DHCPV6S", "DHCPv6 server", |
"DIAG", "CMCC CIP for diagnostic testing", |
"DIALER", "Dial-on-demand routing", |
"DIALPEER_DB", "Dial peer configuration", |
"DIALSHELF", "Dial shelf", |
"DIRECTOR", "Director server", |
"DISKMIRROR", "NSP disk mirror", |
"DLC", "Data-link control", |
"DLSWC", "Data-link switching (DLSw)", |
"DLSWMasterSlave", "Data-link switching (DLSw) core", |
"DLSWP", "Data-link switching (DLSw) peer module", |
"DM", "Diagnostic Monitor or Dispatch Manager", |
"DMA", "Direct memory access", |
"DMTDSL", "Digital/discrete multitone digital subscriber line (DMTDSL)", |
"DNET", "DECnet", |
"DNLD", "Auto-config/download", |
"DNSSERVER", "Domain Name System (DNS) server", |
"DOSFS", "DOS file system", |
"DOS_TRACK", "IP source tracker", |
"DOT11", "802.11 subsystem", |
"DOT1Q", "802.1q", |
"DOT1X", "802.1X authorization", |
"DOT1X_MOD", "Messages encountered in platform dependent code for 802.1x", |
"DP83815", "DP83815 10/100 Mbps Integrated PCI Ethernet Media Access Controller", |
"DPM", "AS5200 T1 BRIMUX", |
"DRIP", "Duplicate Ring Protocol", |
"DRP", "Director Response Protocol", |
"DRVGRP", "Interface driver", |
"DS3E3SUNI", "DS3E3SUNI driver", |
"DS_MODEM", "FB modem card", |
"DS_TDM", "Dial shelf time-division multiplexing", |
"DS1337", "DS1337 RTC", |
"DSA", "Delayed stop accounting", |
"DSC", "Dial shelf controller (DSC)", |
"DSC_ENV", "Cisco AS5800 environment monitor", |
"DSC_REDUNDANCY", "Cisco AS5800 dial shelf controller (DSC) redundancy", |
"DSCC4", "DSCC4 driver", |
"DSCCLOCK", "Dial shelf controller (DSC) clock", |
"DSCEXTCLK", "Dial shelf controller (DSC) clock", |
"DSCREDCLK", "Dial shelf controller (DSC) redundancy clock", |
"DSI", "Cisco AS5800 dial shelf interconnect board", |
"DSIP", "Distributed system interconnect protocol", |
"DSIP_IOSDIAG", "DSIP diagnostic test", |
"DSIPPF", "Nitro Interconnect Protocol", |
"DSLSAR", "DSL segmentation and reassembly", |
"DSM", "DSP Stream Manager", |
"DSMP", "DSP Stream Manager", |
"DSP_CONN", "TDM connection", |
"DSPDD", "Digital Signal Processor Device Driver (DSPDD)", |
"DSPDUMP", "Digital Signal Processor crash dump facility", |
"DSPFARM", "DSP resource management", |
"DSPRM", "Digital Signal Processor Device Driver (DSPDD)", |
"DSPU", "Downstream physical unit", |
"DSX0", "CT1 RBS time slot status", |
"DSX1", "Channelized E1 (Europe) and T1(US) telephony standard", |
"DS_TDM", "Dial shelf time-division multiplexing (TDM)", |
"DSXPNM", "TE3 network module", |
"DTP", "Dynamic Trunking Protocol filtering", |
"DUAL", "Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol", |
"DVMRP", "Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol", |
"E1T1_MODULE", "E1T1 module", |
"EAP", "Extensible Authentication Protocol", |
"EARL", "Enhanced Address Recognition Logic", |
"EARL_ACL_FPGA", "Enhanced Address Recognition Logic ACL FPGA", |
"EARL_DRV_API", "EARL driver API", |
"EARL_L2_ASIC", "Enhanced Address Recognition Logic Layer 2 ASIC", |
"EARL_L3_ASIC", "Enhanced Address Recognition Logic Layer 3 ASIC", |
"EARL_NETFLOW", "Enhanced Address Recognition Logic NetFlow", |
"EC", "EtherChannel, Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), and Port Aggregation Protocol (PAGP)", |
"ECC", "Single bit errors in ECC", |
"ECPA and ECPA4", "Escon Channel Port Adapter and enhanced Escon Channel Port Adapter", |
"EGP", "Exterior Gateway Protocol", |
"EHSA", "Cisco 6400 Enhanced High System Availability (EHSA)", |
"EM", "Event Manager", |
"EM_FPGA", "Cisco 1840 FPGA encryption, decryption and hash message authentication codes (HMAC) for IP Security (IPSec)", |
"ENSP", "Enhanced Network Services Provider (ENSP)", |
"ENT_API", "Entity MIB API", |
"ENT_ALARM", "Entity alarm", |
"ENTITY_ALARM", "Entity alarm", |
"ENVM", "Environmental monitor", |
"ENV_MON", "Cisco 12000 environmental monitor", |
"ENVM", "Environmental monitor", |
"EOBC", "Ethernet out-of-band channel", |
"EOS", "Eos ASIC", |
"EOU", "Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) over User Datagram Protocol (UDP)", |
"EPAD", "Encryption port adapter driver (EPAD)", |
"EPLD", "EPLD", |
"EPLD_STATUS_OPEN", "EPLD Programming Status File Data Processing", |
"EPAMCM", "Ethernet Port Adapter Module Configuration Manager", |
"EPIF_PORT", "MMC Networks Ethernet Port L3 Processor Port", |
"ESCON", "Enterprise Systems Connection", |
"ESF_CRASHINFO", "Extended SuperFrame crashinfo", |
"ESF_DRIVER", "SIP-400 ESF driver", |
"ESF_IPC", "IPX2800 IPC", |
"ESWILP_CFG", "Ethernet switch module configuration", |
"ESWILP_FLTMG", "ESWILP fault management", |
"ESWITCH", "Ethernet switch port adapter", |
"ESWMOD", "Ethernet switch module", |
"ESWMRVL_FLTMG", "Ethernet switch fault management", |
"ESW_STORM_CONTROL", "Storm control", |
"ESW_WIC_FLTMG", "Ethernet Switch WIC fault management", |
"ET2_MODULE", "Ernest-T2 network module", |
"ETHERNET", "Ethernet for the C1000 series", |
"EVENT", "Event MIB", |
"EVENT_TRACE", "Event trace subsystem", |
"EXFREE", "External memory manager", |
"EXPRESSION", "Expression MIB", |
"FABRIC", "Fabric Interface ASIC (FIA)", |
"FALLBACK", "Voice over IP (VoIP) fallback", |
"FAN", "Fan", |
"FASTBLK", "Fast Block", |
"FB", "Cisco AS5800 feature board", |
"FB_COREDUMP", "Feature board core dump", |
"FBINFO", "Cisco AS5800 feature board crash information subsystem", |
"FCIP", "FCIP driver", |
"FCL", "Forward Control Layer (FCL)", |
"FDDI", "Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)", |
"FDM", "Firewall Service Module (FWSM) Device Manager", |
"FDM_HA", "High availability FWSM Device Manager", |
"FECPM", "Fast Ethernet (FE) Combination Port Module (CPM) device driver", |
"FESMIC_FLTMG", "FESMIC fault management-related", |
"FF", "FF module-specific", |
"FIB", "Forwarding Information Base", |
"FIB_HM", "FIB health monitor", |
"FIB_HM_MVL", "Platform dependent, FIB Health Monitor", |
"FILESYS", "File system", |
"FIO_TDM", "Messages related to the Cisco 3700XM TDM device", |
"FLASH", "Flash nonvolatile memory", |
"FLEX_DNLD", "Voice Over IP (VoIP) driver", |
"FLEXDSPRM", "Flex DSPRM operation", |
"FM", "Feature Manager (FM)", |
"FM", "Forwarding Manager (FM)", |
"FMCORE", "Core Feature Manager", |
"FM_EARL6", "EARL 6 Feature Manager", |
"FM_EARL7", "EARL 7 Feature Manager", |
"FPD_MGMT", "FPD Management Subsystem", |
"FPGA", "LS1010 chip-specific", |
"FR", "Frame Relay", |
"FR_ADJ", "Frame Relay Adjacency", |
"FR_ELMI", "Frame Relay enhanced Local Management Interface", |
"FR_FRAG", "Frame Relay Fragmentation", |
"FR_LMI", "Frame Relay Local Management Interface", |
"FR_RP", "Frame Relay RP", |
"FR_VCB", "Frame Relay VC bundle", |
"FRATM", "Frame Relay ATM", |
"FREEDM", "CT3 trunk card Freedm", |
"FS_IPHC", "Fast IP Header Compression", |
"FTC_TRUNK", "Cisco 3801 platform", |
"FTPSERVER", "FTP server processes", |
"FTSP", "Fax Telephony Service Provider subsystem", |
"FTTM", "Full Ternary TCAM Manager", |
"FW", "Inspection subsystem", |
"FW_HA", "Firewall High Availability", |
"FX1000", "FX1000 Gigabit Ethernet controller", |
"GBIC_SECURITY", "GBIC security check", |
"GBIC_SECURITY_UNIQUE", "GBIC security uniqueness verification", |
"GDOI", "Group Domain of Interpretation", |
"GE", "Gigabit Ethernet subsystem", |
"GENERAL", "Zenith route processor", |
"GET_DATA", "CMCC CIP for allocating transfer elements", |
"GK", "GK-H.323 Gatekeeper", |
"GK_OSP", "H.323 Gatekeeper OSP", |
"GLBP", "Gateway Load Balancing Protocol", |
"GLCFR", "Internet router", |
"GPRSFLTMG", "Global Packet Radio Service fault management", |
"GPRSMIB", "Global Packet Radio Service MIB", |
"GRIP", "Xerox Network Systems (XNS) Routing Protocol", |
"GRP", "Gigabit Route Processor", |
"GRP_C10K_CH_DS3", "Cisco 10000 CH-DS3 RP driver", |
"GRP_OC12_CH_DS3", "Gigabit Route Processor (GRP) driver", |
"GRPGE", "Gigabit Ethernet Route Processor (RP)", |
"GRPPOS", "POS Route Processor", |
"GSHDSL", "G.Symetric High DSL", |
"GSI", "G.Symetric high bit rate DSL", |
"GSR_ENV", "Internet router environment monitor", |
"GSRIPC", "Internet router IPC service routines", |
"GT64010", "GT64010 DMA controller driver", |
"GT64011", "GT64011 DMA controller driver", |
"GT64120", "GT64120 DMA controller driver", |
"GT96K_FE", "Cisco 3700 series and Cisco 3631 systems controller", |
"GT96K_FEWAN", "Cisco 3700 series and Cisco 3631 systems controller for WAN", |
"GT96K_TDM", "Cisco 37xx, Cisco 2691, and Cisco 3631 TDM subsystem", |
"GTP", "GPRS Tunnel Protocol", |
"GUIDO", "GUIDO network module", |
"HA", "High availability system", |
"HA_CLIENT", "High availability client", |
"HA_EM", "Embedded Event Manager", |
"HA_IFINDEX", "High Availability system", |
"HAL", "Halcyon", |
"HARDWARE", "Hardware resources", |
"HA_WD", "High Availability system", |
"HAWKEYE", "Token Ring PCI port adapter", |
"HD", "HD64570 serial controller", |
"HDLC", "High-Level Data Link Control", |
"HDLC32", "PAS HDLC32", |
"HDV", "High Density Voice (HDV) driver", |
"HDV2", "HDV2 network module", |
"HDX", "Half-duplex (HDX) finite state machines (FSM)", |
"HEALTH_MONITOR", "Health Monitor", |
"HEARTBEAT", "Heartbeat", |
"HHM", "Cisco AS5400 health monitor", |
"HIFN79XX", "Hifn 79xx", |
"HLFM", "Forwarding Manager", |
"HMM_ASYNC", "Hex modem network module asynchronous driver", |
"HOOD", "LAN controller 100VG-AnyLAN interface", |
"HP100VG", "100VG-AnyLAN port adapter driver", |
"HPI", "Host Port Interface", |
"HSRP", "Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)", |
"HTSP", "Analog voice hardware adaptation layer software", |
"HTTP", "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)", |
"HTTPC", "HTTP client", |
"HUB", "Cisco Ethernet hub", |
"HW", "Hardware", |
"HW_API", "Hardware API", |
"HW_VPN", "Encryption Advanced Interface Module (EAIM)", |
"HWECAN", "HWECAN echo canceller", |
"HWIC_1GE_SFP", "Gigabit Ethernet High-speed WAN Interface Card (HWIC)", |
"HWIC_HOST", "High-speed WAN Interface Card (HWIC) Host Driver Library", |
"HWIC_SERIAL", "High-speed WAN Interface Card (HWIC) Serial Device Driver", |
"HYPERION", "Hyperion ASIC", |
"I82541", "Intel 82541 Ethernet/Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet controller", |
"I82543", "Intel 82543 Ethernet/Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet controller", |
"I82544", "I82544 Fast Ethernet controller", |
"I82559FE", "Intel 82559 Fast Ethernet controller", |
"IAD2420_VOICEPORT", "IAD2420 Voice Port", |
"IBM2692", "IBM Token Ring chipset", |
"ICC", "Inter-Card Communication", |
"IDBINDEX_SYNC", "Interface Descriptor Block (IDB) index synchronization", |
"IDBMAN", "Interface description block manager", |
"IDCONF", "Intrusion Detection Configuration", |
"IDMGR", "ID manager", |
"IDS", "IP datagram subsystem (IDS)", |
"IDTATM25", "IDT ATM25 network module", |
"IEDGE", "Intelligent Services Gateway (ISG)", |
"IF", "Interface", |
"IFINDEX", "SNMP IF_MIB persistence", |
"IFMGR", "Interface Manager", |
"IFS", "Cisco IOS file system", |
"IGRP", "Interior Gateway Routing Protocol", |
"ILACC", "ILACC driver", |
"ILPM_FAULT", "Inline Power Management (ILPM)-related", |
"ILPOWER", "Inline power", |
"IMA", "Inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA)", |
"IMAGEMGR", "Image manager", |
"IMAGE_SIMFS", "In-Memory System Image File System", |
"IMAGE_VFS", "Image Virtual File System", |
"INBAND", "Inband management", |
"INDXOBJ", "Index object", |
"INSTANCE_LOG", "Instance log", |
"INT", "CIP for the interrupt handler interface", |
"INTERFACE_API", "Binary API for the interface descriptor block", |
"INTR_MGR", "Interrupt manager", |
"IOCARD", "I/O card-specific", |
"IOS_RESILIENCE", "Cisco IOS software image and configuration resilience", |
"IP", "Internet Protocol", |
"IP_DEVICE_TRACKING", "Switch IP Host Tracking", |
"IP_DEVICE_TRACKING_HA", "Switch IP Host Tracking HA", |
"IPA", "Intelligent port adapter", |
"IPACCESS", "IP security", |
"IPC", "Interprocess communication", |
"IPC_DRVR", "CMCC interprocess communication driver", |
"IPCGRP", "Route Processor (RP) interprocess communication (IPC)", |
"IPCOIR", "IPC Online Insertion and Removal (OIR)", |
"IPC_RPM", "Interprocess communication (IPC)", |
"IPC_RSP_CBUS", "Interprocess communication ciscoBus (CBUS)", |
"IPC_URM", "Interprocess communication universal router module", |
"IPCLC", "Internet router line card interprocess communication", |
"IPDCAPP", "Internet Protocol Device Control application", |
"IPFAST", "IP fast switching", |
"IPFLOW", "IP flow", |
"IPM_C54X", "Voice over IP (VoIP) driver", |
"IPM_DSPRM", "Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Resource Manager", |
"IPM_NV_EEPROM", "Integrated port module NVRAM driver", |
"IPMCAST", "Cisco 12000 series Internet router line card IP multicast", |
"IPMCAST_LIB", "IP Multicast library", |
"IPMOBILE", "IP Mobility", |
"IPNAT", "IP Network Address Translation", |
"IPP", "CMCC encryption feature", |
"IPPHONE", "IP Phone register/unregister", |
"IPRT", "IP routing", |
"IPS", "Intrusion prevention system", |
"IPSECV6", "Encryption feature", |
"IP_SNMP", "Simple Network Management Protocol specific to IP", |
"IPV6", "IP version 6", |
"IPV6FIB", "IP version 6 forwarding-based on destination IP addresses", |
"IPV6_FW", "IPv6 Inspection subsystem", |
"IPV6_VFR", "IPv6 virtual fragment reassembly subsystem", |
"IPV6_VRF", "VRF common", |
"IP_VFR", "IP Virtual Fragment Reassembly (VFR) subsystem", |
"IP_VRF", "IP VPN routing/forwarding instance common", |
"IPX", "Novell Internetwork Packet Exchange Protocol (IPX)", |
"IRECAGENTSERVER", "IREC agent server", |
"IRONBUS", "Iron bus", |
"ISA", "Integrated Services Adapter (ISA)", |
"ISDN", "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)", |
"ISRHOG", "Interrupt Service Routine Hog", |
"ISSU", "In Service Software Upgrade", |
"ISSU_CS", "ISSU configuration synchronization", |
"IUA", "ISDN User Adaptation Layer", |
"IVR", "Interactive Voice Response (IVR)", |
"IVR_MSB", "Media Stream module", |
"IVR_NOSIGNALING", "Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system messages not related to call signaling", |
"IXP1200_CP", "One port Fast Ethernet with coprocessor assist", |
"IXP_MAP", "ESF Network Processor Client Mapper", |
"JAGGER", "Constellation WAN line card", |
"JETFIRE_SM", "NAM Sensor network module", |
"KERBEROS", "Voice over IP (VoIP) for Cisco AS5800", |
"KEYMAN", "Keystring encryption", |
"KINEPAK", "Voice over IP (VoIP) for Cisco AS5800", |
"L2", "Layer 2", |
"L2_AGING", "Layer 2 aging", |
"L2_APPL", "Layer 2 application", |
"L2_ASIC", "Layer 2 forwarding engine", |
"L2CAC", "Layer 2 CAC", |
"L2HW_CM", "Layer 2 hardware connection manager", |
"L2R", "L2RLY", |
"L3_ASIC", "Layer 3 CEF engine", |
"L3MM", "Layer 3 Mobility Manager", |
"L3_MGR", "Layer 3 manager", |
"L3TCAM", "Layer 3 TCAM manager", |
"LANCE", "Local Area Network Controller Ethernet", |
"LANE", "LAN Emulation", |
"LANMGR", "IBM LAN Network Manager", |
"LAPB", "X.25 Link Access Procedure, Balanced", |
"LAPP_OFF", "Fax offramp calls", |
"LAPP_ON_MSGS", "Fax onramp calls", |
"LAT", "DEC local-area transport", |
"LC", "Line card", |
"LC_10G", "Hamptons 10G trunk card", |
"LC_2P5G", "Hamptons 2.6G trunk card", |
"LCB", "Line Control Block (LCB) event process", |
"LCCEF", "ATM Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) adjacency", |
"LCCOREDUMP", "Line card core dump subsystems", |
"LCFE", "Fast Ethernet line card (LC) driver", |
"LCGE", "Gigabit Ethernet line card (LC) driver", |
"LCINFO", "Line card crash information subsystem", |
"LCLOG", "Internet router line card logger subsystem", |
"LCMDC", "ONS 15540 Extended Services Platform", |
"LCOC12_CH_DS3", "Internet router OC-12-channelized-to-D3 line card", |
"LCPLIM", "Line card physical layer interface module", |
"LCPOS", "Packet over SONET (POS) line card driver", |
"LCR", "Line card registry", |
"LCRED", "LC and Port redundancy", |
"LDP", "Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)", |
"LES_FDDI", "LAN Emulation Server/Fiber Distributed Data Interface", |
"LEX", "LAN extension", |
"LFD", "Label Forwarding Database", |
"LFD", "MFI Label Switching Database (LFD)", |
"LIBT2F", "Text to fax library", |
"LIBTIFF", "Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) library", |
"LINECARD", "Node Route Processor (NRP) line card", |
"LINEPROTO", "Line Protocol", |
"LINK", "Data link", |
"LLC", "Logical Link Control (LLC), type 2", |
"LLDP", "Link Layer Discovery Protocol", |
"LLIST", "Linked list facility", |
"LNM", "Link noise monitor for the E1T1 module", |
"LNMC", "LAN network manager", |
"LOADER", "CIP for relocating loader facility", |
"LOGIN", "Login", |
"LOVE", "Statistics from the CIP to the router", |
"LPD", "Line printer daemon", |
"LRE", "Long Reach Ethernet for the Catalyst 2950 switch", |
"LSD", "MPLS Forwarding Infrastructure (MFI) Label Switching Database", |
"LSPV", "MPLS Label-Switched Path Verification", |
"LSS", "LS switching message definition", |
"M32X", "M32X Basic Rate Interface trunk card", |
"MAC_LIMIT", "MAC address table entries", |
"MAC_MOVE", "Host activity", |
"MAILBOX", "ChipCom mailbox support", |
"MARS_NETCLK", "Network clock system", |
"MARVEL_HM", "Platform-dependent health monitor rules", |
"MASTER_LED", "Master LED", |
"MBRI", "Multi-BRI port modules", |
"MBUF", "CMCC memory buffer", |
"MBUS", "CMCC maintenance bus (MBus)", |
"MBUS_SYS", "Maintenance bus (MBus) system", |
"MC3810_DSX1", "MC3810 DSX1 subsystem", |
"MCAST", "Layer 2 multicast", |
"MCT1E1", "CT1/CE1 shared port adapter", |
"MCX", "Voice port adapter", |
"MDEBUG", "Memory debug", |
"MDR_SM", "Minimum Disruption Restart State Machine", |
"MDS", "Multicast distributed switching", |
"MDT", "PIM MDT", |
"MDX", " ", |
"MEM_ECC", "Memory write parity errors detected by ECC control", |
"MEM_HM", "Memory health monitor", |
"MEMD", "CMCC CIP related to the memory device facility", |
"MEM_MGR", "Memory management", |
"MEMPOOL", "Enhanced Memory pool MIB", |
"MEMSCAN", "Memory scan", |
"METOPT", "ONS 15540 Extended Services Platform", |
"METS", "Memory-leak analysis", |
"MFI", "MPLS Forwarding Infrastructure", |
"MFIB", "Multicast Forwarding Information Base", |
"MFIB_CONST_LC", "MFIB-Constellation platform", |
"MFIB_CONST_RP", "MFIB Constellation information", |
"MFIB_STATS", "MFIB statistics", |
"MGCP", "Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)", |
"MGCP_APP", "Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) application-specific", |
"MGCP_RF", "Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) High Availability", |
"MHA", "Marvel high availability", |
"MHA_LINE", "Marvel high availability line", |
"MHA_MODE", "Marvel high availability", |
"MHA_RF", "Marvel high availability redundancy feature", |
"MIC", "Port adapter", |
"MICA", "Modem ISDN Channel Aggregation (MICA)", |
"MIF68840", "PCI MC68840 FDDI port adapter", |
"MIMIC", "MCOM integrated modem network modules", |
"MIPC", "Marvel IPC", |
"MISA", "Multiple Crypto Engine subsystem", |
"MISTRAL", "Mistral ASIC", |
"MK5", "MK5025 serial controller", |
"MLD_PROT", "Multicast Listener Discovery", |
"MLOAD", "Module Loader", |
"MLS_ACL_COMMON", "Multilayer switching ACL", |
"MLS_RATE", "Multilayer Switching Rate Limit", |
"MLSCEF", "Multilayer Switching Cisco Express Forwarding", |
"MLSM", "Multilayer Switching Multicast", |
"MMLS", "Multicast Multilayer Switching", |
"MMLS_RATE", "Multicast Multilayer Switching Rate Limit", |
"MMODEM", "Integrated modem network module", |
"MODEM", "Router shelf modem management", |
"MODEM_HIST", "Router shelf modem history and tracing", |
"MODEM_NV", "Modem NVRAM", |
"MODEM_CALLREC", "Modem call record", |
"MODEMCALLRECORD", "Modem Call Record", |
"MOHAWK_SM", "IDS sensor network module", |
"MONITOR", "Cisco IOS software ROM monitor", |
"MOTCR", "Hardware accelerator for IPSec", |
"MPA68360", "VIP Multi-channel Port Adapter", |
"MPC", "Multipath Channel Protocol", |
"MPF", "Multi-Processor Forwarding (MPF)", |
"MPLS", "Multiprotocol Label Switching", |
"MPLS_ATM_TRANS", "ATM Transport over MPLS", |
"MPLS_PACKET", "MPLS packet", |
"MPLS_TE", "Label Switch Path (LSP) tunnel", |
"MPLS_TE_PCALC", "MPLS TE path calculation facility", |
"MPOA", "Multiprotocol over ATM (MPOA)", |
"MPLSOAM", "MPLS management", |
"MRIB", "Multicast Routing Information Base", |
"MRIB_API", "MRIB client API", |
"MRIB_PROXY", "MRIB proxy", |
"MROUTE", "Multicast route", |
"MSACDSPRM", "Media Conferencing DSP Resource Manager", |
"MSC100_SPA_CC", "Cisco 7304 SPA carrier card", |
"MSDP", "Multicast Source Discovery Protocol", |
"MSDSPRM", "Media Services DSP Resource Manager", |
"MSFC2", "Multilayer Switch Feature Card 2", |
"MSFW", "Media Services DSP Firmware Manager", |
"MSG802", "CMCC CIP 802 for IEE 802.2cx LLC Protocol", |
"MSPI", "Mail Service Provider", |
"MTRIE", "Mtrie", |
"MUESLIX", "Mx serial application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)", |
"MV64340_ETHERNET", "MV64340 Ethernet controller", |
"MVR_RP", "Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) route processor", |
"MWAM", "Multiprocessor WAN Application Module (MWAM)", |
"MWAM_FILESYSTEM", "Multiprocessor WAN Application Module (MWAM) crashinfo and bootflash file system", |
"MWAM_FLASH", "Multiprocessor WAN Application Module (MWAM) flash memory", |
"MWAM_FUR", "Multiprocessor WAN Application Module (MWAM) FUR", |
"MWAM_NVRAM", "Multiprocessor WAN Application Module (MWAM) NVRAM", |
"MWAM_VRTC", "Multiprocessor WAN Application Module (MWAM) VTRC", |
"MWR1900_QOS_GENERAL", "MWR1900 Quality of Service (QoS)", |
"MWR1900_CFG_GENERAL", "MWR1900 PXF queuing configuration", |
"MWR1900_REDUNDANCY", "MWR1900 redundancy", |
"MXT_FREEDM", "8PRI/4T board", |
"NATMIB_HELPER", "NAT MIB helper", |
"NBAR", "Network-based application recognition (NBAR)", |
"NETFLOW_AGGREGATION", "NetFlow aggregation", |
"NETGX_CRYPTO", "NETGX CRYPTO hardware accelerator module for IPsec", |
"NET_SERV", "Networking Services", |
"NETWORK_CLOCK_SYNCHRONIZATION", "Network clock synchronization", |
"NETWORK_PORT_SATELLITE", "Network port satellite", |
"NETWORK_RF_API", "Network redundancy feature API", |
"NEVADA", "CMCC CIP interrupt controller", |
"NHRP", "Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP)", |
"NIM", "Network interface module", |
"NM_8_16AM_V2_MODULE", "NM-8/16AM-V2 module", |
"NP", "NextPort (NP)", |
"NP_BS", "NextPort (NP) Bootstrap and Crash Monitor", |
"NP_CLIENT", "NextPort (NP) client", |
"NP_DDSM", "NextPort (NP) Digital Data Services Manager", |
"NP_DSPLIB", "NextPort (NP) DSPLIB", |
"NP_EST", "NextPort (NP) error, status, and trace", |
"NP_MD", "NextPort (NP) modem driver", |
"NP_MM", "NextPort (NP) module manager", |
"NP_SIGLIB", "NextPort (NP) signaling library", |
"NP_SPE_DS", "NextPort (NP) Dial Shelf Service Processing Element (SPE) Manager", |
"NP_SSM", "NextPort (NP) Session and Service Manager", |
"NP_UCODE", "NextPort (NP) microcode", |
"NP_VPD", "NextPort (NP) Voice Packet Driver", |
"NP_VSM", "NextPort (NP) Voice Service Manager", |
"NRP", "Network Routing Processor (NRP)", |
"NRP2", "Network Route Processor, type 2", |
"NRP2_NVMANAGE", "Network Route Processor, type 2 NVRAM management", |
"NRP2_SE64", "SE64 upper and lower layer device driver", |
"NSE", "Network services engine", |
"NSE100", "Network services engine NSE100", |
"NSP", "Network Switch Processor (NSP)", |
"NSP_APS", "Cisco 6400 node switch processor (NSP)", |
"NSP_DISK", "NSP disk", |
"NSP_OIR", "Cisco 6400 online insertion and removal (OIR)", |
"NSPINT", "Network switch processor (NSP) interrupt infrastructure", |
"NTP", "Network Time Protocol (NTP)", |
"OBFL", "Onboard Failure Logging", |
"OCE", "Output chain elements", |
"ODM", "Online diagnostics manager", |
"OER_BR", "Optimized Edge Routing (OER) border router", |
"OER_MC", "Optimized Edge Routing (OER) master controller", |
"OER_TT_FLOW", "Optimized Edge Routing (OER) top talkers flow border router", |
"OIR", "Online insertion and removal (OIR)", |
"OLM", "Optical Link Management", |
"ON_DIAG", "Online diagnostics subsystem", |
"ONLINE", "SCP (Switch-module Configuration Protocol) download processor", |
"ONS15530", "Cisco ONS 15530 trunk card", |
"OOBP", "Out-of-band port (OOBP)", |
"OPTICAL_MONITOR", "Optical monitoring", |
"OSM_MULTILINK", "Optical Services Module (OSM) distributed multilink", |
"OSPF", "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)", |
"OSPFv3", "Open Shortest Path First version 3", |
"P2IPC", "Fast IPC event", |
"P2IPC_TRACE", "Fast IPC trace", |
"PA", "Port adapter", |
"PACC", "Cisco 7300 port adapter carrier card (PACC)", |
"PACC_IPC", "Port Adapter Carrier Card (PACC) interprocess communication (IPC)", |
"PACKET", "Packet", |
"PAD", "X.25 packet assembler/disassembler", |
"PAGP_DUAL_ACTIVE", "Port aggregation protocol (PAgP)", |
"PAMMBOX", "Platform-independent PAM mailbox serial interface", |
"PARSE_RC", "Parser return code", |
"PARSER", "Parser", |
"PBI_OPEN", "Programmable Binary File (PBI) Data Processing", |
"PBR", "Policy Based Routing", |
"PCI_FE", "PCI Fast Ethernet", |
"PCMCIAFS", "PCMCIA disk", |
"PCPA", "Parallel Channel Port Adapter", |
"PDSN_CLUSTER", "PDSN cluster controller or PDSN cluster member", |
"PERUSER", "PPP per-user configuration", |
"PF", "Protocol filtering", |
"PFINIT", "Platform initialization", |
"PF_OBFL", "Platform onboard failure logging", |
"PFREDUN", "Policy Feature Card Redundancy", |
"PGM", "Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM)", |
"PGMHOST", "Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) host module", |
"PHY", "Physical layer", |
"PIF", "RSC PIF", |
"PIM", "Protocol Independent Multicast", |
"PIMP", "Process interrupt mask profiler", |
"PIMSN", "Protocol Independent Multicast Snooping", |
"PIM_PROT", "Protocol Independent Multicast", |
"PIM_REG_TUN", "PIM register tunnel", |
"PIMSN", "PIM snooping", |
"PINNACLE", "Pinnacle ASIC", |
"PKI", "PKI feature", |
"PLAT_MP", "Platform MP support", |
"PLATFORM", "Platform-specific", |
"PLATFORM_IMAGE _ PREFIX", "Multilayer Switch Feature Card (MSFC)", |
"PM", "Port Manager", |
"PM3387", "One-port Gigabit Ethernet HWIC-1GE-SFP", |
"PM_DB_HA", "Port management database high-availability client", |
"PMIP", "WLAN Proxy Mobile IP Subsystem", |
"PM_MODEM_HIST", "Modem history and tracing", |
"PM_MODEM_MAINT", "Modem maintenance", |
"PM_SCP", "Port manager Switch-Module Configuration Protocol", |
"PMSN", "Port State Machine", |
"PNNI", "Private Network-Network Interface", |
"POLICY_API", "Policy API", |
"POLICY_MANAGER", "Policy Manager", |
"PORT", "Port Management", |
"PORT_SECURITY", "Port security", |
"POS", "Packet over SONET subsystem", |
"POS_GIGE", "Packet over SONET Gigabit Ethernet", |
"POSDW", "Packet over SONET double-wide PCI port adapter driver", |
"POSLC", "Packet over SONET line card", |
"POT1E1", "Versatile Interface Processor (VIP) multichannel port adapter", |
"POTS", "Plain old telephone service (POTS)", |
"PPP", "Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", |
"PQ3_TSEC", "PQ3 TSEC", |
"PQII", "MPC860 quad integrated communications controller", |
"PQUICC", "MPC860 quad integrated communications controller", |
"PQUICC_ASYNC", "Asynchronous MPC860 quad integrated communications controller", |
"PQUICC_ASYNC_NOMEM", "Integrated Port Module Asynchronous Driver", |
"PQUICC_ETHER", "Ethernet MPC860 quad integrated communications controller", |
"PQUICC_ETHERNET", "Ethernet MPC860 quad integrated communications controller", |
"PQUICC_FE", "Fast Ethernet MPC860 quad integrated communications controller", |
"PQUICC_SERIAL", "Serial MPC860 quad integrated communications controller", |
"PQUICC3", "MPC8500 PowerQUICC3", |
"PRBS", "Pseudo-random bit sequence", |
"PROCYON", "CPU daughter card for the Supervisor Engine 720", |
"PS", "Power supply", |
"PTRANSFORM", "Protocol transformation", |
"PT", "Protocol Translation", |
"PV", "Private VLAN", |
"PVDM2", "PVDM2 SIMM", |
"PW_WATCHER", "Portware Watcher", |
"PXF", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF)", |
"PXF_ACL", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF) ACL-specific", |
"PXFAPI", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF) API-related", |
"PXF_DMA", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF) DMA subsystem", |
"PXF_FIB", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF) FIB select-specific", |
"PXF_FLOW", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF) Netflow-related", |
"PXF_GEC", "PXF EtherChannel", |
"PXF_GRE", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF) GRE tunnel-related", |
"PXF_NAT", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF) Network Address Translation (NAT)-related", |
"PXF_QOS", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF) Quality of Service (QoS)-related", |
"PXF_VRFS", "Parallel eXpress Forwarding (PXF) VRF selection-specific", |
"QA", "Queue and accumulator", |
"QEM", "QEM driver", |
"QLLC", "Qualified Logical Link Control", |
"QM", "Quality of service management", |
"QNQ", "Q-in-Q", |
"QOS", "Quality of Service", |
"QOSMGR", "Quality of Service (QoS) manager", |
"QUICC", "MC68360 quad integrated communications controller", |
"QUICC_ASYNC", "Asynchronous MC68360 quad integrated communications controller", |
"QUICC_ETHER", "Ethernet MC68360 quad integrated communications controller", |
"QUICC_SERIAL", "Serial MC68360 quad integrated communications controller", |
"R4K_MP", "Central processing unit", |
"RAC", "Ring Access Controller", |
"RADIO", "Radio driver", |
"RADIO_DRIVER", "Radio driver", |
"RADIX", "Radix", |
"RADSRV", "Embedded RADIUS server", |
"RAIKO", "RAIKO-based feature board", |
"RANDOM", "Random number generator", |
"RASP16", "Interface Multiplexer ASIC", |
"RBCP", "Router Blade Control Protocol", |
"RCMD", "Remote command", |
"RE", "RE subsystem", |
"RECONCILIATION_HA", "Reconciliation high availability", |
"RED", "Redundancy-related", |
"RED_MODE", "High-availability redundancy mode", |
"RED_REMOTE", "Redundancy remote", |
"REDUNDANCY", "High Availability redundancy", |
"REDUNDANCY_UTILS", "High Availability redundancy utilities", |
"Regen", "Cisco optical regenerator", |
"Regen_MAINBOARD_ASYNC_PQUICC", "Asynchronous MPC860 quad integrated communications controller for the Cisco optical regenerator", |
"REGISTRY", "Registry", |
"RESOURCE_MGR", "Resource manager", |
"RESOURCE_MON", "Resource monitor subsystem", |
"RESYNCH", "Route Processor Module (RPM) resynchronization process", |
"RF", "Redundancy facility_full", |
"RF_INTERDEV", "Redundancy facility (RF) interdevice", |
"RF_ISSU", "Redundancy facility (RF) In Service Software Upgrade", |
"RFS", "Remote file system", |
"RIM", "Redundant Interface Manager (RIM)", |
"RIP", "IP Routing Information Protocol (RIP)", |
"RITE", "IP traffic export", |
"RLM", "Redundant Link Manager (RLM)", |
"RM", "Resource Manager", |
"RMON", "Remote Monitoring Protocol", |
"ROUTEMAP", "Route map", |
"ROUTEMAP_IPC", "Route map interprocess communication (IPC)", |
"RPA", "Resource Pool Allocation (RPA)", |
"RPC", "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)", |
"RPF", "Multicast RPF", |
"RPM", "Route Processor Module (RPM)", |
"RPB_BKCD", "RPM back card", |
"RPM_BULK", "RPM-specific bulk file", |
"RPM_CONFIG_COPY", "RPM config copy feature", |
"RPM_CONN_MGMT", "RPM Connection Management-related", |
"RP_MLP", "Distributed Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Multilink", |
"RPM_RED", "RPM redundancy", |
"RPM_TRAP_CLIENT", "RPM trap client", |
"RPM_VIRTUAL", "Route Processor Module (RPM) virtual port", |
"RPM_VIRTUAL_PORT", "RPM virtual port", |
"RPMXF", "Route Processor Module, express forwarding (RPM-XF) card level", |
"RPMXF_DMLP", "Route Processor Module, express forwarding DMLP configuration", |
"RPMXF_QOS_GENERAL", "Route Processor Module, express forwarding (RPM-XF) Quality of Service (QoS)", |
"RPMXF_QUEUE_CFG_GENERAL", "Route Processor Module, express forwarding (RPM-XF) queuing configuration", |
"RPMXF_QUEUE_CFG_STR", "Route Processor Module, express forwarding (RPM-XF) queuing configuration", |
"RPMXF_TOASTER", "Route Processor Module, express forwarding (RPM-XF) Toaster", |
"RPMXFEVENTMGR", "Route Processor Module, express forwarding (RPM-XF) event manager subsystem", |
"RPS", "Redundant power system", |
"RS_TDM", "Router shelf time-division multiplexing", |
"RRR_PCALC", "Routing with Resource Reservation (RRR) path calculation", |
"RSC", "Route Switch Controller (RSC)", |
"RSC_CF", "Compact flash error", |
"RSC_FPFE_IOSDIAGS", "RSC front panel Fast Ethernet IOS diagnostics", |
"RSC_MBUS", "MBus on RSC", |
"RSC_PIF_IOSDIAGS", "Cisco IOS diagnostic test", |
"RSCMSM", "Resource Measurement", |
"RSCPB", "RSC push button", |
"RSP", "Route Switch Processor", |
"RSP_ISSU", "Cisco 7500 In Service Software Upgrade system", |
"RSRB", "Remote source-route bridging", |
"RSVP", "RSVP protocol", |
"RSVP_HA", "RSVP protocol high availability", |
"RTT", "Round-trip time monitor", |
"RUDP", "Reliable User Datagram Protocol", |
"RUNCFGSYNC", "Auto-Running Configuration Synchronization", |
"RVTCVT_INFO", "RVT/CVT Runtime Informational messages", |
"RW_TOO_LONG", "Windstar MPLS rewrite", |
"S4T68360", "Four-port synchronous serial adapter based on the 68360 processor", |
"SASL", "Simple Authentication and Security Layer", |
"SARMGR", "Segmentation and reassembly (SARMGR)", |
"SATVS", "Satellite Switch Virtual Switch (VS)", |
"SBETH", "MAC controller (SBETH)", |
"SBFIFO", "Packet first-in, first-out (FIFO) MAC controller", |
"SCCP", "Signaling connection control part", |
"SCHED", "Scheduler", |
"SCP", "Downstream physical unit (DSPU)", |
"SDEE", "SDEE subsystem", |
"SDLC", "Synchronous Data Link Control", |
"SDLLC", "Synchronous Data Logical Link Control (SDLLC) Logical Link Control Type 2 (LLC2) translation", |
"SDP", "Session Description Protocol", |
"SDM", "Security Device Manager", |
"SDSPFARM", "SDSP FARM register and unregister", |
"SEC", "IP security", |
"SEC_LOGIN", "Secure login", |
"SENSOR", "Voltage and temperature sensor", |
"SERIAL", "WS SERIAL line card", |
"SERVER_CLOCK_SYNC", "Clock synchronization service", |
"SERVICE_MODULE", "Service module", |
"SERVICEMODULE", "Service module monitor", |
"SFF8472", "Floating-point subsystem (SFF8472)", |
"SFP", "SFP", |
"SFP_SECURITY", "SFP Security", |
"SGBP", "Stack Group Bidding Protocol", |
"SGCP", "Simple Gateway Control Protocol (SGCP)", |
"SGCP_APP", "Simple Gateway Control Protocol (SGCP) application-related", |
"SGPRSWARNING", "SGPRS warning", |
"SHELF", "Router shelf", |
"SHMWIN", "Shared memory", |
"SIBYTE", "SiByte processor complex", |
"SIGSM", "Signaling Service Manager", |
"SIP", "Session Initiation Protocol", |
"SIP200", "SPA Interface Processor 200", |
"SIP400", "SPA Interface Processor 400", |
"SIP600", "SPA Interface Processor 600", |
"SIP600_PARSING_ENGINE", "SIP-600 parsing engine", |
"SIP600_QOS", "SIP-600 QoS", |
"SIPSPA", "Shared Port Adapter on GSR line card", |
"SKINNYSECURESERVER", "Skinny secure server", |
"SKINNYSECURESERVICE", "Skinny secure service", |
"SKINNYSERVER", "Skinny server", |
"SLB", "Server load balancing", |
"SLB_DFP", "Server Load Balancing Dynamic Feedback Protocol agent", |
"SLICE_TOASTER", "Slice", |
"SLIP", "Serial Line Internet Protocol", |
"SLOT", "AS5850 slot state machine and OIR-related events", |
"SLOT_FPD", "Common line card FPD", |
"SLOT_HM", "RSC slot health monitor", |
"SLOTDUMP", "Slot dump", |
"SM", "State machine (SM)", |
"SMC", "Services Management Channel", |
"SMF", "Software MAC Filter", |
"SMIC", "2FE2W, 1FE2W, 1FE1R2W, 2W network module-related", |
"SMRP", "Simple Multicast Routing Protocol", |
"SMSC_RP", "Short message service center route processor", |
"SNAPSHOT", "Snapshot dial-on-demand routing", |
"SNASW", "Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Switching Services", |
"SNMP", "Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", |
"SNMP_BULKSTAT", "SNMP bulk-data collection", |
"SNMP_MGR", "Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) proxy", |
"SOI", "Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) over interprocess communication (IPC)", |
"SONET", "Synchronous Optical Network", |
"SONETMIB", "Synchronous Optical Network Management Information Base", |
"SONICT", "SONIC Ethernet driver", |
"SPA", "Shared Port Adapter (SPA)", |
"SPA_CCB", "SPA CCB command", |
"SPA_CHOC_DSX", "Common Channelized Shared Port Adapter", |
"SPA_CHOCX", "Common Channelized Shared Port Adapter", |
"SPA_CHOCX_CWRP", "Common Channelized Shared Port Adapter", |
"SPA_CONSOLE", "Shared Port Adapter (SPA) virtual console", |
"SPA_CT3", "CT3 Shared Port Adapter", |
"SPA_DATABUS", "SPA data bus interface", |
"SPA_EEPROM", "Shared Port Adapter (SPA) EEPROM", |
"SPA_ETHER", "Ethernet Shared Port Adapter", |
"SPA_FPD", "Shared Port Adapter (SPA) field-programmable device (FPD)", |
"SPA_HA", "SPA High Availability", |
"SPA_IPSEC", "IPsec SPA Card (SPA-IPSEC)", |
"SPA_OIR", "Shared Port Adapter (SPA) online insertion and removal (OIR)", |
"SPA_PLIM", "Shared Port Adapter (SPA) physical layer interface module", |
"SPA_PLUGIN", "Shared Port Adapter (SPA) plugin", |
"SPA_PMB", "SPA specific power management bus", |
"SPA_T3E3", "Shared Port Adapter (SPA) T3E3", |
"SPACP", "SPA CP", |
"SPAN", "Spanning Tree Protocol", |
"SPANTREE", "Spanning Tree", |
"SPANTREE_FAST", "Spanning Tree Fast Convergence", |
"SPANTREE_VLAN_SW", "Spanning Tree VLAN switch", |
"SPARC", "3800 SPARC coprocessor subsystem", |
"SPE", "Service Processing Element (SPE)", |
"SRC", "Switch Redundancy Controller", |
"SRCP_APP", "Simple Resource Coordination Protocol (SRCP) application", |
"SRP", "Spatial Reuse Protocol (SRP)", |
"SRPMIB", "Spatial Reuse Protocol (SRP) MIB", |
"SSA", "Super Santa Ana ASIC", |
"SSE", "Silicon switching engine", |
"SSG", "Service Selection Gateway", |
"SSH", "Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol", |
"SSI", "SSI event", |
"SSLVPN", "SSL-based VPN", |
"SSP", "State Synchronization Protocol Manager", |
"SSRP", "SONET/SDH based SRP Double Wide PCI port adapter driver", |
"SSSMGR", "Subscriber Service Switching (SSS) Manager", |
"STACKMGR", "Stack manager controller", |
"STAPL_OPEN", "Standard Test And Programming Language (STAPL) Processing", |
"STANDBY", "Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)", |
"STORM_CONTROL", "Storm control", |
"STRING", "String database", |
"STUN", "Serial tunneling", |
"SUBSYS", "Software subsystems", |
"SUPERVISOR", "Supervisor", |
"SUPQ", "Supervisor queue", |
"SUPW_PROCMIB", "Supervisor MIB", |
"SVCLC", "Service line card (SVCLC) firewall SP", |
"SW56", "Switch 56K", |
"SW_DAI", "Dynamic ARP Inspection", |
"SWEPA", "Software encryption port adapter and key management", |
"SWITCH", "Switch interface", |
"SWITCH_IF", "Switch interface subsystem", |
"SWITCHOVER", "Line card switchover-related", |
"SWITCH_QOS_TB", "Quality of Service rusted boundary", |
"SW_MGR", "Segment switch manager", |
"SW_VLAN", "Virtual LAN (VLAN) manager", |
"SYS", "Operating system", |
"SYSCTLR", "System controller subsystem", |
"SYSLOGD", "System logging", |
"SYSLOG_SERVER", "Syslog-server file system routines", |
"SYSMGR", "System Manager", |
"SYSMGR_PLATFORM", "Cisco Catalyst 6500 system manager process", |
"SYSMGT_RPC", "System management", |
"SYSTEM_BUS_ASIC", "System Bus Translator ASIC", |
"SYSTEM_CONTROLLER", "System controller", |
"SYSTEM_HM", "System health monitor", |
"T1E1SUNI", "PAM port driver", |
"TAC", "Terminal Access Controller Access Control System", |
"TAGCON", "Tag distribution and control", |
"TAGCOS", "Tag switching class of service", |
"TAR_FS", "Tar file system", |
"TBRIDGE", "Transparent bridging", |
"TCAM_MGR", "TCAM manager", |
"TCAMMGR", "TCAM manager", |
"TCATM", "ATM tag control", |
"TCMIPC", "Toaster-RP IPC-related", |
"TCMSP", "Call control for telephony-style hardware interfaces", |
"TCP", "Transmission Control Protocol", |
"TDM", "Time-division multiplexing (TDM)", |
"TDM_CLOCK_SYNCHRONIZATION", "Time-division multiplexing (TDM) frame clock", |
"TDM_CONN", "TDM connections", |
"TDP", "Tag Distribution Protocol", |
"TENGIGE_LC", "10-Gigabit Ethernet line card", |
"TESTPA", "TestPA port adapter", |
"TFIB", "Tag Forwarding Information Base", |
"TI1570", "PCI/TI1570-based ATM port adapter", |
"TIB", "Tag Information Base", |
"TID_HA", "Table ID High Availability (HA)", |
"TIDP", "Threat Information Distribution Protocol", |
"TIGER", "Error-correcting code (ECC) and parity-related", |
"TINY_FRAG_POLICER", "Tiny frag policer", |
"TLV", "EEPROM", |
"TMS", "Threat Management Service", |
"TMQ", "Inbound terminal port queuing", |
"TN", "Telnet", |
"TN3270", "TN3270 protocol", |
"TOASTER_CP", "Toaster-based coprocessor assist", |
"TOASTER_IPC", "Toaster interprocess communication", |
"TOPN_COUNTERS", "Switch TopN report counters", |
"TPLUS", "TACACS Protocol", |
"TR", "Token Ring", |
"TRANSCEIVER", "Transceiver module", |
"TRINITY", "Trinity System", |
"TRUNK", "E1/T1 trunk card", |
"TRUNK_CLOCK", "AS5400 clocking", |
"TRUNK_DFC", "Trunk dial feature card", |
"TRUNK_SERIAL", "Trunk serial device", |
"TSP", "Tag-switched path (TSP)", |
"TTFIB_NP_CLIENT", "Toaster Tag FIB (TTFIB) NP client", |
"TTY", "Tty-related for all platforms", |
"TTYDRIVER", "Router shelf asynchronous driver", |
"TUN", "Tunnel", |
"TUNSS", "Tunnel security", |
"TURBORSC", "Platform-specific RSC", |
"TWOBT", "WS 2BT protocol driver", |
"TWO_GIGE", "Two Gigabit Ethernet subsystem", |
"TXCONN", "Cisco Transaction Connection (CTRC)", |
"UBL", "Universal Boot Loader", |
"UBR7200", "Cable modem termination system", |
"UBR900", "Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers", |
"UCODE", "Microcode", |
"UDLD", "UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) protocol", |
"UNICAST_FLOOD", "Unicast flooding", |
"UNIX", "UNIX", |
"UPS", "Uninterruptible power supply", |
"URLF", "URL filtering subsystem", |
"USBFLASH", "USB flash device", |
"USB_HOST_STACK", "USB host stack", |
"USB_TOKEN", "USB security token", |
"USB_TOKEN_FILESYS", "USB Token File System", |
"UTIL", "Utility", |
"VALENCIA", "Valencia ASIC on Services SPA Carrier Card (SSC-600)", |
"VFC", "Voice over IP (VoIP)", |
"VINES", "Banyan VINES", |
"VIP", "Versatile Interface Processor", |
"VIP_MDR", "Versatile Interface Processor Minimum Disruption Restart system", |
"VIPMLP", "Multilink PPP", |
"VOA", "Hamptons variable optical attenuator (VOA) card", |
"VOICE_ELOG", "Voice event logger", |
"VOICE_FSM", "MC3810 voice FSM subsystem", |
"VOICE_IEC", "Voice internal error code (IEC)", |
"VOICE_RC", "MC3810 voice resource subsystem", |
"VOICE_UTIL", "Voice call control utilities", |
"VOLANT", "Content engine NM", |
"VPA", "Voice port adapter", |
"VPD", "ATM CES (Voice Processor Deck) driver", |
"VPDN", "Virtual Private Dialup Networking", |
"VPLS_NP_CLIENT", "Virtual Private LAN Service NP client", |
"VPN_HW", "VPN hardware accelerator", |
"VPNSM", "VPN Services Module", |
"VPNSMIOS", "VPNSM crypto connection", |
"VPNSMIOSSP", "VPNSM crypto connection SP", |
"VRM", "Voice Resource Management", |
"VRRP", "Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol", |
"VSAT", "Satellite Module", |
"VSEC", "VLAN security violation", |
"VS_GENERIC", "Virtual switch", |
"VSL", "Virtual switch link", |
"VSI_M", "Virtual switch interface (VSI) master", |
"VSL_BRINGUP", "Virtual switch link bringup", |
"VSLP", "Virtual Switch Link Protocol", |
"VS_MOD", "Virtual switch module provisioning", |
"VS_PARSE", "Virtual switch", |
"VS_QOS_ACL", "Virtual switch QoS ACL", |
"VSTATS", "Voice statistics push data", |
"VTSP", "Voice telephony security parameter index (SPI)", |
"WA_ENGINE", "WA engine network module", |
"WARMUPGRADE", "Warm upgrade feature", |
"WCCP", "Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP)", |
"WIC_AM", "WIC-AM modem initialization", |
"WiSM", "WiFi services module", |
"WLAN_CONTROLLER", "WLAN controller network module", |
"WLCCP_WDS", "Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (WLCCP) for WDS", |
"WS_ALARM", "Windstar alarm", |
"WSHTF", "HT_FPGA data plane driver", |
"WSIPC", "Windstar IPC", |
"X25", "X.25", |
"XCCTSP_VOICE", "External Call Control Telephony Service Provider", |
"XCPA", "Mainframe Channel Port Adapter", |
"XCVR", "Transponder", |
"XDR", "eXternal Data Representation", |
"XDSDLWIC", "Cisco 2600 series and 3600 series xDSL drivers", |
"XTAGATM", "Extended Tag ATM (XTagATM)", |
"Y88E8K", "Yukon 88E8000 E/FE/GE controller", |
"ZAM", "Zenith Alarm Management" |
] |
} # translate |
} # if |
} # filter |
output { |
# Something went wrong with the grok parsing, don't discard the messages though |
if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] { |
file { |
path => "/tmp/fail-%{type}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}.log" |
} |
} |
# The message was parsed correctly, and should be sent to elasicsearch. |
if "cisco" in [tags] { |
#file { |
# path => "/tmp/%{type}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}.log" |
#} |
elasticsearch { |
hosts => ["https://elastic1", "https://elastic2"] |
ssl => true |
cacert => "/etc/logstash/cacert.pem" |
manage_template => false |
index => "network-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" |
document_type => "%{type}" |
document_id => "%{fingerprint}" |
user => "logstash" |
password => 'If your elasticsearch is configured for authentication.' |
} |
} |
} |
Thank you @JustinJan its working for me on windows
create pattern path(folder and file ) :